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Sub Introduction

submitted by Love240 to ElectricUniverse 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 16:45:09 ago (+30/-1)     (ElectricUniverse)

This subverse is dedicated to ideas and/or concepts around the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology, Plasma Physics, Independent Acquisition of Knowledge by Experimentation, Recent Discoveries and Geophysical Activity.

I opened this up to submit videos from The ThunderboltsProject as well as Dutchsinse, Suspicious Observers, Dave Dobbs, Nassim Harramein and the like.

31 comments block

[ - ] Cunt 4 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 20:36:55 ago (+4/-0)

I think the thunderbolts project makes a great deal more sense than anything bullshit Einstein wrote. What's a good recent thing to read/watch/listen to on the topic?

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 06:40:09 ago (+0/-0)

Thunderbolts are go!

[ - ] MichaelStewart 3 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 18:49:38 ago (+3/-0)*

We are electrical beings

Edit: Don’t forget the Diehold Foundation

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 19:06:54 ago (+1/-1)

The Diehold Foundation was created in 1997 to accomplish four major goals:
1. "These are the same glass beads that were found on the Moon."

We never went, don't have any evidence we did, let alone 'glass beads'.

2. "The second reason is to research gravitational anomalies found in the U.S. and the world as defined in the book Gravitational Mystery Spots of the United States of the United State by Douglas Vogt."

Gravity is fake and gay.

3. "The objective of the research is to find a causal relationship between geological cycles and astronomical cycles within an informational theory of existence such as the Theory of Multidimensional Reality."

Kabalistic Scientism.

4. "The purpose for the Foundations’ research is to see if global warming is caused by a collapsing magnetic field on the Earth and the Sun which will eventually culminate in a geomagnetic reversal then an ice age on the Earth."

Gay and controlled 'Global warming' narrative repetition.

I'm going to go with a 'no' on that one.

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:12:39 ago (+1/-0)

We never went [to the moon]

If you insist on arguing this on the official Thunderbolts forum, you'll be banned.

Gravity is fake and gay.

Drop a hammer on your foot and get back to me. Thornhill believes in an electric version of gravity.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:16:35 ago (+0/-0)

We're not on the official Thunderbolts forum, are we?

Density and direction. Gravity is bullshit, it's all electric, he simply uses the name 'gravity', it's still the same thing.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:25:46 ago (+0/-0)

We're not on the official Thunderbolts forum, are we?

Nope, but you're talking about why you pass on Diehold. I'm just telling you the EU position is the same.

Density and direction.

If you drop a feather and a coin in a vacuum, they fall at the same speeds. Easily testable by anybody with a cheap, tabletop vacuum device.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:36:10 ago (+0/-0)

Well in this subverse, it's not.

If you drop a feather and a coin in a vacuum, they fall at the same speeds. Easily testable by anybody with a cheap, tabletop vacuum device.

This is also consistent with density and direction.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:38:40 ago (+0/-0)

This is also consistent with density and direction.

No it isn't. The feather and coin have different density.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 1 point 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 23:22:44 ago (+1/-0)

This shit is the intellectual equivalent of Cartman and Kyle's gay as fuck slapfight.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:41:05 ago (+0/-0)

You misunderstand. In a vacuum there is nothing resisting either from falling. Thus they fall at the same rate. Were there atmosphere, the density of the feather would then matter, as the atmosphere is much closer to the feather's density, than the other object.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 23:01:12 ago (+0/-0)

@chrimony, If you actually think about it, this test isn't a gravity test, it's a density test. If it were a gravity test, you would see a difference in falling speed based off of the mass of the object, but we don't see that. We see they fall at the same rate, which means it has nothing to do with the mass of the object, but the objects density in relation to the resistance of the media in which it is falling.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 00:18:00 ago (+0/-0)

In a vacuum there is nothing resisting either from falling. Thus they fall at the same rate.

But why are they falling in the first place? Gravity.

Were there atmosphere, the density of the feather would then matter, as the atmosphere is much closer to the feather's density, than the other object.

Air resists the downward force of gravity. It's like falling through the branches of a tree. Or a cannon ball shooting upwards hitting an object falling down.

The density matters because F = ma. So a tiny force on a large mass (an air molecule pushing on a coin) results in little acceleration upwards. It's like a ping pong ball hitting a bowling ball. A tiny force on a tiny mass (an air molecule pushing on a feather) results in a much bigger acceleration upwards. That's why dust particles get blown around in the air quite easily, but they will eventually settle if there is no air flow. And when the air is removed, all objects fall at the same rate, because it's only the downward acceleration of gravity that matters.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 06:51:40 ago (+0/-0)

But why are they falling in the first place?

That's the right attitude.


It's because there is an up and a down. Heaven is above. Earth is below. That makes sense. Where's the proof it's gravity?

And when the air is removed, all objects fall at the same rate, because it's only the downward acceleration of gravity that matters.

That doesn't make sense when you're in a supposedly continuously spinning and spiraling 'planet' in an orbit around a gigantic stellar furnace. There is no constant 'downward' in that worldview.

Yet all of the stars, their relative positions and times remain affixed...

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 00:53:42 ago (+0/-0)

Look, I wasn't happy about the moon landing being fake either - woulda been a hell of a feather in the cap of the Nazi scientists who ran NASA. Heck, I even wonder whether they were lying on behalf of the kikes or to protect Nazi secrets. But to ban discussion of it? What a bunch of faggoty pussies.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 01:00:33 ago (+0/-0)

Look, I wasn't happy about the moon landing being fake either - woulda been a hell of a feather in the cap of the Nazi scientists who ran NASA.

Then why denigrate White man's finest achievements with bullshit hoax theories? They built the rocket. They have tons of video and data. There's no way they faked all that.

But to ban discussion of it?

They also ban discussion of flat Earth too. They don't want distractions from their theories for what they feel is bullshit. Of course, the mainstream scientists take the same view on EU theories.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 02:18:45 ago (+0/-0)

There's no way they faked all that.

Bro there's so much documentation on the holocaust and all these camps and they produced so much zyklon b. There's no way they faked all that!

Are you fucktarded? Of course they could have faked all that.

Why haven't we sent another manned mission to the moon since the 1970s?

Why did every moon landing happen during Nixon's Presidency? Why did they cancel multiple planned landings as soon as the war in Vietnam ended? Why did every major moon landing overlap with news stories about how badly the war in Vietnam was going - the same way they run distraction stories whenever a jew gets caught today?

Why was Apollo 13 the one mission where things went terribly wrong? Hotels don't use the number 13 for a reason. Isn't it just a bit too coincidental? Like something a script writer would come up with.

Flat earth is on a whole other level - you have to deny the fundamental laws of physics as well as easily observable phenomenon such as lunar light cycles in order to get to flat earth. Believing the moon landing was faked only requires you to believe that governments and politicians are capable of lying. By the way, the government just declassified documents proving that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination after the CIA normalized the term "conspiracy theorist" to dismiss people's accusations that they were involved in the Kennedy assassination. Do you think the CIA being involved in the Kennedy assassination is a "bullshit hoax theory" too?

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 04:54:15 ago (+0/-0)

Bro there's so much documentation on the holocaust and all these camps and they produced so much zyklon b. There's no way they faked all that!

There were camps. According to the official story, Anne Frank died in the hospital from typhus. And her father lived to tell her story. So Auschwitz was not a death camp. See how easy?

I've looked at moon hoax theories and the evidence. It wasn't faked.

Why haven't we sent another manned mission to the moon since the 1970s?

These are the retarded arguments I get from the typical moon hoaxers. This is what you're hanging your hat on to denigrate White man's finest achievement? First off, do you know how many times we went to the moon? If it was a one and done to fake it, why go multiple times?

As to why we haven't gone back for decades, we stopped going because it was really fucking expensive, and at the end of the day the moon is just a giant rock. There's no reason to be going back now, but we're doing it anyways because politicians lack imagination and want to relive past glories. And also China something something.

Why was Apollo 13 the one mission where things went terribly wrong?

Because shit happens.

Believing the moon landing was faked only requires you to believe that governments and politicians are capable of lying.

And that they're also capable of lying on a such a grand scale without leaks for decades on end, and without it being trivial to see the telltale signs that you can find in every movie.

Just think how many people had to be in on this thing. All the astronauts. All the guys faking data and videos. All the engineers that had to get a way for the astronauts to get on the rocket and then be squirreled away somewhere else. Then fire the rocket off, and fake all the radar and communication data to the engineers. Now fake bringing the capsule back home with astronauts inside. Come on, dude. This is an immense undertaking.

By the way, the government just declassified documents proving that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination

Do you have a link for what you believe? Because while I've heard some buzz about this, I haven't seen anything about direct CIA involvement. Too much "ibs habbening!!!" around for me to get worked up about CIA releases -- why would they release anything incriminating now?

Do you think the CIA being involved in the Kennedy assassination is a "bullshit hoax theory" too?

Not sure about Kennedy. That spooks were involved with assassinating him isn't a great leap of imagination, and neither would it take a lot of people. I don't dismiss conspiracy theories out of hand. I look at the evidence and each one individually.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 11:04:57 ago (+0/-0)

We don't have the technology to go to the moon today that we supposedly had 50 years ago and much of the data you're referring to has been lost or hidden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORhv54Odr-I

A lot of the video evidence also looks fake, but most people have never actually watched even a fraction of the video released. They release a massive quantity of evidence to make it impossible for the vast majority of people to look at enough of it to find the obviously fake parts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RagQgyCam1w

You can also look at the footprints on the lunar soil where the soil clearly clumps together the way you would expect moist dirt to clump together, not the way you would expect dry soil on a planet with no moisture to behave. Mythbusters famously debunked that one by completely dodging the question of moisture and making a footprint in dry sand that looks nothing like the clumped together soil in the moon footprints.

Thousands of people being involved in no way prevents it from being a conspiracy. There are tons of military secrets where thousands of people were involved but little to nothing gets leaked. Thousands of people knew about 9/11 beforehand and the "leaks" look more like predictive programming than leaks.

As for Kennedy, the CIA claimed for decades they had absolutely no connection to the shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald. Turns out they were both monitoring and working with Oswald prior to the Kennedy assassination. https://www.newsweek.com/new-documents-shed-light-cias-connection-lee-harvey-oswald-1765105

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 15:03:13 ago (+0/-0)

We don't have the technology to go to the moon today that we supposedly had 50 years ago

Imagine you spend the 1960s building special vehicles and an entire program for sending a manned mission to the moon. You achieve your goals and mothball everything -- the public is no longer interested in sending men to the moon. 50 years later some douche on the Internet expects that you can just dust it off and hop on a rocket to the moon.

It's not like we can't recreate it -- because we certainly are, but it will take time, and of course they aren't just going to slavishly copy what was done before. Mission specs are different, and they will come up with new designs and take advantage of modern technology. All this has to be built and tested.

And after it's done? You'll still get douchebags on the Internet saying it's all been faked. Who cares?

and much of the data you're referring to has been lost or hidden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORhv54Odr-I

Tons of video and audio still exists. And there's data from the science experiments. And the data needed be created in the first place for the engineers to run the mission.

A lot of the video evidence also looks fake, but most people have never actually watched even a fraction of the video released.

I've looked. It's typical stuff that looks weird but has ordinary explanations.

They release a massive quantity of evidence to make it impossible for the vast majority of people to look at enough of it to find the obviously fake parts.

Lulz. First it's the data has been destroyed, so we can't look at it. Then it's they release TOO MUCH. You know a 2 hour movie takes tons of video and is highly edited down to a finished product, and they still manage to fuck it up. You get a look at tons of raw product, and you complain it's part of the cunspirahcee.

As I was saying, looks funny, but has ordinary explanations. The first part: His heels are up -- oh, so if you're wearing moon boots, you can't flex your feet and raise your heels? The second part: Seen this a gazillion times. It looks funny because 1/6 gravity, bulky suits, and low-framerate, but he clearly is using his arms and legs to push himself up, despite the video saying "nor with help from his own arms or legs". LOOK AT THE FUCKING VIDEO. He clearly is pushing with his arms against the ground. His legs start out against the ground.

And on and on it goes. I've seen these retarded talking points a gazillion times before. This is the kind of shit you guys choose to denigrate White man's greatest achievement with.

You can also look at the footprints on the lunar soil where the soil clearly clumps together the way you would expect moist dirt to clump together, not the way you would expect dry soil on a planet with no moisture to behave.

Do you have lunar soil lying around? No? Then how do you know how it behaves, or its exact properties? You can make footprints in fine soil when it is dry. The lunar dust was also infamous for sticking to the astronauts suits and getting everywhere. But 'tards act like lunar soil is sand at the beach.

And why would they have been using "moist dirt" in the first place to simulate lunar soil? It makes no fucking sense. "Hey guys, we're going to bring in the 'lunar soil' now. Go get the topsoil we pulled from Bob's garden!"

Thousands of people being involved in no way prevents it from being a conspiracy.

Makes it much more likely something is leaked, and also that much harder to pull off. You have to get all these guys together to agree to such a project and to keep their mouths shut. For decades.

And I'm not getting dragged into a 9/11 discussion as proof of anything. That's an even a bigger tarpit than the Kennedy assassination.

Turns out they were both monitoring and working with Oswald prior to the Kennedy assassination.

Monitoring? Yes. Working with? I don't see any evidence from the Newsweek article you linked. And this Yahoo article talks about a phone tap from an Oswald call to a Russian embassy. Ok?


"Most of a 23-page internal CIA memo documenting that phone call and other details of Oswald’s pre-assassination trip to Mexico City — a visit that has been the subject of endless speculation — was released years ago. But a few previously classified portions of that memo were finally released this week, a small part of the more than 13,173 newly unredacted documents disclosed by the National Archives under a 1992 law requiring the release of all government material relating to what was arguably the most shocking and consequential crime in American history."


"In short, like much of the newly disclosed JFK papers, the memo didn’t contain any bombshells that prove an elaborate conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Instead, it was the CIA trying to hide how it does its business — in this case, forging a relationship with a foreign official to operate a secret listening center on Mexican soil."

So an unverifiable, anonymous source. And again, I'm not saying the CIA being involved is some crazy conspiracy theory, it's quite plausible. But even here we don't have the goods.

[ - ] Metanoid 2 points 1.4 yearsDec 26, 2022 04:25:25 ago (+2/-0)

I've seen some of the electric universe videos. Intriguing but I'm not xonvinced one way or the other. I'll be following this verse.

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:48:51 ago (+2/-0)

Good job on creating this sub!

[ - ] AOUsYamaka 2 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 21:23:47 ago (+2/-0)

Plasma cosmology is very interesting. Tesla was a big advocate.

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 17:08:33 ago (+3/-1)


[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 1 point 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:26:09 ago (+1/-0)

Now I wanna do shrooms

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 1 point 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 21:29:10 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] con77 1 point 1.4 yearsDec 25, 2022 20:52:40 ago (+1/-0)

Alex Jones is right about the interdimensional beings