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Catching Covid and becoming immune doesn't qualify you for a Covid Passport or make you exempt from Biden's Covid rules. - That proves this has nothing to do with safety or immunity.

submitted by Not_C to whatever 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 14:14:59 ago (+74/-0)     (whatever)

Yes, you can list off facts and statistics. You can argue about horse medicine and Big Pharma profits. You can expose the propaganda, misinformation, censorship, etc, etc.

But this simple fact remains - People who are immune to Covid can't get Vaccine Passports and they aren't exempt from Biden's Covid rules.

The Covid "vaccines" don't contain a small dose of the virus; they don't make you immune. They only make the symptoms less severe as they catch and spread Covid. The "vaccinated" will be allowed to go wherever they want, spreading the virus.

Meanwhile, people who are actually immune to the virus, who can't catch or spread Covid, they are the ones who'll be restricted.

21 comments block

[ - ] GloryBeckons 12 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 14:52:05 ago (+12/-0)*

Not only will you be restricted and persecuted but, immune or not, you will be blamed for every new strain which, incidentally, keep getting better at bypassing their vaccination.

Next time someone throws that accusation at you, ask them:

How does a virus learn to circumvent a vaccine, from people who are not vaccinated?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 15:43:53 ago (+2/-0)

Well it does believe it or not and Ill tell you how. Household members, office mates, etc have inhaled significant amounts of spike protein from filthy vaxxers who spray their dirty spikes in the air via microdroplets of saliva etc. The adverse reactions to this second hand contact are serious respiratory and dermatological reactions, and those reactions are certainly enough to establish that these people have produced anitbodies to the spike protein.

This works just like the evolution of antibiotic resistence in bacteria. All vaxed people are promoting the resistance and so are their close contacts. In fact the family members are probably even more likely to promote resistant strains than the vaccinated themselves.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 8 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 16:44:12 ago (+8/-0)

Even if all that is as you say, it would not change the point. Going down rabbit holes, even if they are true and sound, often unnecessarily complicates that which should be very simple:

The vaccine is what taught the virus to overcome the vaccine. Directly or indirectly is irrelevant.

No fixed defense can overcome an adapting enemy, unless it is so absolute that it eradicates the enemy entirely.

This "vaccine" was never an absolute defense. It never provided immunity. Not even on day 1. They didn't even try to claim so. "90% effective" means 10% leaky. And so it was always going to generate "variants" which find ways around it. The people pushing it knew this damn well. That's why they came up with all the terminology around variants. But they still managed to convince the foolish masses to blame those who didn't buy into false cures.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 17:26:34 ago (+4/-0)

Even if all that is as you say, it would not change the point. Going down rabbit holes, even if they are true and sound,

It doesn’t change the point. But its not all that complicated. They make all kinds of comparisons between vaccinated and unvaccinated people but they should be comparing totally unexposed people to people who are fully vaccinated and people who are only partially vaccinated or have had second hand vaccine exposure because all those people are actually promoting resistant strains and some of these people are highly likely to be suffering from ADE type infections— people who are undervaccinated and weakly vaccinated through second hand exposure. Those are people who are probably dying from covid at higher rates because of vaccine exposure but they are being held up as fatalities of “the unvaccinated”.

The better you know this shit the more ammo you have to dump.

In spite of the fact that this vax is unacceptably dangerous, and that resistance is an inevitability, eventually, there are things that could have been done to make the vaccine more effective for a longer time. Had they only vaccinated the 10% most vulnerable members of the population, you could have postponed the development of resistant strains while younger heathier people gained “herd immunity” through wild infections. But they didn’t want to make 10 billion dollars a year. They wanted to make 100 billion dollars a year. And the NWO wanted their vaccine passports.

It might be a little bit too far down the rabbit hole but, there were some alternative implementations of the vaccine that were proposed which would have arguably prevented ADE and made the vaccine more robust long term. The “other” pfizer vax, which was never tested on humans, used a strategy that mitigated ADE.

[ - ] lord_nougat 3 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 20:11:21 ago (+3/-0)

using logic and reason against imbecilic NPCs is kind of futile.

[ - ] 2Drunk 2 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 17:38:42 ago (+2/-0)

I got fired from a government job because a thot feeled I disrespected her. Never said a word to that cunt.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 20:10:47 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 5 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 15:55:23 ago (+5/-0)

They do make you immune— to a variant that existed 8 months ago. That variant is gone.

They only make the symptoms less severe as they catch and spread Covid.

Prove it. CDC wont release numbers of covid dead that are vaccinated vs unvaccinated. We have no reliable measures for that assertion. Because of ADE, the neutralizing antibodies induced by this vaccine will become less and less effective but the non-neutralizing antibodies that accelerate infections by helping the SARS CoV 2 virus infect immune cells wil not be less effective. The ADE phenomenon exists and it is getting stronger all the time.

Viral loads of vaccinated and unvaccinated are the SAME. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.31.21261387v4.full

Not to mention, covid risk goes up by 2x or more from the time you get your first jab to several weeks after your second. There is no evidence people have an “easier time” and some people will have a worse time because they had the vaccine OR because a family member had the vaccine. Second hand vaccination sets up the perfect scenario for ADE, IMO. Low titers of antibodies, neutralizing antibodies ineffective against the new strain.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 5 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 15:35:18 ago (+5/-0)

This is how you know its bullshit. Everybody knows immunity from a wild form symptomatic infection is far superior. No doctor can justify this move.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 17:09:42 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] ScheduledSuicide 1 point 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 22:59:40 ago (+1/-0)

I am too!

Oh. 'not'... ummm. Well, I am! :D

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 08:01:01 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] fnbs 3 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 16:27:51 ago (+3/-0)

"They only make the symptoms less severe as they catch and spread Covid."

How in the hell can they prove that?..some people who get that made up disease dont show any symptoms at all and some have a runny nose and a mild headache for a couple days.. how can they determine who has "less symptoms"... its complete and utter bullshit

[ - ] deleted 5 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 17:10:58 ago (+5/-0)*


[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 16:23:43 ago (+4/-1)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Spiral_Out 1 point 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 23:10:32 ago (+1/-0)

I offered a serology test at work instead of weekly testing. They denied it so I refused the testing. They sent me home for three weeks with pay to figure out what to do with me. In the end they terminated me but now I have a better job as a carpenter's helper and make 30+% more. It will work out for you guys, don't put up with tyranny and nonsense.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 21:04:42 ago (+1/-0)

Either way like always government finds a way to bend the people that they are supposed to represent over and fuck em in the ass.

And people happily accept and gleefully tell others how to live their lives.

Government couldn't have asked for better non questioning normies to do their dirty work.


[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up 1 point 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 15:38:54 ago (+1/-0)

We really need to vaccinate kids after chicken pox.

What if they catch it again and spread it?

[ - ] obvious 0 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 23:59:54 ago (+0/-0)

The vax was designed to stop the wuDoom from 2019. That variant is gone, and replaced with new variants that strangely enough are not stopped by the vax. It seems that testing the jab drove the selection of resistant variants.

[ - ] PygmyGoat 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 06:54:17 ago (+0/-0)

What if the variants are just a cover to hide the fact it’s the “vaccines” themselves that are causing the rise in cases and killing people? How can they test for “variants” when allegedly the original test used has been disavowed by the CDC now? How do they differentiate between the spike protein of the virus vs the spike protein the body is producing as a result of the gene therapy? They can’t because a test doesn’t exist.

[ - ] mattsixteen24 0 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 23:32:51 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, we know. The Marxist U.S. government needs to be destroyed. They are satanists.

[ - ] Psychicrussiaspy 0 points 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 21:55:22 ago (+0/-0)

Didn't see or hear what fake pres said don't care either