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The rise of female entitlement: I weep for the new generation

submitted by anon to AnonTalk 1 monthApr 21, 2024 15:22:55 ago (+8/-1)     (AnonTalk)

The modern day woman has become nothing more than a horridly entitled vapid whore. i've talked to enough, and most of them are super entitled. They want men to orbit and grovel to them. They constantly complain about everything, even though they live the most privileged life in existence. Im sure nobility 200 years ago didn't get treated like they do. As soon as the going gets rough or they have to gasp be held accountable gasp for their own words and actions, they scream oppression.

They are given the privilege to destroy someone's life because they can, and most times there isn't even a reason for it. They do it because they want to save face or cause they think its funny. Anyone who gets in the way will be destroyed in the process. I don't even know how one fixes this issue, what does one do? Where do they turn to? Any man who raises a VALID problem gets immediately dismissed. It's all about her, how she feels, what she needs, what can the man do for HER. Nobody gives a shit about the man.

7 comments block

I agree with a lot of that. Part of the reason females have this sense of entitlement is...men. Paternalistic, chivalrous men who see females as girl-children who need protection. They'll always take the female's side. Society needs to try and treat the genders equally.