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@Cuntspirologist proves once again he has no idea how to lead nor inform a movement. he took a break from worshipping the African black to prasing the FRENCH for someone saying something positive about unvaxxed

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.6 yearsOct 19, 2022 17:57:13 ago (+1/-5)     (www.voat.xyz)


This is the UTMOST proof of the stupidity of Talk/Voats userbase as @Conspirologist posts some dumb shit the french said and no one here spoke up, which proves the utter lack of historical knowledge by this cringey ass userbase.

Talk's userbase is a bunch of false-security providing cuckservatives looking for a dopamine hit.

For anyone (meaning the vast majority of you) who doesn't understand how incredibly stupid Cuntspirologist's post is look up the french enlightenment, which you definitely learned about in school and the mutiny in the french ranks in ww2 and look up modern french culture. Also have a look at their cringey competition with America about muh liberties starting in 1776.

Fuck you all, I hate you so much.

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