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After some public shaming, Ruqqus (((admins))) are back pedaling. So once again I was unbanned, and rebanned with the original reason again. Weird.

submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.9 yearsJul 28, 2021 15:45:45 ago (+8/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)*


I was originally banned for "long running harassment campaign"


Which was actually my calling out (((admin))) dishonesty

https://files.catbox.moe/kexkth.PNG (He banned Catbox citing they don't police CSM, @Xigbar68 found that to be a lie https://files.catbox.moe/5awwbl.png)

The evidence that they were piles of kike shit was stacking up against them, so they had to silence dissent. But even afterwards they just couldn't let me go lol.

So they unbanned me & immediately rebanned me with a completely different and even more fraudulent reason...


Once this post


was posted on Ruqqus


They went back to the original reason again. Now, bear in mind this isn't some rinky-dink website as a college student's side gig. Ruqqus is an LLC which means the owners can write off expenses and call it a business loss. This covers everything from rent/mortgage, vehicle costs, internet service, and just about any tech device they buy from computers to video gaming systems, can be written off in taxes. They hated me before and always openly trolled me - but only after I exposed this fact did they outright ban me for a violation of rules that don't even exist in their ToS.

(((Adam Ladine))) https://files.catbox.moe/fymz8n.JPG said it was "just an accident" lol


Credibility is zilch, with zero fucks given.

4 comments block

[ - ] account deleted by user 5 points 2.8 yearsJul 28, 2021 18:13:28 ago (+5/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety [op] 4 points 2.8 yearsJul 28, 2021 20:28:43 ago (+4/-0)

I got them to drop their masks in 4 months. The single fact there was an "official discord" in the first place was a red flag that they didn't prioritize the site. It was never meant to take off.

[ - ] gabara 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 28, 2021 17:20:45 ago (+1/-1)

@PeterPanWannabe go to ruqqus

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots -1 points 2.9 yearsJul 28, 2021 17:40:16 ago (+0/-1)

Didn't Dial go to Ruqqus?