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VLDL are a bunch of SJW faggots

submitted by v0atmage to Opinion 2.8 yearsAug 2, 2021 19:18:36 ago (+1/-0)     (Opinion)*

While a joke about finishing really simple quests after difficult ones in a typical RPG, there is a player called "Tronald Dump" in the background moving around like a newb. After the joke is over, the main hero torches the implied trump supporter casually as he walks by:

In another season, the players complete an achievement where you murder all the village maidens, the joke being some achievements are ruthless. One of the players has the name "Trump", apparently to imply that Trump supporters are unethical pricks in real life or something:

I've never seen anything attacking Biden or left-wing at all to balance it out. Sadly I do enjoy their skits so it sucks they let political opinions bleed into their work, albeit not as pervasively as the typical jewified youtube content.

For those who have no idea who this is:


"We're Viva La Dirt League. A bunch of nerds who play games and makes comedy sketches about games".

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