(((Journalists))) never seem to be acknowledged for the incredibly negative effect they have on society. Of course there are many good people who have had their lives ruined and fully understand, but still nobody ever seems to address it as the root cause of many of the issues we face.
Why do you think this is? Has there ever been a point in history (besides the Third Reich) where the people have made them answer for their crimes?
It's not exclusively journalist jews who do this though, you also have the good goy enablers, traitors. Although the jews control just about all media, there are people of every race pushing their degenerate messages. It would be hard to call it anti-semitic given the "diversity" of the field.
Because psychopaths place gatekeepers in all the positions required to prevent accountability!
They have masons in government, judges, cops, medical, education, science, intelligence, industry and banking to pervert the justice system and the public from ever seeing their total subversion of our whole society.
All while they persecute honest journalists like Assange for daring to show the truth.
The journalists are traitors in a system fully infiltrated by other psychotic traitors. And this is why they feel perfectly safe to do this for generations no matter how outrageous the crimes are.
They have no fear of ever being held accountable while this system is in place and the gatekeepers still hold all these positions of power.
Just look at who the FBI protects and who they target.
Psychopaths would be much more subtle and ultimately less dangerous. Psychopaths lack empathy and act in their own self interest. Narcissists lack self esteem and act to prevent anyone else from having the confidence or power to say bad things about them.
It definitely is, but I am also genuinely curious as to why it rarely happens. Just goes to show the power of propaganda I suppose. Very sad...it would seem jews are the Great Filter Fermi spoke of.
[ + ] Redhairin
[ - ] Redhairin 0 points 2.8 yearsNov 11, 2021 04:43:30 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted 11 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 15:16:00 ago (+11/-0)
[ + ] 0rion
[ - ] 0rion [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 15:21:58 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] con77
[ - ] con77 2 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 16:25:29 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] Vrbllpollushin
[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 21:02:55 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] GeneralDisarray
[ - ] GeneralDisarray 6 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 15:22:34 ago (+6/-0)
They have masons in government, judges, cops, medical, education, science, intelligence, industry and banking to pervert the justice system and the public from ever seeing their total subversion of our whole society.
All while they persecute honest journalists like Assange for daring to show the truth.
The journalists are traitors in a system fully infiltrated by other psychotic traitors. And this is why they feel perfectly safe to do this for generations no matter how outrageous the crimes are.
They have no fear of ever being held accountable while this system is in place and the gatekeepers still hold all these positions of power.
Just look at who the FBI protects and who they target.
[ + ] Broc_Liath
[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 21:33:26 ago (+0/-0)
Psychopaths would be much more subtle and ultimately less dangerous. Psychopaths lack empathy and act in their own self interest. Narcissists lack self esteem and act to prevent anyone else from having the confidence or power to say bad things about them.
[ + ] fightknightHERO
[ - ] fightknightHERO 4 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 15:08:57 ago (+4/-0)
[ + ] FacelessOne
[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 15:34:48 ago (+3/-0)
[ + ] TFS
[ - ] TFS 1 point 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 17:00:54 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] 0rion
[ - ] 0rion [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 6, 2021 17:07:55 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] voatersarefucktards
[ - ] voatersarefucktards 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 6, 2021 03:49:24 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Wabwabwab
[ - ] Wabwabwab 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 21:13:54 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Thyhorrorcosmic103
[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 20:46:20 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] con77
[ - ] con77 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 16:24:25 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Spaceman84
[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.9 yearsOct 5, 2021 16:18:31 ago (+0/-0)