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Fuck outta the way, NIGGER!

submitted by big_fat_dangus to owned 1 monthApr 19, 2024 19:43:49 ago (+23/-4)     (files.catbox.moe)


6 comments block

I loathe what I call... "the slow walkers"
I wont go to WalMart (for many reasons) but If I'm honest, this is the big reason for me.
Those goddamn slow-walkers. I did assume they were mentally slow as well, but I also assumed I just didn't understand them because I wasn't one of them. Vindication at last, what a bunch of morons. They are usually fat.

and can we also rage about the people who see you coming but cant figure out to move? I'm not talking about dashing old ladies to the side, I just mean this dude is coming towards us, we're in the way, perhaps we should move?

So what I do there, I just walk right up to them, stop, and stare. They all move then.