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3 comments block

[ - ] dulcima 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 25, 2023 03:07:27 ago (+2/-0)

"A small fringe minority with unacceptable views" tried this in Canada and their ladyboy prime minister blocked their bank accounts.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -2 points 1.4 yearsJan 25, 2023 03:14:46 ago (+1/-3)*

Yes, that is true. Though it only shows how far things have come since Mason wrote this in the 80s.

Siege Culture has developed the idea more or less explicitly with these terrorist training manuals though. Mostly involves trying to use nails as area denial both on freeways and food depots where trucks depart.

Personally I am more bullish on clogging highways as a general idea. As an infrastructure attack. Cause crashes, create chaos, clog up the highways. And feds are going to have a hard time enacting common sense nail control legislation. I wish them good luck with that.

The general strike is an idea that should be developed more. Truckers refusing to drive en masse. Lots of immigrants doing it now though.

Might just have to dump nails on the interstates. I have of course developed this idea with my arm-your-own-dump-nails-on-highways army.



Wanna note by the way that it is increasingly hilarious to see suspicious accounts say I get brigaded for tits even as I'm continually Siegeposting like this. The only hope the feds have to stop guys like me is clear the internet with bots.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -2 points 1.4 yearsJan 25, 2023 01:56:20 ago (+0/-2)

My Favorite Quotes from Siege, by James Mason
