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If you still have some doubt over whether or not Christians are traitors...

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:15:37 ago (+2/-13)     (www.voat.xyz)


the majority of them believe this by the way. their book teaches them this. to hate their own history. they are absolutely pathetic brainwashed dogs.

12 comments block

[ - ] sguevar 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:07:34 ago (+4/-1)

Care to show me where in the Bible it says that we should copulate with shekinah?

Saying that all denominations of Christianity are full of traitors because they have been largely subverted by the Synagogue of Satan is like saying that most whites are traitors because they have also been subverted by the jews in the letter.

Is really a stupid stance and the worst part is that as you can't see that you are in fact spreading false narratives here that help the enemy, you don't realize how much you help the ones you supposedly despise -kikes.

Many call themselves Christians but are really not as much as many call themselves whites and are really not.

What triggers the foolish and weak minded people like yourself is that salvation is for everyone. BUT, it has to be individually driven. Is a personal choice, and hence the easiest path is the broad one that leads to destruction and many take it. Included yourself.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod [op] -3 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:09:22 ago (+0/-3)

wtf are you rambling about? the bible is clear as possible about hating on Rome. there's no distinctions there. stop being a lying rat and own up to it.

[ - ] sguevar 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:12:22 ago (+3/-0)

Wrong. If you really have read it you would know that you are talking out of your ass right now.

The Bible clearly shows that we should evangelize all. Included romans. Hence the several peregrinations to Rome included.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod [op] -3 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:17:15 ago (+0/-3)

lol typical lying rat christian tactics. it states clearly to destroy Rome. you 'save' all by converting them, and if not they are to burn in hell or be wiped out in the end times. you very clearly are instructed to hate on Rome, and your twisted logic of thinking you're 'saving' them doesn't change this.

yous are so dumb and brainwashed that if we expose muslim tactics and hypocrisies, yous will agree with whatever we say, but then when we show that christians do the same, suddenly your little brains hit a block wall and you can't comprehend the two are exactly the same.

[ - ] sguevar 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:23:55 ago (+3/-1)

lol typical lying rat christian tactics. it states clearly to destroy Rome.

Really? Show me the passage and I will show you your willful ignorance conveniently avoiding the purpose of the chapter.

you 'save' all by converting them

You save yourself. That is the point of Christianity. We do not save anyone because we do not have the power of salvation. We have been gifted salvation through Grace. Is a gift that each one has to accept. Again with your dumb ass convenience.

and if not they are to burn in hell or be wiped out in the end times.

Well every action has it's consequence. But you are still free to live as you wish. It is YOUR decision.

you very clearly are instructed to hate on Rome, and your twisted logic of thinking you're 'saving' them doesn't change this.

Nope I am instructed to spread the Truth and rebuke false doctrines and false testimonies like the ones you are spewing like a kike stooge who is possibly a kike himself. And again, we have no power to save anyone. Salvation is a personal choice. What a faggot that keeps going on in circles when you have been answered those claims before already.

yous are so dumb and brainwashed that if we expose muslim tactics and hypocrisies, yous will agree with whatever we say, but then when we show that christians do the same, suddenly your little brains hit a block wall and you can't comprehend the two are exactly the same.

Muh you dumb... reee... gonna scream tantrums because I lack argumentative skills to defend my own stance... If you are white, you are white trash with really low IQ.

Seethe harder.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod [op] -3 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:39:15 ago (+0/-3)

the purpose of the chapter? hahaha fuck off you jew slave. you'll twist any evidence into 'well, akshually, we're trying to save them and just teaching them love... cause otherwise our benevolent god will burn them in hell.' i'm not wasting my time arguing over something so obvious, you cunts are such fucking jew-trained serpentine liars you won't own up to a single point.

[ - ] sguevar 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:42:36 ago (+2/-1)

You are not white... your answers come from a low IQ individual that is simply not capable of reading correctly. You have been answered your false claims and you keep repeating yourself... You are definitely the best example that the "jew's high IQ" is a myth.

Enjoy serving the synagogue slave.

[ - ] 1point21jiggawatts 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 17, 2022 16:11:40 ago (+1/-0)

Dude's clearly out of his depth arguing with you and doesn't know the Bible like AT ALL. I sincerely think that this people calling everyone "christcucks" are like astroturfers banking on the sad fact that so many "chrsitians" don't actually know the Bible. The alternative is that they are just incredibly stupid.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:49:55 ago (+5/-2)

The majority of kikes (you) believe killing off their own race for shekels and comfort is the ultimate goal in life.

[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 23:55:10 ago (+2/-0)

Weak response

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod [op] -4 points 1.5 yearsDec 15, 2022 21:39:39 ago (+0/-4)

lol typical kike taught chutzpah christian response. just claim the total opposite of the truth. i post a thread demonstrating how christians are brainwashed to hate on their own race and history, so u just mindlessly accuse the accuser of what you are guilty of. exactly what jews do. that's because you're their students. you are pathetic.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 08:58:10 ago (+2/-0)

Except the source of brother wars all comes from you antichrist lying kikes.