Paving the way to stopping the jabs without losing face?
Meanwhile Jugears ensures Victoria remains front and centre with covid cases and deaths - Swear that jugeared cunt will hold to his jab mandate even if Morrison decides to stop it all tomorrow.
[ + ] UncleDoug
[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 3.3 yearsOct 14, 2021 06:07:21 ago (+2/-0)
Why do they persist with this narrative still?
Who cares how many cases, you only look at morbidity and mortality statistics so you know where to allocate medical resources.
If you mapped every instance of influenza it would be 40K + p/day.
Not everyone who catches a viral infection ends up dying.
Democracy is dead, I'm over Australia's political landscape.
The whole event is just meeting pre-determined targets to make money for and from pharmaceuticals. Big pharma tried the same nonsense with the swine flu and mad cow disease not long ago.
[ + ] dulcima
[ - ] dulcima [op] 2 points 3.3 yearsOct 14, 2021 06:11:44 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] UncleDoug
[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 3.3 yearsOct 14, 2021 06:17:27 ago (+1/-0)
Our leaders will literally kill and maim people for profit.
Get ready for the booster shots and blaming unvaccinated people that aren't sick, as a reason for their affliction.
[ + ] AnmanIndustries
[ - ] AnmanIndustries 1 point 3.3 yearsOct 14, 2021 07:06:13 ago (+1/-0)
SIKE. 75% of the population are down right retarded and it will never happen.