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The IDF/ jew warrior myths

submitted by AOUsYamaka to whatever 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 08:42:45 ago (+16/-0)     (whatever)

Where did these myths start and why do people believe that jews are elite warriors, when history indicates the opposite. The only people I hear parrot this is boomers, Israeli special forces and commandos.....lol. Where did the jews steal the fighting style krav maga from and don’t they wear diapers in combat too!?

21 comments block

[ - ] winners_history 6 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 09:00:57 ago (+6/-0)*

The Israeli "army" isn't a "military".

It's an internal-suppression force; a right-wing death-squad on the "School of the Americas" model, with the addition of tanks and aircraft.

1. Girls
2. Paraplegics
3. Reporters
...isn't "combat", and those doing those deeds aren't "soldiers".

They can't project power past their own borders without support from their U.S. Golem[1] or their fleet of German-made submarines.

If they could, why haven't they taken care of that 'nuclear threat: Iran!' they've been moaning about since 1992?

[1]Golem: Animated mud that does its master's bidding.

[ - ] try 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 12:39:51 ago (+0/-0)

I never considered that, thanks.


NO SUCH THING as a Jew War hero!

No jews enlist in Militaries in any nation, except Israel :


As for jewish war heroes..... no names come to mind, other than the ones fighting only for Israel in air sneak attacks (an attack on sleeping Iraqis building a nuke energy plant). Oh.... and the raid on Entebbe (a second sneak attack on sleeping enemies).

- 1> Operation Entebbe

[one dead jew hero who's brother became israel prime minister by blood connection]

100 jew commandos tricking and killing 52 using a false flagged limousine trick (literally false flag) :


- 2> Operation Opera (Hebrew: מבצע אופרה‎‎‎) 10 Iraqi soldiers killed, 0 jew jet bombers flying american supplied attack jets died

[one jew pilot "(((Ilan Ramon)))" snuck a torah on space shuttle when added by nasa as token jew , gloated on camera feed, and then space shuttle burned up on reentry ]


- 3 > Operation Wrath of God (Hebrew: מבצע זעם האל‎ Mivtza Za'am Ha'el)

Revenge covert operation directed by the Mossad to assassinate muslim individuals and muslim sympathizers without using trials or evidence

commandos were disguised as civilians , worked at night, and typically killed sleeping individuals, like usual for all jewish national heroes


So thats three PROVEN world famous Israel Jew compat hereos complete with wikipedia links.

None helped usa, they did help israel though.

A common theme of all jew heroes is that the jews kill while deceiving.

And jews NEVER dive on a hand grenade, or jump in front of a bullet, or charge head first into an enemy machine gun nest.

Heroes ?

Hmmmmm. Not the kind that would get bronze stars in the USA.

Even in 1940s the soldiers were aware of shitty Jews! Studies!

In 1940, 86% of enlisted US troop surveyed agreed with the statement "there is nothing good about the Jews"

- 31% of enlisted men thought Hitler was "partly right, partly wrong" in his treatment of the Jews

- 48% of enlisted men agreed that "a jew will always play you for a sucker"

- 51% of enlisted men agreed that "Jews are the biggest goldbricks in the army" (goldbrick was a slang term for someone who didn't do any work and just showed up to collect a paycheque)

Source: https://www.scribd.com/doc/34656379/1940-Survey-of-Military-Personnel-about-Jews (the survey is behind a paywall)

Another source of the Jew questionnaire:


[ - ] fightknightHERO 2 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 14:01:19 ago (+2/-0)

So americans while utterly distrustful of jews, decided to mass murder their aryan brothers--for jewish money...

[ - ] account deleted by user 5 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 08:52:54 ago (+5/-0)*

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[ - ] deleted 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 14:56:05 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 15:29:08 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 12:58:52 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] AOUsYamaka [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 14:07:30 ago (+0/-0)

You need to get out more bro.

[ - ] Thisisallstupid 2 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 12:56:14 ago (+2/-0)

Don’t the Israeli military have to wear diapers?

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 11:43:19 ago (+1/-0)

I always thought the Israeli pilots were pretty good.

But then again they're flying the latest and greatest American aircraft against Vietnam war era planes being flown by sandniggers.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 11:35:11 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] try 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 12:53:42 ago (+1/-0)*

Jews in Israel, based on countless studies are held back from lack of Iodine in salt. They are, as you claim, provably no higher than White northern european DNA based people.

Jews in Israel all are well tested as diminished IQs due to lack of iodine in salt, the last nation to not force iodine in salt.

Ashkenazi that emigrate and selectively bred in London and New York have very high IQ and get exposure to iodine in normal processed foods.

Ashkenazi Jews lack 3D spatial skills, but excel on most IQ test portions

I think 50 other papers concur Ashkenazi jews always test avg > 105 , but EACH PAPER WRITTEN BY A JEW SCIENTIST :

Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence:

Are Jews Smarter Than Everyone Else? doi: 10.4103/0973-1229.34526:

"Jews are 27 percent of all American Nobel Prize winners, 25 percent of all ACM Turing Award winners for computer science, and 50 percent of the globe’s chess champions: :


On the high intelligence and cognitive achievements of Jews in Britain:

from that paper :

Three early studies are summarized that found that Jews in Britain have mean IQs in the range of 110–113. New data are presented for two nationally representative samples of 7–16 year olds in which Jews had mean IQs of 108.5 and 107.7. Taking all five studies into account, it is proposed that the best reading of the IQ of Jews in Britain is 110. It is proposed that the best reading of the IQ of Jews in the United States is 109.5

Levinson, 1977; Levinson and Block, 1977

Boris Levinson - Cognitive Style of Eastern European Jewish Males : 1977 : https://doi.org/10.2466/pms.1977.45.1.279


I only have first 20 pages but : "Ashkenazi Jews have a median IQ of 117" (way out of context quote though) :

Cambridge University : 2000 : "From Chance to Choice: Genetic and Justice," .


Israel itself, even though it has some Ashkenazi jews, does NOT have a total high IQ, due to well noted iodine deficiency :

Acute iodine deficiency is costing Israelis IQ points and all Israel needs to do to prevent neuro-damage is iodize salt like rest of world :


Jew salt (the kosher nearly iodine-free salt used in israel) robs IQ in all primate studies.

TL/DR: A specific flavor of Jew, Ashkenazi, has average IQ of 107 to 115, well above the US White human average of 102, if raised in nations that force use Iodized salt. No published science papers disagree at this time.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 13:09:31 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 10:39:05 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] SirNiggsalot 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 09:26:00 ago (+2/-1)

They wrestle with angels and out lived every Great civilization from the Egyptians to ze evil Germans , just saying

[ - ] AOUsYamaka [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 10:12:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] derpfroot 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 16:01:35 ago (+0/-0)*

The mYth of the jew as a warrior is definitely false. Bar kokhba decisively proved this.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 12:29:54 ago (+1/-1)

Go fuck yourself with the "boomer" shit faggot. You had a good thing going with your question then you got stupid.
Notwithstanding the above I will add this...even the Bible states the cowardice of the jew with the showdown between David and Goliath, the jews were too gutless and weak to go up against a large opponent so they put a kid on the field as sacrificial appeasement.
Now fuck off with the "boomer" shit because that word is as overused as the words racist, antisemitic and White Supremacist.

[ - ] AOUsYamaka [op] -1 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 12:45:35 ago (+1/-2)*

Lol triggered much. Relax boomer. Your generation is weak deal with it. Just like my generation of millennials are faggots. Stop being such a bitch.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 3 yearsMay 15, 2021 01:31:03 ago (+0/-0)

OK I'll unload the armament seeings how you included your generation. My limited tolerances are diminishing by the day in this clown world, I'm a White Slavic remnant without the privilege, I had nothing given to me other than the necessities of life by a Russian Father and Ukrainian Mother, two parents who survived the "Grapes of Wrath ", a depression, two wars, and who grew up in a home where their fathers were somewhere in the world at a war started by the ROTHSCHILDS...growing up was not easy and their hardships reflected in their parenting of us. Contrary to the misinformation propagated by media, academia and hollywood, we Boomers did not have it easy, my first bloody nose at the age of 4 was in a church...the yearly count of bloody noses for the next 12 years were mostly from my Father until I went on my own at 16 years of age....BUT...I loved my father and I understood him, I know that growing up in a home with a father who fought in 4 wars for the Russian Empire was brutal, it was a hard life and character is forged in life's hardships, that character is forever, marriage and family will add to one's character but they won't change it. I've spent 28years years in the 3rd world Caribbean and Latin America...I've seen 1st hand the inner workings of the drug trade and arms dealings and the widespread corruption in governments, I've met "terrorist facilitators " in 2008 who told me that they were going to flood America with "infiltrators" through Central America, I've faced death with last rites once, I've got thousands of miles on a motorcycle through Central America and Jamaica with armed military personnel and saw the evils of the child sex trade in Costa Rica and Panama with the CUBAN MILITARY controlling the entire disgusting "kiddie market" and Cuba is also responsible for the destabilization of the Caribbean and Latin America. I've seen loads of dope packaged and shipped from Jamaica to Miami where " G MEN " ensured safe handling. MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE BECAUSE WHAT WAS PREACHED TO ME WAS NOT BEING PRACTICED BY THE PREACHERS...THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT AND NOBODY FUCKING CARES, THIS ISN'T CHANGE IT'S CONFUSION AND IT'S MADDENING...AFTER WHAT I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFETIME I'M DONE WITH TRYING TO CHANGE PEOPLE'S MINDS...AS SICK AS THIS WORLD IS AND IT'S STILL UNNOTICED BY TOO MANY AND IT'S THE JEW WHO BROUGHT US TO THIS POINT...THE POINT WHERE GENERATIONS ARE SPLIT AND FATHERS AND MOTHERS DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR OWN KIDS, AND TRADITIONS AND VALUES ARE IN THE PAST.

I didn't want to rant this long but you forced me into it...all I can say is that we had better unite soon or "divided we fall".


[ - ] AOUsYamaka [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 15, 2021 13:59:17 ago (+0/-0)

I agree with you. We must come together. But I think it’s too late, the weak rule this world now