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Dear Putin - On Monday, nearly every corrupted head of state in the Western world will be in London. Please do us all a favour. One Hypersonic Missile can take them all out.

submitted by Not_C to whatever 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 14:59:03 ago (+88/-3)     (whatever)

One unstoppable Hypersonic Missile hitting the Queen's funeral will be a good start to fixing everything.

And don't worry about civilian casualties. There are no British people left in London.

40 comments block

[ - ] Anus_Expander 13 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 15:13:03 ago (+15/-2)

He is too jewed, sadly

[ - ] Boardallday3 13 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 17:00:53 ago (+13/-0)

You're 100% correct. Both sides are very jewish. Putin is just a bit less jewish, and that's not good enough for the jews so they're at war over Ukraine. Honestly the main point of the war and the west prolonging it as much as possible is just for the hundred billion dollars they want to make. More innocent white families dead and white soldiers killed is their secondary goal.

[ - ] NationalSocialism 2 points 2 yearsSep 17, 2022 04:06:31 ago (+2/-0)

Putin pretty fucking jewish, even ignoring his relationship with chabad. He hosted an anti-fascist conference this year as well.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 2 yearsSep 19, 2022 19:09:17 ago (+0/-0)

There's also apparently a real plan of sorts to repopulate Ukraine with jews. A 'back to their homeland' kind of thing.

[ - ] dulcima 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 17:36:34 ago (+3/-2)

Yeah, of course thats the only reason Putin won't do such a thing...

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 18:41:49 ago (+1/-1)

What would another reason be?

[ - ] dulcima 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 19:03:41 ago (+4/-3)

Because he's better than the shitheads that are destroying the West.

[ - ] 0rion 4 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 19:08:53 ago (+6/-2)

"my preferred jew controlled politician is better than yours!"

Do you realize how retarded you sound?

[ - ] Belfuro 2 points 2 yearsSep 17, 2022 01:44:21 ago (+2/-0)

Most people on this site are retarded fuckwits. You include.

Able to listen shit stain?

Globalist aka the tribe seized Ukraine in a bloody coup in retaliation for putin stopping globalist conquest of Syria.

They then got busy setting up Ukraine as the puppet army to conquer Russia.

They are assassinating putins allies.

They are clearly reacting very badly to putin getting the jump on them. So much so that they are trashing their own puppet states in Europe in usa in a fit to try and hurt russia.

Where are the fags or niger invasions or anti culture or femicuntism in Russia?
You know. The Tribes trademarks.


"putin is their puppet"

Based on thirty year info when Russia was broke and defenseless and dominated by tribal oligarchs that now no longer reside in Russia in anywhere near the power levels they used to.

You dipshits get an idea then ride it town in death.

No different to predditors and that's why I loathe you fuckers.

You should know better

[ - ] 0rion 0 points 2 yearsSep 17, 2022 05:54:35 ago (+1/-1)

I'm not reading that faggot poem you just wrote. I'm the redditor? Says the gal who uses reddit spacing and writes a novel thinking people care about what she thinks.

[ - ] 0rion 0 points 2 yearsSep 30, 2022 10:11:41 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck off with your reddit spacing, I am not reading your faggy poem.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 2 yearsOct 3, 2022 04:19:38 ago (+0/-0)

Well duh. It's how you remain a retarded predditor.
You literally cannot be taught

[ - ] Ironcrusader88 4 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 20:00:34 ago (+4/-0)

So Russians being replaced by Muslims and Asians under Putin is a good thing to you?

[ - ] NationalSocialism 1 point 2 yearsSep 17, 2022 04:14:50 ago (+1/-0)

I’m surprised nobody else has pointed this out. When the war first broke out, half this board shilled jewtin and Russia. The guy has been actively genociding his own population for decades.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 19:37:26 ago (+3/-2)

Marginally...see also 'Trump'

[ - ] osomperne 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:35:16 ago (+1/-0)

He exiled the Jewish oligarchs though.

I haven't looked into it deeply but the only Jewish cooperation I know of is him appointing some Jewish guy as minister of the interior whose mission it is to redefine what it means to be Russian due to the ethnic decline

[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:53:52 ago (+1/-0)

Hes the Eastern orthodox church's punk bitch

[ - ] deleted -2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 18:34:20 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] JustALover 8 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 16:36:22 ago (+9/-1)

So he'd be killing a bunch of puppets? Other puppets would just take their place, and the blame would be placed on the proles, forcing even more draconian laws upon them.

[ - ] boomerkiller 4 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 20:59:03 ago (+4/-0)

Bullshit. It would boost the moral of the peoples of the world. You defeatist faggot. Shut up and stay out of the way of men.

[ - ] osomperne 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:39:56 ago (+1/-0)

Exactly. Tell these imbeciles to get out of the way

[ - ] osomperne 3 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:38:06 ago (+3/-0)

Futile to kill puppets?

That sounds like some pussy ass non aggression principal talk.

No one listen to this clown

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 7 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 15:14:40 ago (+7/-0)

So it could be worth watching then?


[ - ] Clubberlang 6 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 17:10:05 ago (+6/-0)

Dear mislead hopium victim, everything that you've experienced these past 2 years were by plan. Why would I take out my financial backing comrades? I'm just playing the part of the evil Russian dictator don't take it to seriously.


[ - ] thoughtcryme 3 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 19:37:14 ago (+3/-0)

sweet jesus OP has successfully identified that we are currently in a bad bond ripoff, ok you guys win, its a totally shit simulation

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 3 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 15:56:27 ago (+3/-0)

That would be awesome. But it won't happen. Nice wishful thinking though, OP.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 18:28:53 ago (+2/-0)

Forgot to say in mine craft world come on rookie.

[ - ] dulcima 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 17:35:46 ago (+2/-0)

There are lots of white people who have travelled to London for the Queen.

[ - ] Not_C [op] 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:28:48 ago (+2/-0)

True, but they will be raped and stabbed to death by the shitskins, I mean Londoners, before Monday.

[ - ] knightwarrior41 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 17:23:18 ago (+2/-0)

yup putin is playing the dialectic game while expendable people die in both sides of the so call war for their RESET

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 16:59:57 ago (+2/-0)

That would be great.

[ - ] osomperne 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:30:07 ago (+1/-0)

Putin for president y'all!

[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 19:51:51 ago (+2/-1)

Dear Not_C

I'll think about it. Incidentally...where do you live?

Yours sincerely

Pres Putin.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 20:07:29 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 20:08:42 ago (+1/-0)

sirrantsalot speaking: "no, not really. I'm sorta the universal mouthpiece".

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 20:11:27 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 20:13:30 ago (+1/-0)

a stupid person.[Library Service]

[ - ] Not_C [op] 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 21:25:47 ago (+1/-0)

Stop thinking, and just do it. You'll be a hero.

And don't worry about me, I'm not anywhere near London. But thanks for your concern.

[ - ] Trickthegoyim 1 point 2 yearsSep 16, 2022 17:52:57 ago (+1/-0)

Then all thats left is soviet kgb zionists