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3 comments block

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 2 points 2.2 yearsAug 19, 2022 10:41:04 ago (+2/-0)

one of the main problems with US housing is there’s not enough of it.

I call BS on this. What they mean to say is, there isn't enough "affordable" housing in the US. I understand it is more expensive and more difficult to start out today buying your first home than 20 years ago, but nowadays people really tend to expect the mansion in the hamptons rather than the fixer upper in older suburbia.

almost all developers build only two kinds of housing, 1. super duper fancy, or 2. section-8 pods. and people buy into this because they are just as greedy for the mansion-life as the developers are greedy to take their money.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 0 points 2.2 yearsAug 19, 2022 11:27:40 ago (+0/-0)

Marc Andreessen wrote that Neumann is returning to “the theme of connecting people through transforming their physical spaces and building communities where people spend the most time: their homes.”

Andreessen is another piece of shit troublemaker. He singlehandedly handed IT over to the street shitters in the 2000s by pushing H1B shit. He's probably a WEF flunky.

[ - ] Peleg 0 points 2.2 yearsAug 19, 2022 11:00:14 ago (+0/-0)

There is Not a "housing shortage"!
Just in the county I live in there are a couple of dozen building companies that do nothing but new houses!
The problem is the money racket that the (((banks))) play, and the lack of education mixed with greed of the people!
Kids in their 20's believe that they "deserve" and can't live anywhere else but in a 4500 sq ft beast with the perfect professionally manicured lawn! Real estate agents and bankers will gladly set them up in a place like that Knowing there is No possible way that they can actually afford it!