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Metric has merit

submitted by UncleDoug to world 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 04:38:11 ago (+16/-6)     (files.catbox.moe)


Common sense units

70 comments block

[ - ] lolxd 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 20, 2022 12:05:42 ago (+0/-0)

Metric is for Soynce, Imperial is for actually getting work done.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 8 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 05:54:18 ago (+9/-1)

In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities.

[ - ] cyclops1771 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:12:18 ago (+2/-0)

I want to increase volume of mercury by 3 parts per 10,000. I have to heat my mercury by 3F. Do Celsius calculation, please. In your head, right now. Oh, your system only makes it easy for water? Oh gee whiz, everything else is just as fucked in it's calculations? Wow, so progressive.

Water is just as arbitrary as mercury in determining a system basis, redditfag.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 14:52:10 ago (+1/-0)

LMFAO!!! What a faggy thing to get offended by. Does your family know you're gay and/or mentally retarded? Yes. Metric is based on the most plentiful substance in the universe. What a substandard system. Did your parents have any kids that lived?

[ - ] KangzNSheeit 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:50:31 ago (+1/-0)

Of course this is why all science and engineering in America is done in metric, and standard units are left for day to day measurements that relate better to human dimensions.

[ - ] Mestizospic86 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 10:48:27 ago (+0/-0)

Holy shit I think that's the smartest thing I've heard in a while. I want to learn this

[ - ] RedBarchetta 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 10:56:04 ago (+0/-0)

LMAO. Not wrong but put so hilarious.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 11:41:16 ago (+0/-0)

All you have to do is change atmospheric pressure for the quantity to change by up to 10%. How does metric account for that better than imperial?

[ - ] Thought_Criminal 7 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:57:10 ago (+7/-0)

Abstract numbers that math better, nod to metric.

A human relational scale for positional and situational awareness, nod to imperial.

[ - ] Not_C 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:46:20 ago (+1/-0)

Abstract numbers that math better, nod to metric.

I have to disagree.
The Base 12 used in feet and inches is significantly mathematically better than Base 10.

Base 10 is mathematically a horrible numbering system. The reason Metric uses Base 10 is because that's the way we speak and write our numbers, and the reason we do that is because we have 10 fingers. (Of course Base 11 would be worse. But Base 10 is mathematically a horrible numbering system.)

Using Base 10 for Metric was mathematically a horrible decision. But, as economies and trade became more global, they needed to base it on a numbering system that would accommodate the lesser race's low IQ.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 13, 2022 07:33:03 ago (+0/-0)

You should join the mental gymnastics team.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 13, 2022 15:44:16 ago (+0/-0)

Mental gymnastics?

There are people in this world who are more than capable of using a mathematically superior numbering system, rather than having to use their fingers to count.

As someone who lives in a metric country, I use the Base 12 system of feet and inches for building and design, and use metric for any high precision machining, because I'm White and intelligent enough to use the best system for the task at hand.

My superior race should never handicap ourselves to be "inclusive" and "equitable" in order to accommodate the less intelligent people like yourself.

Again, my race should never limit ourselves just because the lesser races aren't as intelligent as us.

If you aren't capable of using a mathematically superior numbering system, then admit it.
Don't attack the messenger in an attempt to try to force my people to be inclusive and equitable towards you.
We were nice enough to create a simplified measurement system that matches the way you speak and write your numbers.
Be grateful we did that for you. But don't expect us to use your measurement system, in situations where we can use a mathematically superior system, just so that you don't feel inferior.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 13, 2022 16:38:10 ago (+0/-0)

You're trying extra hard to be dumb and make it sound smart.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 13, 2022 19:34:20 ago (+0/-0)


How is it dumb to use feet and inches for building and design, and metric for precision machining?
You'd have to be pretty stupid to only use metric when there are better systems out there.
For example - I'm not going to use metric angles just because people like you are incapable of using a system that doesn't use Base 10.

The lesser races are restricted to only using metric because they're not intelligent enough to use a numbering system that doesn't match the way they speak and write their numbers.
Meanwhile, me and my race are able to use whatever is best. And we shouldn't be held back by your incompetence.

We are superior, and we won't lower ourselves to your level because of inclusiveness, or equity, or whatever other bullshit words you come up with.
I live in a metric country and use whichever system is best for the task at hand. The only reason why you don't do the same is because of your low IQ.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 13, 2022 20:45:59 ago (+0/-0)

Yes. Mental gymnastics. You're only proving my point over and over again.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 13, 2022 22:21:29 ago (+0/-0)

Claiming you're right because you said so?

In the past we pitied the lesser races and their lack of intelligence. We gave them opportunities and tools that would allow them to at least somewhat take part in civilization.

Now we have White countries who's populations have devolved into being equal to the lesser races. Because it's easier to act like one of them, than it is to live up to the standards of their White ancestors.

Right now I can't tell if you're a White person who chooses to be incompetent or one of the lesser races who is naturally incompetent.
Which is it?

[ - ] cyclops1771 6 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:43:35 ago (+7/-1)

Farenheit is based on 1 degree change in temperature being an increase of volume of mercury of 1 part in 10,000, you stupid upside down dipshit.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:48:59 ago (+2/-0)

The Centigrade scale is based on the freezing point and the boiling point of water.

What are the three most common elements in the galaxy? Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen.

So water is a lot more common than mercury.

It's my greatest post yet, just to see who takes this as a joke and who is a complete cunt at the obvious jest.

[ - ] cyclops1771 5 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:56:46 ago (+7/-2)

LOl, "Galaxy."

Space is fake and gay, like Australia

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 09:11:18 ago (+1/-1)

This guy gets it

[ - ] GMarksTheSpot94 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 12, 2022 16:37:03 ago (+0/-0)

Good goy

[ - ] Teefinyomouf 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 16:39:03 ago (+0/-0)

Centigrade is still arbitrary. Why pick water? Maybe you've answered that. But did you know the freezing and boiling point of water depend on atmospheric pressure? So Celsius is tied to 1 atm as well, and Earth's atmospheric pressure is rare/arbitrary in the cosmos, so by you're argument above we should use something more universal than 1 atm for the boiling point of water, like 1 pascal. Oh, but that's N/m^2 isn't it. And what is a meter again? Originally the meter was an earth centric measurement as well, and now it's defined precisely as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. Oh just WTF. I thought metric was based on TEN?

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 12, 2022 04:46:49 ago (+1/-0)

Centigrade is still arbitrary. Why pick water?

The human body is 60% water and 71% of this planet's surface is water.

Metric is standardised so it has better interrelatability across measures.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 14:54:58 ago (+2/-0)*

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEtarded!!!!! Idiot. Why is Mercury the hill you die on? Because you're an idiot and just want to stir shit. Faggots want to stir shit too. Does that mean you're a faggot? Faggot. You pick an element that is WAY less common than water. Why is that? Jesus you're fucking dumb.

[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 19, 2022 16:54:31 ago (+0/-0)

Why is Mercury the hill you die on? You pick an element that is WAY less common than water. Why is that?

Mercury is used to make thermometers. Using mercury as a basis for a temperature system made it possible to have extremely accurate thermometers - you just make your mercury tube the perfect size that a 1F mark was at the 1/10,000 volume increase mark. Almost like it was designed fora specific, functional purpose.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 17:35:21 ago (+0/-0)

And I think 0 was the coldest thing the guy inventing it could readily come up with which was salted ice.

[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 1.5 yearsNov 20, 2022 11:18:12 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, from my reading on this - i cannot remember the book, or if it was on a Great Courses audiobook, but I have read a lot about the Scientific Revolution, and where things came from - but the original scale was from 0 to 60, as the inventor was an astronomer who liked using 60 degrees, because he was used to it in the minute, second values used in astronomy.

0 was brine, 7.5 was pure brine, 15 was room temperature, 22.5 was human body, and 52.5 was water boiling point. I cannot recall what 60 degrees represented. Farenheit was an instrument maker, and he went to Denmark to meet this astronomer and he used that system as his starting point. He adjusted it to 8's instead of these 7.5 chunks. He then, without declaring why, multiplied it all by 4, and he started making super accurate mercury thermometers which were sold for great wealth and profit.

His trade secret was that his multiplying it by 4 - making the original 7.5 degree freezing for water to 8 degrees, which, multiplied by 4 is where we got the 32 - made the math exactly, EXACTLY , equal to 1F change in temp to a 1 in 10,000 change in mercury volume. Hence, why he kept it secret: he wanted to keep his trade secret and sell his instruments for a premium.

[ - ] prominent_proboscis 5 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 06:37:20 ago (+5/-0)

having to type a lot of reports, i prefer a year-month-day format for dating as it automatically keeps files in chronological order.

[ - ] Cunt 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 17:00:41 ago (+2/-0)

YYYYMMDD is obviously the superior form for data.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 06:39:33 ago (+2/-2)

as does day/month/year.

The 01/02/22, 02/02/22, etc

[ - ] cyclops1771 5 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:20:28 ago (+5/-0)

01/01/19, 02/02/17, 03/03/22, 04/04/15. etc.

Oh yeah, NOT in chronological order. Metric people are retarded.

Year 365. Months some 28, some 30, some 31. DERP. Nice metric system you use.

Hours? 24. WHAT? Gay. 60 minutes? 60 seconds? HUH? WTF, metric fags? degrees in a circle? 360? Metric dude, are you retarded? GPS coordinates? Longitude and latitude? What are you doing,. metric man? 7 day weeks? OMG, STAHP metric moron.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:29:30 ago (+0/-0)*

Its because your format date is set on local.

It is chronological for every other country.

Format _ Number _ Date _ Locale (location) _

[ - ] cyclops1771 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:55:36 ago (+2/-0)

No, dumbass, If I name a report 01012022_ReportA, and then name one 02012019_ReportA, because I run the report every day, I get all my days together, or in US, my months together. Like this: https://files.catbox.moe/ufbbr8.PNG

If I name them 20210101_report and 20190101_report and 20220101_report, I get them all in exact chronological order. YYYYMMDD is the correct way to number things on a computer system. Like this: https://files.catbox.moe/4zkge3.PNG

Personally, I date everything DD-Mon-YYYY when writing, as in 11Nov2022. I dont number my Months. It's confusing for you upside down morons and Eurofags if I write 02/01/2022, you have no clue what date that is.

[ - ] bobdole9 4 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 09:04:14 ago (+4/-0)

Sounds like you have had to work in digital systems, or saved any files to a computer. Year month day for the win.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 14:56:03 ago (+1/-0)*

LMFAO!!! You are so dumb. But you're loud so you think you're right. That's fucking precious. Literally everyone else on earth has to make accommodations for retarded people like you because you're noisy. Meanwhile, we're all over here getting shit done. Congrats!!! You're the one holding back humanity. I'm sure you're a flat earther too. SMFH. It doesn't make you edgy, it makes you dumb. Newsflash, you're not the smart one.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 08:10:52 ago (+0/-0)

It's confusing for you upside down morons and Eurofags if I write 02/01/2022, you have no clue what date that is.


The conditional formatting is based on the size of the components. Multiple days make up a month, months make up a year, and we always know what our date expressions mean.


[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:07:08 ago (+0/-0)

You metric fags are so easy to troll.

Why would you use 30 days, 12 months? 7 days? 52 weeks?


The metric system has dumbed down you Aussie and Eurofags to the point you let yourself be disarmed.

Happy Primidi of the third decade of Brumiaire, you dolt!

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 17:37:37 ago (+0/-0)

Although that violates the typical convention for numbers which puts the most significant digits on the left. Dates are weird, though, because they are not metric and can't be incremented sequentially. Which is why computers store everything as seconds/ms/us since an epoch.

[ - ] NiggerNiggerZooPals 2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 09:17:07 ago (+2/-0)

This is a free country. You can use whatever measurement system you want. I think Fahrenheit makes more sense in a lot of situations, such as the weather.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] -2 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 09:21:40 ago (+0/-2)

This is what people who grow up on the bible say.

"Its all I have ever known, so it makes sense."

[ - ] Cunt 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 16:57:40 ago (+1/-0)

As a woman, I love using imperial for its inaccuracy. If you say any measurements in metric people expect you to be right, but imperial measurements subtly tell them to measure while giving them a rough figure. Or they just tell me I'm retarded while not having any clue of imperial and measure, but either way works for me.

An inch is about a thumb bone, a foot is about a head or large man's foot (one reference for vertical the other for horizontal).

"Miles" is for any distance I have no idea the distance of, which is most.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 12:46:28 ago (+1/-0)

Lol What a ridiculous eurocuck post.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 12:49:22 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 11:39:31 ago (+1/-0)

Ok now do circles in metric, vs imperial.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 10:57:47 ago (+1/-0)

Base 12 is better than 10.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 11:10:13 ago (+1/-0)

Base 16/hex decimal ftw.

[ - ] ilikeskittles 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 10:02:33 ago (+1/-0)

What’s your point? And I don’t care.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 08:23:03 ago (+1/-0)

9mm, 10mm and 8mm is all I care about.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 17:38:26 ago (+0/-0)

.45 is god's caliber

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 18:14:40 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, I know people like you. You're cute and I love to put your crayon drawings on my fridge.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] -1 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 08:25:59 ago (+1/-2)

Ohh yeah mean 0.354", 0.393" and 0.314" caliber.

[ - ] KangzNSheeit 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:52:56 ago (+1/-0)

You just like metric because your little dick sounds bigger in centimeters instead of inches

[ - ] Laputois 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 05:42:51 ago (+1/-0)

Are you a buggerer?

[ - ] observation1 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 04:54:48 ago (+1/-0)

Stopped listening at "metres" you lousy spelling cousins from across the pond!

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 4 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 04:59:56 ago (+4/-0)

In Australian English and most other English dialects, 'metre' is a noun that refers to a metric unit of measurement of length equal to 100 centimetres

Whereas meter is a gauge, like seeing how much water has been used from your meter.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 10:09:04 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 17:33:56 ago (+0/-0)

Americans don't use the Imperial (customary, whatever) system as much as the rest of the world thinks, and the rest of the world doesn't use metric as much as Americans think.

In both cases, when you actually have to do something important like engineering metric units predominate. When it comes to cooking, or weighing yourself and your children, or determining how far you have to kick an inflated ball to score a point, people tend to use traditional measurements. Which all cultures have.

[ - ] SithEmpire 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 14:57:18 ago (+0/-0)

Grew up with C, but honestly F is a more human scale. 0 F is for frozen food and 100 F is approximately body temperature.

[ - ] Portmanure 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 14:38:46 ago (+0/-0)*

Imperial system allows craftsman to be more crafty. Metric system allows scientist to be more sciency. I have no problem using both in the ways that best suit them. I like my cars driving in miles and miles per hour but don’t mind my rockets flying kilometers per second.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 14:11:33 ago (+0/-0)

For the millionth time, the date order is order of relevance

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:29:49 ago (+0/-0)

Here are some simple facts about Metric and Imperial

- You are allowed to use metric for one thing, and imperial for another.
- Base 10 is the numbering system we use to write and speak our numbers. But mathematically, Base 10 is a horrible numbering system.
- Without Metric (without a numbering system that matches the amount of fingers people have) the less intelligent races would not be able to participate in the global economy.

Yes, Celsius is a better way to measure temperature.
While the Base 12 used in feet and inches is mathematically better for calculations than Base 10.

And also, we have sacrificed parts of our mathematically superior numbering systems in order to accommodate the low IQ of the lesser races.

By converting everything to Metric, we have crippled ourselves in order to be virtuous and try to accommodate the lesser race's low IQ.

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:04:49 ago (+0/-0)

You can write it Day/Month/Year until you're blue in the face but you'll still say and think Month/Day/Year.

I don't care which is correct, only which is commonly used. Unfortunately both forms are commonly used so I generally go with Day/Month/Year because it's more 'intuitive'. But I always keep in mind that 12/1 could be Dec or Jan and I should clarify it if it's important. It's annoying but still workable.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 12:39:17 ago (+0/-0)

Your arguments are irrelevant, a foot is the size of my foot.

[ - ] KangzNSheeit 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 13:56:18 ago (+0/-0)

Saying "I'm going to stick my 30.48 cm up your ass!" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 11:44:45 ago (+0/-0)

Nuh uh

[ - ] PeBeFri 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 08:02:10 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] cb1 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 06:41:30 ago (+1/-1)

Goes from millimeter to meter. Thats retarded. Inches are a very nice measurement to have for those of us in the trades.

Let me just measure this 2 foot 8 inch board, ah yes 812 millimeters. That should be easy enough.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 3 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 06:52:48 ago (+3/-0)

Or 800mm would be 31.4961 Inches, its perspective.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 5 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 07:18:15 ago (+5/-0)

Not when you're working on production.

A metric tape takes more time to read without doing a mistake and adding thousands of millimeters together in your head is also a lot slower than doing feet, inches & fractions.

I was raised on metric and prefer working in imperial, it's just way more efficient.

[ - ] HelpAcct123 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 11, 2022 08:25:25 ago (+0/-0)

Agree and also worked in construction. For smaller scale measurement and production imperial is easier to use.