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13 comments block

[ - ] deleted 5 points 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 12:46:57 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] osomperne [op] -1 points 1.7 yearsSep 29, 2022 16:36:03 ago (+0/-1)

You have concluded that you are mad at me. That's really what you have concluded.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 2, 2022 14:59:19 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] osomperne [op] -4 points 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 13:04:35 ago (+0/-4)

Of course you have, pedophile

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 10:54:06 ago (+3/-2)

Say what?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 11:00:02 ago (+3/-2)

As an aside, if people do take action it's probably best to follow Mason's advice and strike hard, strike deep, to build a climate for revolution. Aren't you the guy that publicly boasted of non-compliance with paying federal income taxes, i.e., tax evasion? A warrior of Allah you're not...

[ - ] osomperne [op] -3 points 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 12:15:35 ago (+0/-3)



I was the guy who posted about not paying federal income tax and every Talk user acted like I was fucking crazy or side stepped the issue by make-believing they have a righteous cause that is completely different and they will stick to their guns because they have integrity or whatever the fuck all that coping bullshit was in that thread.

Then when time comes for them to comply with their self declared plan, they're on some other coping mechanism. And then, oh yes, then they reveal their ~true~ plans... That someone else should carry out instead of them

I hear boomers in real life do this shit all the time. And millennials that talk to boomers also want "everyone else to do it... And it better be free. And whoever does it better make it as easy as downloading an app, I just downloaded an app and it was easy. And if you screw up I'm going to switch my goals again and say I was never about what you did. And it'll change as more warning shots are delivered to me"

Fucking PATHETIC. I'm never teaming up with you spineless cucks

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 16:09:15 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 29, 2022 16:45:37 ago (+0/-0)*

Probably just does drugs. If he glowed his upvote-downvote ratio would probably look better. Though I suppose changing things up could be part of the ruse.

In any case let's consider what we have here... a guy that comes at us with a bunch of accusations levied at multiple notable users without warning or provocation. I barely knew who this guy was before he started attacking me here.

No reasonable person will think this is, well, reasonable. Because it isn't. It's just shitting up the zone. Which IS typical glownigger behavior.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 29, 2022 23:03:39 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 29, 2022 23:22:57 ago (+0/-0)*

Hard to tell as so much appears to not be on the up and up on the net these days. Some users are probably bots. And even if you are rational - as I am - the voting system will affect the perceptions of more superficial users. It designates what is 'true' or 'false' to the unwitting or those still silly enough to realize if it can be manipulated - and it can - it will be.

In the worst case scenario fake Voat is really fake. A kind of Potemkin village where there are few real users here. I do think that is possible. And posted as much months ago.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.7 yearsSep 30, 2022 00:06:50 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.7 yearsSep 28, 2022 16:08:31 ago (+0/-0)
