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Missing "Practices" for Preventing School Violence

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.4 yearsJun 4, 2022 21:44:37 ago (+0/-2)     (whatever)

I have received a flurry of articles from friends that discuss the best (((practices))) for preventing school shootings.

Here is one excerpt: (turn off scripts to read the full article)


Students are most often motivated to plan a school attack because of interpersonal conflicts with classmates, highlighting the necessity for interventions and de-escalation programs.

Students displaying an interest in violent or hate-filled topics should prompt immediate assessment and intervention. Nearly one-third of the plotters in the study researched previous mass attackers.

Schools should attempt to intervene with disturbed students before their behavior warrants legal consequences.

Schools and communities must take tangible steps to facilitate classmate reporting when threatening social media posts or other concerning behaviors are observed.

Eight plots in the study were reported by family members, illustrating their crucial role in recognizing and addressing a student’s risk of causing harm.

Families must be educated on resources readily available to address their concerns, whether in the school or in the greater community.

Threat assessments must examine a student’s access to weapons, particularly in the home.

School resource officers are important players in school violence prevention. In nearly one-third of the study’s cases, an SRO either reported the plot or responded to a report made by someone else.

Simply removing a student from the school without appropriate community supports will not remove the risk of harm they pose to themselves or others.


I can't help but notice every (((practice))) is geared toward finding and/or thwarting the potential "shooter", who is most likely ostracized and bullied by peers constantly.

The missing "practices" seem to be

1) Tell every student: don't bully people that are different than you. How about "be excellent to each other"? How many people randomly shot up schools decades ago - when guns were actually brought to school (of course, these were White schools)? Very few, if any.

Population sizes were a lot smaller (thanks kikes) and people were actually friends in and out of classes, because there was very little mindless drivel that we are surrounded by today.

2) most schools use some sort of "faceberg" type online lessons that students are required to engage in. This obviously leads to abuses that can't be monitored or controlled by school officials, and if the school does monitor contact between students, most bullying is written off as "kids will be kids" etc.

It's really hard to get away from bullying when the school forces students to interact with each other online through required lessons.

In the past, bullying could be seen as a minor issue - a few students that anyone bullied could avoid or at least confront one on one. But now every interaction is shared and "liked", leading to the bullied person knowing how everyone feels about them.

I agree this bullshit has false flag written all over it.

Where is the compassion for all the kids still being bullied? Is it a wonder why shootings are going to keep happening when the bullied kids are still not being supported and bullies and harassers keep getting away with it, and also have unofficial school support?

3 comments block

[ - ] FellowWhite 2 points 2.4 yearsJun 4, 2022 22:06:20 ago (+2/-0)

I'd say the bigger problem is the feeling of being a foreigner in your own nation surrounded by invaders, while all forms of degeneracy are celebrated and any pushback especially physical is disallowed. That combined with knowing that there are numerous programs designed to label you a terrorist for being the slightest bit discontent about ones situation might lead young men and boys to take rash action

[ - ] localsal [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJun 4, 2022 23:20:31 ago (+1/-0)

I can agree that is a part of it, but how many teens are truly aware of that going on around them?

Some may be, but a lot of the bullied are mostly concerned with the direct attacks by classmates and not their part of being pawns for the kikes.

[ - ] xmasskull 1 point 2.4 yearsJun 4, 2022 23:43:39 ago (+1/-0)

More mumbo jumbo designed to address anything except what the REAL problem is.

Spare the rod,spoil the child!