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Sore throat

submitted by 1Icemonkey to NaturalRemedies 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 00:51:54 ago (+9/-0)     (NaturalRemedies)

My grandmother did this and it works. Equal parts honey, grated onion, lemon juice mixed together. Let a tablespoon of it sit at the back of your throat as long as you can, then swallow. It’s not as gross as it sounds.

9 comments block

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 03:22:43 ago (+3/-0)

honey is probably what does the trick

its an epic antibacterial

[ - ] baad73e 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 12:39:02 ago (+0/-0)

Onion and lemon have some good healing properties, too.

There's a recipe for "Fire Cider" that basically just takes a whole mess of plants that are somehow good for you and leaches them into apple cider vinegar; supposed to be a pretty decent health tonic


[ - ] KeepPoal4fags 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 02:33:21 ago (+2/-0)

Manuka honey is the tits for all sorts of infections, its used in surgery for internal wounds to this day. Tee tree oil is made from the same plant the bees get that nectar from, and its even more potent. Though the oil shouldn't be used internally like the honey can.

[ - ] TerryB 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 02:08:31 ago (+2/-0)

Colloidal silver

[ - ] Cunt 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 04:20:10 ago (+1/-0)

Pro tip it works without the onion.

Also medical grade honey is the bomb but not necessary. Great for cuts though.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 01:22:48 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 01:13:32 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 08:58:56 ago (+0/-0)

Fire cures everything. Research causes cancer in rats. IF you added poop to your potion, it would still work.

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 07:46:32 ago (+0/-0)

fuck off. grated onion.

hot tea with lemon honey and whiskey. good to go.

[ - ] Shitheel 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 07:44:39 ago (+0/-0)

There's a proud t called Zarbees in the kids medicine aisle. All natural stuff. It has some sort of honey an other plant extracts in it. Works great for sore throats. You can probably get the same effect with just honey though.