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I like to beat women up because I hate sin.

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 2.9 yearsNov 14, 2021 12:41:38 ago (+4/-15)     (whatever)

I want to put them back in their place and send a message to the rest of them to remain there or there'd be consequences.

Men's strength exists to smack a bitch up when she's trying to be equal or when she's acting like she isn't lesser than a man.

Just as God punishes man when he disobeys, so too must man punish women when they refuse to submit to the will of the ones she was created to serve.

We don't hurt women enough, we should not feel reluctant to discipline them with violence when it is necessary, God is our father, he sets the standard, and we were created by him to serve him (to obey) and to glorify him (to worship), he punishes men who do wrong with violence, women were made for men in the same way, to serve us and glorify us, so we must punish women in the same way God punishes us when women fail to do so, with violence.

4 comments block

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.9 yearsNov 14, 2021 14:27:41 ago (+0/-0)

AVOID evil, don't do ANYTHING else, unless you CANNOT avoid it (intrusive). it's CHOICES.ALL about CHOICES. Dumbass..

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot 0 points 2.9 yearsNov 14, 2021 13:04:38 ago (+1/-1)

Agreed. We live in a world where simply saying the truth without any promise of violence is enough for women to be 'scared' of us. And being scared is enough reason to put men in jail and take their kids away. This is all by design. Women's weakness is a target of the jew.

[ - ] 3starAgent -1 points 2.9 yearsNov 14, 2021 13:13:44 ago (+1/-2)

So this is why Jews slap white people?

[ - ] Thisismyaccount 2 points 2.9 yearsNov 14, 2021 15:15:01 ago (+2/-0)