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Baltimore school admin subject of AI fake audio portraying him as racist and antisemetic.

submitted by Laputois to Niggers 1 monthApr 26, 2024 10:23:32 ago (+6/-0)     (web.archive.org)


The nigger athletic director faked the AI audio because he had been caught by the principal making an illegal payment to a school coach who was also his roomate for $2,000. The funny part is that the nigger made very salient points in the audio stating that the niggers could not pass grade competency tests and that multiple nigger staff needed to be fired.

3 comments block

Ponder this: If a nigger can now create an AI audio how likely is it that the intel agencies have even better tools? Trump admitted to the access hollywood recording october suprise in 2016 but privately he has always denied it. I think his handlers told him that it was a better stategy to admit to it and call it locker room talk than deny it which would have consumed the news cycle much longer.