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FUN FACT #475 : FAT PEOPLE LIVE THE LONGEST based on millions of datapoints from coroners reports and 90 science papers. No one knows why.

submitted by try to HateFatPeopleHate 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 08:59:59 ago (+3/-10)     (HateFatPeopleHate)


Actually fat people live the longest on earth based on over 90 science papers each using millions (yes millions) of coroner statistics.

A paper that is a meta analysis of over 90 science papers proving fat people live longest and is :

Association of All-Cause Mortality With Overweight and Obesity Using Standard Body Mass Index Categories A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

From the world-renowned [b]JAMA (American Medical Association) , January 2, 2013—Vol 309, No. 1[/b]

You can debate health, quality of life, income, occupation, sports risks, etc, separately, but it is a solid scientific fact that a tall man 60 pounds overweight will live the longest. (BMI 35 lives longest of BMI ranges)

Its a big paper, discussing the over 90 other papers, but the one key thing to read out of it is the fact that BMI 35 lives the longest. BMI of >35 starts to die off more than BMI 35 through 27.

Grade 1 obesity is BMI 35 according to that paper.

BMI silhouettes :



If you actually read the meta study of the 90+ studies of UNEDITED DEATH DATA, it said in it :

"[b]Grade 1 obesity overall was NOT associated with higher mortality, and over-weight was associated with SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER all-cause mortality[/b]"

It defined the fat BMI ranges for the above statement as :

overweight (BMI of 25-30),
[b]grade 1 obesity (BMI of 30-35)[/b]

but grades 2 and 3 obesity b[/b] start to die more than average

That famous science paper said additionally :

"These two groups combined LIVE THE LONGEST of all humans : [b]overweight (BMI of 25-30), grade 1 obesity (BMI of 30-35)[/b]"

This is a paper with 2.88 million individuals, and 97 unrelated DIFFERENT science studies.

Others used tighter BMI bins, for classification, and indeed BMI 32 to 35 (obese) live the longest on earth.

[b]If "death" is the definition of not healthy, then being fat is the healthiest way to not die based on 2.88 million individuals, and 97 unrelated DIFFERENT science studies![/b]

voat.xyz has only a handful of scientists, so many here will not understand this fact, no matter how plainly I type it out.

But basically, a "meta-analysis" is a paper that compares all similar papers, and compares all papers to each other, and publishes a definitive master paper. That Paper I am citing concurs with the 97 prior papers that, though hard to imagine, the optimal BMI for merely NOT DYING, is to be BMI 32 to 35 (obese), before you die. No data exists from coroner report of BMI in decades prior to deaths, or why they died.

Fat people just provably live the longest based on many multimillion dollar studies of DEAD PEOPLE from coroner reports. 2.88 million individuals, and 97 unrelated DIFFERENT science studies is definitive and profoundly accurate source of this fact.

Many papers a person might try to ever claim disagrees with these 97 studies, are papers using EDITED datasets, not random. For example they omit smokers, or omit certain races, or omit certain regions of countries, omit accidents, omit suicides, or omit certain age ranges (not kidding!!!). I do admit that all 97 studies probably omit ages under 48 months old (2 years old). But the 97 are unfiltered, raw data, RAW, un-manipulated data sets of dead people.

[b]"ALL CAUSE mortality"[/b] means "ALL CAUSE", non-edited, non filtered, all dead people, all of them.

But why fat people ? :

Once again, myriad of co-factors could be the cause, some possibly deceptive ones : vitamins, food range, gut biome, absorption of damage in car accidents or falls, avoidance of dangerous hobbies, lack of employment in military or police or lumberjacks, wealth (rich whites are not skinny), worry about health so catch cancers earlier, taller at high BMIs, less respiratory illnesses, who knows? IT COULD BE hundreds of weird reasons. It could be genetics. It could be fat viruses (there are a few known)...


But the truth is, provably in meta-study "Association of All-Cause Mortality With Overweight and Obesity Using Standard Body Mass Index Categories A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis", that VERY FAT PEOPLE LIVE THE LONGEST, if they ever show up at any morgue, in any nation.

If living (years not style), not dying, is your goal in life... then...

TL/DR: Though unfathomable : [b]Losing weight might shorten your life dramatically[/b], based on millions of data points and over 90 science paper studies.

4 comments block

[ - ] Thisismyaccount 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 8, 2022 10:32:46 ago (+0/-0)

You're have been always will be a loser erika cartman lol

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 2.0 yearsJun 8, 2022 10:37:45 ago (+0/-0)

Fph is reddit crybaby failure

Pervy old men with mirrors on their shoes looking up skirts are appalled by the faggotry of secretly taking pics of people in public and posting them on the internet

[ - ] theBreadSultan 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 13:20:51 ago (+3/-0)

I dunno....

I've seen old people, and I've seen fat people...

Never seen fat old people.

[ - ] try [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 18:05:58 ago (+1/-1)

Science says profoundly, that you never took the average ages of death.

average age at time of death.

to live longest average age, science says its BMI 35