O.C. (Original content ! 2.5K ultra high resolution )
Will seething paid Leftist Jew shills also downvote this meme of mine today, or smear it?
FUCKING DOWNVOTING JEW PAID SHILLS infest all free speech sites?
Pro christian sweet 'awww' memes not OK ?
Do Jews control talk.lol?
= = = = = = = =
All 5 new Jew mocking memes on this talk.lol site just got -9 to -12 each so far by the Jew paid shills that now run talk.lol
Jews are entrenched everywhere. Especially this site.
Look at my highly attacked ORIGINAL CONTENT posts this hour to suppress them from the front page of this Jew-Friendly site!:https://www.talk.lol/profile?user=oursenilepresident&view=submissionsSee?
-12 vs +2 for Aww : "
My new fren holds me when I am sad from the long nose people downvoting my funny memes"
https://files.catbox.moe/2p32ss.jpg-10 vs +1 for funny : "
Powerful Jews made sterile clones of people... - - (is it OK to mock Jews here?):
https://files.catbox.moe/3xv0vi.jpg -9 vs +2 for funny : "
A typical ANTIFA Love Story - - (is it OK to mock Jews here?)"
https://files.catbox.moe/ecm7ys.jpg [ DELETED BY CATBOX!!!! ]
https://ostrich-s3.raccoons.space/2023/02/06/8a013c51d78f0d3d39dc81f62d229ee5.jpg [reupload of catbox.moe ecm7ys.jpg]
-9 vs +2 for All : "
(humor) Society is getting more degenerate. - - (is it OK to mock Jews here?)"
https://files.catbox.moe/58nf4t.jpg [ DELETED BY CATBOX!!!! ]
https://ostrich-s3.raccoons.space/2023/02/06/191f23ffc80eb7b7df7db989b19afc49.jpg [reupload of catbox.moe 58nf4t.jpg]
-7 vs +3 for funny : "
(humor) The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. - - (is it OK to mock Jews here?):
https://files.catbox.moe/z9mlfz.jpgI MADE THOSE NICE MEMES for Whites to enjoy, but Jews seem to infest and control the remants of talk.lol
I warned @system a few times ion the past about this problem, and offered 5 different ways to stop Jews from controlling the front page 7 hours later.
The Jews keep balancing my anti-Jew memes with additional downvotes, if somehow any are given upvotes. The Feds and paid Jew shills seek a balance of -1 to 0, for hours, to keep "mean Jew mocking" off the front page 7 hours from now.
THIS SITE IS DEAD for Jew mocking , and I JUST PROVED IT with 5 fresh new O.C. on-topic memes that offend Jews!
Some sites loved that meme today, but a Jew Shill infested sub (ConPro) had a jew with 14 alts on VPN keep attacking it.
In fact the ONLY reason I am posting to day on talk.lol is to see if mocking Jews is factually allowed of if gangs of Jew paid shills downvote to oblivion.
I myself never downvote anyones stuff ever, not even comments, but I am not a paid Jew shill.
I just like people to see my 1,000 memes I make a year or so
IF SYSTEM JUST IDENTIFIED AND BANNED the Jews that just logged in on 6 alts using VPN and downvoted my Jew Naming memes... this site might be salvageable.
Right now Jews totally seem to control this site. Even fresh new O.C. anti-Jew content is suppressed here!
[ + ] FacelessOne
[ - ] FacelessOne 9 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 19:55:33 ago (+9/-0)*
[ + ] HughBriss
[ - ] HughBriss 7 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:20:48 ago (+7/-0)
[ + ] FacelessOne
[ - ] FacelessOne 8 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:35:29 ago (+8/-0)
[ + ] TheViciousMrPim
[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 6 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:37:01 ago (+6/-0)
[ + ] HughBriss
[ - ] HughBriss 2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:25:21 ago (+2/-0)
I'm a trusting sort of cynic (yeah, I know, sounds like a contradiction), and I make allowances for eccentrics, but this sort of pattern is unmistakable. Glad I'm not the only one who sees it.
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -4 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:59:30 ago (+0/-4)*
Everyone knows I have always been a Christian. And MAINLY name Jews. And not only voted for Trump twice, I CAMPAIGNED for Trump in 2016.
Other than thousands of Jew Naming memes that upset the paid shills, I also write FUN FACTS ON JEWS!
FUN FACT 749 : A Crypto Jew is genetic Jew, pretending to not be a Jew, to subvert and undermine, and its critical to detect these Jews using Jewdar skills. (semi-satire)
FUN FACT 4 : Jews own and control 90% of all media (news, TV , Radio , Entertainment, Magazines)
FUN FACT 93: The Anne Frank Diary is a Holohoax Fraud by Jews - Proven in a US Court of Law. Parts in matching handwriting in ballpoint pen from after 1951.
https://scored.co/p/140voRpQiF/x/c/4JKxLBeLT2H [PART 1]
https://scored.co/p/140voRpQiF/x/c/4JKxLBfRvsb [PART 2]
FUN FACT 149 : Jews start or finance nearly ALL major wars including the US REVOLUTIONARY WAR too, provoked by Jew banks!!!
FUN FACT 238 : Jews were slavers! Pre-Revolution, all ships known that ever once brought English-run America African born slaves, all, were owned by Jews and Jew companies.
FUN FACT 158 : Jewish journalists and Muslims keep pushing to normalize FIRST COUSIN incest sex and marriage, due to high rate of Jew and Muslim inbreeding.
FUN FACT 184 : Even many Jews are repulsed by the famous Jewish Talmud text that defines Judaism. Goys are stupefied by its depravity
FUN FACT 449 : 11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII
FUN FACT 468: White Genocide is real. Whites are barely only 6% of the Global Population, though Jews utilize low IQ shitskin illegal immigration to invade and destroy all White areas and all nations other than Israel, spreading Socialism
FUN FACT 471 : JEWS use "approachable less-threatening negro males" to further their Leftist agenda to brainwash White youths.
FUN FACT 588 : Sloping foreheads proven by science to be indicative of "acting like a criminal jew" via countless empathy studies on forehead volume.
{7 downvotes by seething Jew shills on this site! Look!}
FUN FACT 639 : ANTIFA also look JEWISH (sephardic jews), very jewish
[this FUN FACT still Google search number three search result! (2022.06.29)
FUN FACT 714 : ALMOST NO FREE SPEECH! In 2021 only 5 video sites were not yet owned by Jews and still allow 99% of HOLOHOAX fact videos and Jew Naming! Just 5 sites!
FUN FACT 719 : Jewish Domination Over the Hip Hop Industry (and the entire music industry) is used deliberately to brainwash early White teen females, and subvert the USA as a whole.
FUN FACT 722 : Jews totally run the main national Black Live Matter organization, BLM web sites, bank accounts, fundraising, and employment. Jews, and a few half-black jew spokespeople.
FUN FACT 726 : Jews in USA construct large propaganda HOLOHOAX museums to show brazenly falsely labeled wall-mounted photographs to schoolbus loads of 5th grade kids on "Field Trips". 'Muh 6 Gorillionz'
FUN FACT 729: THREE MEALS A DAY fed to all Jews, and nearly sufficient calories , until the final war year in all Concentration Camps.
FUN FACT 818 : Jews hate DNA. In recent years actual DNA analysis of Jews show that they are over 51% from Khazars far to the east, and most of their own origin story is wrong.
FUN FACT 831 : Hitler created Israel , and Allied nations were enraged until the 1950s over Hitler's Israel.
FUN FACT 873 : Jew females give off "your sister" smell mammal repellent , and are unwholesome to consider sex with to all races. Jewesses are least attractive females in science studies.
FUN FACT #886 : Jews are nearly 2 times more likely to admit being Gay, and Jews love feces and fecal humor.
FUN FACT 926 : Jews are over 16 times more over-represented at some Ivy League Universities!
FUN FACT 937 : 20% of Democrat Senators are Jews, and Jews pay to deflect this fact by smearing Trump online
I could probably write thick books on the evils of Jews, or any topic.
TL/DR: I am one of the biggest Jew Namers on any site, and of course I'm Christian, White, Male , Not a Fed, and a Trump voter.
[ + ] diggernicks
[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 22:00:33 ago (+1/-0)
Stopped reading right there
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 22:53:38 ago (+0/-2)*
Jew hunting!:
most of those memes I made myself.
I make a lot of lulz over the holohoax :
https://files.catbox.moe/ix62t6.jpg (not mine)
https://files.catbox.moe/i1ubiy.jpg (not mine)
https://files.catbox.moe/zfzfk2.jpg (not mine)
TL/DR: GET INTO THE OVEN, diggernicks!
[ + ] HughBriss
[ - ] HughBriss 1 point 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 23:42:40 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] v0atmage
[ - ] v0atmage 3 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:21:10 ago (+3/-0)
[ + ] 385404368915
[ - ] 385404368915 1 point 2.4 yearsSep 7, 2022 13:51:36 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Fascinus
[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:24:12 ago (+5/-1)
Wish you would drop the senilepresident handle and consider participating here once again as try. A lot of the information you used to provide is relevant to the community today.
I referenced at least 2 of your old posts within the last week or so.
Couple of things:
You know I appreciate your contributions to Voat and, if I'm being honest, these aren't your best work. The last one was pretty good. Other than that... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Secondly, you don't do yourself any favors posting all this nonsense about why your shit wasn't received well. It makes you look silly and invites precisely the kind of behavior that put you off about Voat previously.
In a way, you're not wrong. There do seem to be plenty of jidfaggots and spooks lurking about. Even so, there's *plenty* of jew mocking going on here.
Please consider coming back as @try. If that's not possible for you at the moment, you might try creating another account for the memes and let the content fare as it will on its own merit without the commentary.
Once again, thanks for checking in. In a lot of ways, you made Voat a better place.
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted -1 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:52:26 ago (+0/-1)*
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -3 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 23:01:10 ago (+0/-3)*
I did not post my best Jew memes, but I posted 5 fresh simple effort new posts that mocked Jews, as a science test here. All got savagely downvoted by shills to prove this site is MOSTLY just paid shills remaining.
I can still log in as "try", and did do to prove proof life once, but due to the problem with a shill or shills using DOWNVOTES on my memes across a vpn to DE-Jew this site as I proved, I have no immediate interest in returning full :
See ? ALL 5 new O.C. memes savagely downvoted and nothing else better was in the new feed. This is targeting by Jews.
The main admin knows how to get me and others to come back. I could bring other intellectuals and such to return if this site fixed its Jew problem.
I posted 1,000 original content fresh memes across 7 sites the last 11 or 12 months after @try left here, and I put almost 400 on ConPro over a 8 month span.
I also post my FUN FACTS on various sites still, if on topic and provoked by a new thread topic. :
TWO PART FUN FACT LIST , save these two links to a file:
7 or 8 people like me could rapidly rebuild this site, but the main admin seems to PREFER JEWS to DE-JEW the front page from funny Jew Naming content. It seems deliberate because there are about 5 unrelated algorithms he could add to protect new posted content from a couple paid downvoting shills.
This could be fixed, but has not been. Nor will @system even BAN the proven alts of antiliberalsociety or SBBH paid Jew leftists.
No banning. No code changes. NO CONCERN FOR RUNNING A FREE SPEECH site capable of mocking Jews on the front page.
This site is attacked hourly by Fed Shills and Jew paid shills to try and control the front page.
Dec 23 2021 I tested this site to see if a "new" users could post Jew Naming posts, and found such people cannot :
On other sites, all my memes are extremely well upvoted and liked. But my testing here shows this site is infested with leftist shills and subversives like mumbleberry, TheSimulacra, etc.
here's an image of all my amazing variety of memes being mostly downvoted by brigades of paid leftists on voat.xyz (almost no jew naming is allowed on that site now effectively) :
See? EVERY Jew naming meme was selectively downvoted!
OMG! Look! and its not just my Jew Naming posts not allowed on voat.xyz (talk.lol), its ANY post critical of Israel or Jews. I have proof of that in the following two links :
part two:
Jews and Democrats are subverting this site. those links prove it. Not one anti-Jew actual post in top 50 posts that week.
Now this health check showed ALL FIVE of my new memes downvoted.
Soros money funds the downvotes.
ADL/SPLC/JIDF/and ShareBlue all are paid enemies of "Free Speech hate sites" like talk.lol
ShareBlue (Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media)...
Billions of dollars are used to combat conservatives online. 18 billion MORE added to open all formerly White nations by just ONE of many jewish billionaires that Fund "ShareBlue" army of contractors.
George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation: https://www.wsj.com/articles/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-foundation-creating-an-instant-giant-1508252926
George Soros transfers $18 billion to his liberal philanthropic foundation: https://www.foxnews.com/world/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-liberal-philanthropic-foundation
billions to subvert USA (read up on 100 jewish leftist political organizations his money funds). Millions of it is used specifically to attack free speech web sites, and is proven.
ShareBlue paid jew leftists are real. ShareBlue (funded by jew billionaires) changes its name every couple years, : Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media.
They infest all sites where White people might congregate :
Read all of that link : https://shareblueastroturf.netlify.app/
TL/DR: You are foolish to think all 5 of my new Jew mocking memes were downvoted -6 instantly due to their quality! Its paid Leftist shills, and the admin PROVABLY does not care that no Jew Naming is allowed to reach the front page.
[ + ] Fascinus
[ - ] Fascinus 0 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 23:44:29 ago (+1/-1)
Sorry if I lent that impression. I hadn't actually formed an opinion on the matter of jidf/sorosbux DVs or whatever beyond observing that there do appear to be spooks about and plenty of jew-naming/mocking/etc. occurs.
I merely pointed out that these are not your best work, which you readily admit.
In any event, thanks for the info. I'll read the links when I have more time.
You should come back. Many new folks here asking lots of good questions that you could shed light on.
[ + ] IfuckedYerMum
[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 4 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:54:54 ago (+4/-0)
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -4 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 22:12:32 ago (+0/-4)
I save all my interstitial art layers to win lame claims like yours. I have all the layers, shill liar.
JESUS ARMS : https://files.catbox.moe/7qqmkc.png
See? Shill?
My meme. I make 1,000 memes a year and have been making your favorite memes under many styles for 14 years.
Jews want me dead. Fed hate me. And now I have to deal with people like you WHO MAKE NO FUNNY MEMES, attacking my honor.
I am a fucking meme lord, probably in the top 30 world wide.
This site got almost none from my actions the last year. And until @system bans the TWELVE DOWNVOTING JEWS that downvoted Jesus, I dont expect to be sharing my memes the next year either.
Jews totally control this site.
-12!! for https://files.catbox.moe/2p32ss.jpg ??!?
Similar brigade attacks for all the other jew mocking memes
[ + ] beece
[ - ] beece 3 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 22:14:50 ago (+3/-0)
Fightnighthero disparaged jews, and said so many rude nasty things about them that is was stunning to learn that he was jewish and an Israeli.
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -1 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 22:29:11 ago (+1/-2)*
PROOF WHERE I LISTED Fightnighthero IN FIRST PLACE, YES FIRST, as a suspicious kike shill :
OMG! See, I was many months vindicated as correct on Fightnighthero as link proves!
Spaceman84, jsac, goatmeetupsanon, TheBasedProthean ( comment history alone),
AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior, ruck_feddit
See? I listed his name first.
As for me? I am one of the biggest proven Jew Namers ever! :
TL/DR: I am the biggest Jew Namer, and I WARNED EVERYONE months prior, about Fightnighthero, proven in that link!
FUN FACT: I know OTHER prominent people here are genetic Jews, (not me !) but I am not gonna snitch.
[ + ] 385404368915
[ - ] 385404368915 0 points 2.4 yearsSep 7, 2022 13:50:01 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] diggernicks
[ - ] diggernicks 2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:02:49 ago (+2/-0)
Gb2reddit/kill yourself
[ + ] PrincessRobotBubblegum
[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:38:35 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:10:14 ago (+4/-2)
[ + ] Diggernicks56
[ - ] Diggernicks56 2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:11:46 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] Lordbananafist
[ - ] Lordbananafist 1 point 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:23:55 ago (+2/-1)
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -3 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:27:33 ago (+0/-3)
All 5 are my memes, two are less than 1 day old, and NONE were probably ever on this site from anyone!
I make 1,000 memes a year, but other than performing Jew-Health safety check ins every 4 months or so, with Jew memes, I stopped sharing my my countless funny memes to talk.lol almost A COMPLETE YEAR AGO due to the "paid Jewish shill problem"
the "paid Jewish shill problem" is YOU, you downvoting liar!
I NEVER EVER downvote anyone ever, but Jews and Feds savagely attack leading Jew Namers like me.
LOOK at the -6 the five simple Jew Mocking memes I made got to keep them off the front page of talk.lol :
-6 for OC Jew Naming comedy memes?
OMG! Is anyone on this site not a paid shill?
= = = =
TL/DR: @system should permaban all the downvoting Jew alts pronto, and save the tiny remnants of this site before it is 100% Jew run like goatpen became.
[ + ] FacelessOne
[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:40:16 ago (+3/-0)
[ + ] Diggernicks56
[ - ] Diggernicks56 1 point 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 21:45:13 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oursenilepresident
[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsSep 6, 2022 12:04:07 ago (+1/-1)
you downvoted using an alt, because this account hit 50.00% downvote ratio today.
== = =
diggernicks is 90% likely FUBAR and is also mumbleberry, a BANNED toxic paid shill disenchanter
the same
= = = =
diggernicks (mumbleberry):
votes given: 1792 (+1194/-598) = 50.0% downvote given ratio!!!!!!!!
50.0% hard limit on this and all mumbleberry alts.
nearly all short toxic negative attacks to disenchant and fluff downvote abilities :
= = = =
FUBAR (mumbleberry):
votes given: 15327 (+10218/-5109) = 50.0% downvote given ratio!!!!!!!!
50.0% hard limit on this and all mumbleberry alts.
nearly all short toxic negative attacks to disenchant and fluff downvote abilities :
look at the relentless toxic comments , identical to diggernicks and mumbleberry!!!
= = = =
mumbleberry was banned for doxxing u/ProudAmerican in an anon post, and banned prior in the past
mumbleberry now uses FUBAR and diggernicks to drive away users with toxic remarks
WHY ARE ALTS of mumbleberry NEVER BANNED and allowed to destroy the small remnants of talk.lol ( voat.xyz ) ?
= = = = = = = =
[ + ] texasblood
[ - ] texasblood 2 points 2.4 yearsSep 5, 2022 20:03:32 ago (+3/-1)
Fuckin idiot much?