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26 comments block

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 10:15:58 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] fightknightHERO 6 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 11:51:03 ago (+7/-1)

is that the one who pushes """"ironic"""" holocaust shit while pretending to be edgy?

[ - ] try 5 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 17:50:00 ago (+6/-1)*

He is either unwitting tool of JIDF, or involved personally.

He refuses to leave poor catbox.moe alone, despite MANY "porn allowing" but not "jew fact allowing" image server sites: https://old.reddit.com/r/imguralternatives/

He is trying to get catbox.moe shut down soon by feds.

Jews create this problem (porn being used to take down free speech servers).

The JIDF uses 99 legal images , like from accounts posting 18 year old legal porn or legal minor group nudity, then Jews use a separate IP address (VPN?) on a image server to slip in one kiddie pr0n image, or 17 year old teen image.

Then the ADL/SPLC/ShareBlue reports the free speech image server to FBI to take it down. Its a famous tactic.

To protect the last few remaining free speech meme image sites, like catbox.moe from Jews slipping in kiddie pr0n among 99 normal erotica images, like jews do to take down all prior free speech meme sites... we should ALSO not allow catbox.moe nudity erotica on here.

anyone who needs to post LINKS to nudity on voat.xyz, ought to use any other meme site, but catbox.moe. A button to a special "report to catbox" link generator to snitch might be good to add as favor to catbox.

Jews from JIDF posting 17 year old girls onto "http//maga.host" got that shut down like most free speech image sites.

Jews from JIDF posting pr0n got another free speech site besides maga.host, shaohed offline : https://magaimg.net


JEWS control imgur.com and allow it to post tranny shit like THIS : https://imgur.com/wVIu18n
See? But any anti jew memes, or tranny fact memes, get taken down on (((imgur.com)))

JEWS WANT TOTAL CONTROL OF INTERNET and voat.xyz and catbox.moe are JIDF tragets this year.

Jews shut down many free speech sites using false flag porn. Remember imgoat.com? Only OLD links allowed on imgoat.com :


(that rare imgoat.com link still works)


catbox.moe will die when underage imagery is deviously placed in it by JIDF mixed in with 99 other legal images.


Its how JIDF shills crush free speech! WE MUST ACT NOW!!!!

We must allow voting to report any erotica or nudity on catbox.moe links!!!!!

Or catbox.moe will be gone in about 3 months or less.

If someone here NEEDS to post links to porn images and videos, merely use one of many pron-loving image hosts like THESE :

LOTS of others, besides our precious catbox.moe.

The only thing those other image host sites ban are images and videos criticizing JEWS!!!


NOTE: I posted all my links correctly, but if my links do not display correctly, the links are being ruined by this sites code, on purpose, or accidentally.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 12:05:40 ago (+4/-1)


[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile [op] 2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 12:19:58 ago (+4/-2)

and where would you know that from if not from your own experience, you downvoated infiltrating kike.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 14:00:02 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 15:09:05 ago (+2/-1)

He did post underaged porn that, unlike JoePedo, got deleted by admins.

[ - ] try 4 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 18:09:40 ago (+5/-1)*

not true, not pedo, and not deleted.

blumen4alles posted a older link to underage GROUP NUDITY with only upper chests of teens in the cropped photo.

The voat.xyz admins did NOT delete the "legal in USA group nudity not focusing on genitalia" photo of blumen4alles. The voat.xyz admins deleted the LINK on voat.xyz to the blumen4alles underage group nudity above waist photo this week.

But blumen4alles was SUSPICIOUSLY defending a possible JIDF attack coming soon on catbox.moe using unwitting co-conspirators or paid JIDF workers to normalize porn on catbox.moe to shut it down like all prior similar sites that had kiddie pr0n put on them to shut them down, by JIDF loading kiddie pr0n onto imgoat.com, maga.host, https://magaimg.net etc etc

Only one remaining free speech image server allows facts on jews. One image server. One. And its catbox.moe and the Jews and Democrats want it false flagged using kiddie pr0n eventually.

blumen4alles was very SUSPICIOUSLY defending flooding catbox.moe with legal porn.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 20:29:39 ago (+3/-2)*

Pedo detected. Hang yourself you loophole exploiting pervert.

And yes it was deleted


His pedo LINK was deleted. Fucking pedo kike.

[ - ] try 1 point 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 21:40:29 ago (+1/-0)*

As I explained the LINK was deleted, but the legal image still exists, and I and others here viewed it, and you must not have seen it, due to your false claims. You keep using its deleted local link to assert a false narrative. It was teen upper chest nudity of a group, and that is neither pedophilia imagery nor illegal. The link was posted by Joe McCarthys allies for unknown reason that I cant understand, but you are still incorrect.

You also are asserting that paid JIDF workers are pedophiles, and though may be, the JIDF workers real goal is to get catbox.moe shut down with images the JIDF posts, and also to get voat.xyz eventually shut down.

His link need not be deleted, and now its absence allows lies about its contents to spread! The admin should not have deleted the LINK. It was just a LINK. And it was not illegal imagery.

You acted like the image was hosted here, and that is not true. YOu incorrectly typed : "He did post underaged porn"

POST means CONTENT not a sentence or link describing a path to it on another site.

You misused the word POST.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsMay 27, 2021 01:13:17 ago (+1/-0)

Why would the LINK get DELETED if it was so legit? Only a pedo would defend such filth.

Fucking pedo.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 20:37:54 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 20:47:23 ago (+3/-1)

Yes you did, pre 1957 you'd have gone to jail for that. The only reason you get to claim "muh legal" is because JEWISH LAWYERS forced degeneracy into the mainstream via exploiting the first amendment. It's even in the list of communist goals. 24-26:


So all your pedo ass is doing is promoting Jewish degeneracy, and exploiting trafficked kids to boot.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsMay 27, 2021 12:36:52 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsMay 27, 2021 18:15:40 ago (+1/-0)

Aaaaaand you have proof of this?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsMay 27, 2021 19:24:53 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user -2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 13:27:16 ago (+1/-3)

account deleted by user

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 11:52:05 ago (+3/-1)


[ - ] ripelivanianbeats 1 point 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 15:36:39 ago (+3/-2)

By "pedo" do you mean the 18+ playboys models he posts or something else.

[ - ] try 2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 18:00:23 ago (+4/-2)*

18+ playboys are STAGE ONE, an important stage in taking down catbox.moe.

After JIDF uploads 99 or more 18+ playboys, the JIDF/SPLC/ADL/ShareBlue uses a VPN and anonymously uploads a single 17 year old, proven from a court case, to infiltrate a "false flag" onto the server, and implicate catbox.moe to shut it down.

That kike can use countless jew-run porn-loving non-free-speech image servers :

He is focusing only on catbox.moe to take down the last free speech image server allowing images and videos that name the jews.

Its a attack on voat and a attack on catbox.moe

To do it, 99 legal "playboy" images are needed prior to surround and mask the kiddie pr0n later.

This is a JEW TACTIC to crush free speech from internet.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 0 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 20:31:12 ago (+2/-2)

ITT pedos exposing themselves by defending pedophilia in the same breath they blame jews.

[ - ] Rawrination 1 point 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 20:56:51 ago (+1/-0)

Another case of there being sound logic behind the idea of modesty.
When I was younger I was a lolbertarian. As I've gotten older I realize just how right the early church had things.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 21:05:34 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 15:17:59 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 12:01:42 ago (+5/-7)*

Not me. And I dare say it's pretty dumb to even think so - much less make the accusation without proof. As if you or others could know this at all needless to say. Assuming you're even a legit user.

I see ProtectVoat has much the same function it had at the other place - that is to stir up retards into lynch mobs to send them into a flame war and brigading frenzy. Are you kevdude?

This place is either full of morons or glowniggers. Or maybe morons that believe glowniggers.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile [op] 7 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 12:24:56 ago (+9/-2)

doesnt matter. You are a using Pedophilia to destroy this site and other smut to demoralize our community, and as this account does the same, its fair to give both accounts the same treatment, no matter if you really own both accounts. But obviously as you got an alert that your name was mentioned on a post without me mentioning your correct name, you obviously DO coown the jewmcarthy account.

Got you, Pedo Faggot subversive JUDE

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsMay 26, 2021 21:17:18 ago (+3/-1)*


[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 28, 2021 11:01:36 ago (+1/-1)

he couldnt have replied to my comment as quickly had he not gotten a notification, therefore: same person