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If you believe in reincarnation... you should be against the death penalty.

submitted by Thought_Criminal to justice 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 21:05:44 ago (+2/-1)     (justice)

It seems better to bind the physical entity containing a reincarnate-able demon in earthly prison for 40 years, than kill it. I mean, that fucker is coming back like the Dali Lama and you don't know who or where its gonna pop its head outa.

The person arrested for the Moscow ID killings resembles a serial killer that was put to death in 1989, got me thinking.

13 comments block

[ - ] The_Reunto 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 23:17:28 ago (+2/-0)

Suppose for a moment that reincarnation was real and it worked without a kharma system, the individual still suffers the pain of death and therefore the penalty of the sentence is served. That is how many moral systems would view this.

Much like a thief that gets caught, serves a few years in jail, and then is set free, that freedom is given because the thief has paid their debt to society based on the sentence given to them as chosen by society. That kind of morality is even seen in Islam where an adultress is beheaded as punishment but then she is seen as being in good standing because the penalty had been paid. Other cultures might not view a death sentence as a form of payment and more or less just see it as a way of removing an irredeemable pest from society.

OK, sure, we can look at spiritual reincarnation and gawk at how meaningless the question might seem relative to most worldviews. But, when we consider the concept of genetic reincarnation, suddenly there are genuine moral implication regarding whether a death penalty is considered a payment or pest removal.

In brief, genetic reincarnation is the idea that specific phenotypes are likely to reimerge out of a genepool. This in its mildest form can result in people that look and act in an uncannily identical way despite not being closely related (though undoubtedly have a common ancestor that looked the same as them). The most noteworthy ones are the ones that end up with the same name and same professions as well as looking like they are identical twins. (E.g. https://thebolditalic.com/artificial-intelligence-can-now-help-you-find-your-twin-stranger-1680e334b720 )

Consider this Israeli perspective on the measurable existence of genetic reincarnation in micro-organisms: https://bigthink.com/health/genetic-reincarnation/

I chose an Israeli source intentionally. If you read the article, you will see that they mention that a part of this genetic reincarnation is about RNA signalling. Now consider the idea that the Talmudic Jewish perspective is that some ethnicities are irredeemable and are commanded to be completely and utterly genocided. They take the 'pest removal' appproach to the death penalty for some genetic groups.

Now consider all of this nonsense with mRNA shots going for female reproductive organs. Since we know proper RNA function is needed for genetic reincarnation, and we know that mRNA tech can disrupt correct function, and some systems of morality would view genetic reincarnation as a reimergence of a pest, therefore there is motive and means for interested groups to implement jabs with an intention to 1) kill off as many current pests as possible, and 2) permanently and irreparably damage the ability for functioning genetic reincarnations within a gene pool.

Oh yes indeed, this whole question about the morality of death penalties and reincarnation is very relevant to our times, and likely in a way that many people don't immediately think about.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 21:14:53 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah, that's not how it works.

If you a murder a bunch of people, you come back as someone who gets brutally murdered. That's the lesson you need to learn. The death penalty is only an escape if reincarnation isn't real.

[ - ] Thought_Criminal [op] -1 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 21:20:12 ago (+0/-1)

I guess if it's a demon haunted world we're obligated to try to save that demon controlled human individual? Makes using them as an imprisoning entity for 40 years an immoral act.


[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 23:53:16 ago (+1/-0)

No. You gotta let go of what happens after you die, and what happens to shitty people too. You only have control over the life you live, and it's a tenuous grasp at best. Worry about consequences other people will face, other people you can't interact with, is a waste of time and it's bad for you.

I don't know what happens after we die. Maybe nothing. Maybe there's a god and he designed it to be nothing. Maybe it's reincarnation. I just don't think it's productive to worry about things you can't change or to trust things you can't independently verify.

I might be retarded. It's been a long fuckin day.

[ - ] Thought_Criminal [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 18, 2023 02:17:40 ago (+0/-0)

That was a pretty good comment. Is your account compromised?

[ - ] Nosferatjew 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 18, 2023 02:24:48 ago (+1/-0)

I don't believe in reincarnation.

[ - ] Thought_Criminal [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 18, 2023 02:30:18 ago (+0/-0)

What about demons or any supernatural types?
I think Carl Sagan writing a book and naming it The Demon Haunted World revealed what is, not what is not.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 18, 2023 02:48:15 ago (+0/-0)

Carl Sagan was a faggot commie jew.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 22:01:08 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] MasklessTheGreat 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 22:01:07 ago (+1/-0)

If you believe in reincarnation then you are an idiot.

[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 21:52:25 ago (+1/-0)

There is no mechanism that would require a bad person in one life to reincarnate as a bad person

[ - ] Thought_Criminal [op] -1 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 21:13:25 ago (+0/-1)

Is this why the US has all but ended the death penalty? ...Playing the game on another level? If killed they just respawn, so we imprison and fake legal wranglings that force the best medical care to keep them alive as long as possible and bound in earthy prison.

[ - ] Monica 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 21:48:43 ago (+1/-0)

No. That is jew fuckery. The jews want the country to keep spending money not just on prisons but everything in the fucking world to drain the government of it's money in order to destroy it from within. Commie shit 101.

[ - ] Thought_Criminal [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 18, 2023 02:22:56 ago (+0/-0)*

GloMo'nica sez shut it down. am...0\/3r...74rg37.