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Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade

submitted by deleted to FurniturePorn 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 15:58:08 ago (+24/-0)     (FurniturePorn)


30 comments block

[ - ] o0shad0o 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:54:39 ago (+0/-0)

At this point we're going to find out why the US has been pouring so much money into Israel.

Imagine Biden's surprise when they go "lolno".

[ - ] prototype 3 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 18:56:38 ago (+3/-0)

Explains why we're going to war with Iran now.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:17:42 ago (+1/-0)

Russia. Syria. China. Iran.

Formed an alliance in 2014

Explains the invasion of Ukraine that year

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 21:57:27 ago (+0/-0)

What you're saying seems correct, but what reason would russia have to ally with china specifically that early, if it was planning a response years down the line?

I'm operating under the model (tl;dr) that a good portion of the u.s. is compromised or directly beholden to the CCP and israel, who are in a committed pincer attack against the u.s., and the u.s. proxy war in ukraine was effectively a means to loot/bankrupt the u.s., simultenously reward insiders, and push russia into chinas arms, while indebting much of europe to many banks with ties to both london and israel.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 22, 2023 01:17:01 ago (+0/-0)

Good questions.

So little information.

I'm hoping that putin is a true nationalist.
He played up to the globalists when weak.

Then went into outright opposition rather than let them gobble up his part of the world one piece at a time.

Or they are they hammer and he is the anvil.

[ - ] prototype 5 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 18:55:51 ago (+5/-0)

1. Convert so many USD reserves to local currencies
2. local currencies pegged to x amount of USD reserves
3. local currencies put into basket of currencies, forming an SDR currency
4. us dollar liquidity drops like a fucking rock.
5. All countries participating, stop accepting dollars, and ONLY accept currencies in the basket, which are themselves backed by dollars.

Bingo, no need to defund the dollar.

It becomes a fossil that gathers dust in reserves. Its value is inverted, from something inherently valuable, to a sort of universal risk-reduction:
Like mutually assured destruction, any nation can say "well I'll just start trading my reserves instead and destroy the value of YOUR reserves."

And so no one does, and the dollars remain locked up, and the u.s. federal government (and many state governments) implode in financial calamity, and we all live happily ever after. The end.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:04:53 ago (+1/-0)

and we all live happily ever after

No, you starve and die.

Fucking stupid prick.

[ - ] prototype 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:08:15 ago (+2/-0)

"Fucking stupid prick."

Stay fucking mad glow-in-the-dark subhuman bitch.

I hope you lose your pension and fucking starve to death.

[ - ] beece 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:20:32 ago (+1/-0)

Please don't hope that a brother lose's his pension and starve's to death Prototype. Be better. Like your upper post, excellent.

[ - ] prototype 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 20:42:47 ago (+2/-0)

"Please don't hope that a brother lose's his pension and starve's to death Prototype."

A lot of us are gonna die in the end from sheer accident, logistic failure, or confiscation, when the u.s. collapses.

Status quo still has to go and that is the ugly fucking truth of it. Anyone that wants to preserve the status quo is an enemy. Theres no getting around it.

[ - ] MightyMorphinFaggot 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 23:15:20 ago (+0/-0)

loses his pension

Pensions were, and always were, a scam you retard.

[ - ] ruck_feddit 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 21:36:15 ago (+0/-0)

I'll give you some duck meat in exchange for them cheeks.

[ - ] BulletStopper 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 22, 2023 05:32:35 ago (+0/-0)

This is why Pedo Joe went to beg the Saudis. It wasn't to get them to produce more oil. They were already running at capacity and everybody knew it. It was to beg them not to join BRICS and drop the petrodollar.


[ - ] Scyber 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:43:39 ago (+1/-0)

No wonder why bitcoin has been pumping.

[ - ] heraclitus 3 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:14:53 ago (+3/-0)

This is the federal reserve's worst nightmare. It means foreign banks do not need to hold US Dollars to buy energy, so the global demand will fall, while the supply is way high. This makes way for a crash of the USD.

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:49:44 ago (+2/-0)

It's not a worst nightmare situation when you know they have been preparing to switch us to CBCs as we welcome the great reset

[ - ] Belfuro 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:19:50 ago (+2/-0)

Us economy was subsidized by non Americans working hard to buy usa dollars

Your real economy was much smaller than you ever thought.

Biden killed the US petrol dollar and is crashing the US economy.

Youre fucked.

And now your whipping boy. Us army. Isnt as scary as once was.

China is going to make a military move real soon

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 20:10:25 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 23, 2023 00:13:37 ago (+0/-0)

Ukraine is showing up natos inability to replace stockpile of arms and munitions.
Makes sense after decades of destruction in manufacturing

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 18:52:50 ago (+1/-0)

This is the worst kind of anti-semitism possible, crashing the (((dollar))).

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:21:32 ago (+0/-0)

Mainly they hold dollar balances because of trade imbalances. It's not entirely that they have to convert their own currency into dollars to buy oil. They're also getting a lot of dollars in trade and have to do something with them.

[ - ] beece 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:23:31 ago (+0/-0)

re: " federal reserve's worst nightmare.", uhh no Hereaclitus, we all get fucked, they'll simply transfer their reserves into Gold, Brics and-or Yuan.

[ - ] taoV 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 16:37:30 ago (+1/-0)

Holy shit I forgot about this sub.

Anyway I was thinking about this. Part of the petrodollar agreement is that the U.S. protects the kingdom and its oil shipments. Presumably the Saudis have someone else lined up for that protection, or else are ready for a new age of piracy. In either case, shit goes down hard and fast. It could also be a bluff though to squeeze some concession out of the U.S. Personally I think piracy would be a cool way to ride out the end of society.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:55:57 ago (+1/-0)

Us navy protects global shipping from us navy.

Pay up or you get blockaded. Denied access to global trade

The mask is slipping. Usa has always been bully boy thugs

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:10:53 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] taoV 3 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:21:08 ago (+3/-0)

It was a joke from old Voat where we would post a picture of a chair or something, but give it a porn-like title to troll people. One of the SBBH guys made it, I just recreated it for laughs.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:22:30 ago (+1/-0)

The week on r/cringeanarchy posting coffee tables for the trannies was hilarious

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:30:25 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 17:28:25 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 18:51:31 ago (+0/-0)


Those fags were amateur trolls

Crying about nude women is niggersexual