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Any Americans have Input on Primary Seat Belt Law Benefits and Misuse?

submitted by localsal to whatever 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 18:15:49 ago (+2/-0)     (whatever)

I have been hearing from friends about new Primary seat belt laws going into effect, or being up for debate in the States.

From what I understand - and feel free to correct me if I am wrong - the Primary seatbelt law allows cops to pull over a driver for the singular infraction of not wearing a seatbelt.

A Secondary seatbelt law is one where the driver can be cited for not wearing the seatbelt but only after being stopped for another driving infraction.

The issue of concern to me is the burden of proof. Does a cop dashcam have enough resolution and angle of view to capture whether a seatbelt is on or off 50 meters away? If the cop turns his head to see the "violation" will that be on camera?

A corrupt cop could pull anyone over and use the "you put it on after you saw me" excuse in court, and I would bet that almost every (((judge))) would accept that accusation without proof.

I haven't looked at any direct legislation, but I am hearing that there are minimal, if any, penalties for a false citation.

How can people protect themselves? How much "proof" of being innocent is needed to keep from having to pay the fine?

Obviously the answer to these questions is there is no way to prevent the zogbots from trying to destroy lives and rake in cash by pulling people over at random with false accusations of unprovable seatbelt positions.

21 comments block

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 20, 2023 00:56:42 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 20, 2023 00:01:55 ago (+1/-0)

Joe_McCarthy is a faggot.

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 21:43:35 ago (+0/-0)

You are thinking about traffic stops. This is for giving out tickets via photograph.

[ - ] localsal [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 22:11:41 ago (+0/-0)

I have not read any laws, so I don't know the mechanisms involved.

If the law applies to one, it should also encompass the other? Ie, if red light cameras are allowed, then cops can still pull people over if "running a red light" is illegal in that circumstance?

I will have to ask about whether there are funds for cameras.

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 19:06:11 ago (+0/-0)

The more popular a safety mechanism becomes, the less cautious people become.
At some point it eventually becomes less safe to simply be cautious, then it does to also adopt the safety mechanism in question.

And then because of this trend, where people are free to be more w reckless, the safety mechanism becomes mandatory.

I've observed this phenomenon repeatedly in all aspects of life over the last forty years.

Incidentally this is why you have an in-car dashcam to prevent fuckery like what you're talking about. Or we could just do away with all law enforcement and let nature sort out society.

[ - ] localsal [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 19:13:25 ago (+1/-0)

Thanks for the reply.

My issue isn't with the safety mechanism itself. I strongly encourage seatbelt use - although there are resources that catalog "seat belt caused deaths" where the seat belt is the actual cause of death in and of itself.

My main issue is the potential of obvious misuse by the zogbots.

Your last sentence is the essence of freedom.

My only hope is that the corrupt zogbots will target high profile people (ideally the politicians that crafted these bills) with "he said, she said" charges and they have to suffer through the jewdicial process.

[ - ] prototype 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 20:51:41 ago (+1/-0)

The purpose of the judicial process is to maintain a semblance of normalcy for the middle and lower rungs of society
(anyone not 1% or not well connected). While the west is crumbling, and the u.s. in particular is a failed state, the court system exists mostly to minimize the risk of revolutions and non-controllable riots. It's function is more of an administrative element so 'rulers' don't have to deal with the day to day decisions and squabbles. It's a blow-out valve, a back stop when all other elements fail to self-regulate.

The courts are like the emergency break on a train, which is why we're seeing them engage with the other branches so frequently at the moment. All branches ostensibly play within the rules of the game, while going around them where they can, because it is more efficient to implement this sort of strategy so long as the idea of the rule of law still prevails (however shredded it may be).

The sole objective previously was legitimacy for western regimes, because that was the basis for power. Now that there are open questions in large segments of western society (10-20%) about whether any elements of the regime (or even the process for selection) are legitimate or not, what we see next is this: hysteresis, as the system decides whether to re-establish processes for determining legitimacy, or rule with force.

Basically the cat is out of the bag. As elements clash to determine which approach is the most effective, it favors a growing elite cohort that will simply resort to force papered over with propaganda which will rapidly dwindle in viewership and legitimacy as well.

Violence wielded by anyone except the very top merit-wise, the most competent, the most intelligent, the most organized, is almost always self-defeating.

Naturally the system will destroy itself because of this fact, and inspire a great deal of pushback against it in the process.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 18:26:53 ago (+0/-0)

They don’t have 4K video yet. Reflections on the window will always be an issue, unless they switch to infrared or LIDAR. Then there’s the issue of frame rate which is especially important when recording moving objects. Motion blur is a big problem even if you improve resolution. Combining high resolution with high frame rate increases the processor requirements exponentially and thus cost. Stationary surveillance cameras will get upgraded long before it trickles down to the traffic ticket racket.

[ - ] localsal [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 18:31:16 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for the reply.

Another aspect I have been talking about is parallel construction type situations.

zogbot "sees" no seatbelt, and stops the car, suddenly there are all kinds of charges due to discovered "evidence", etc. Almost like the "he was swerving all over the road" type accusations, which are now easier to contest by getting the dashcam footage.

For seatbelts - and I hope they don't go to seatbelt camera systems - if the case is zogbot vs peasant, I'm pretty sure I know how the (((court))) will rule.

[ - ] texasblood -3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 19:35:31 ago (+0/-3)

It's all revenue.
Belts CANT save a life it doesn't have authority over.
Simple fact, you will die when it is time.
Being strapped in a cage makes no difference.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 20:20:09 ago (+2/-1)

This is one of the dumbest takes I have seen. Would you rather be thrown free, and scalped on the way out, or have a greater chance of survival?

I'll f you think being thrown is the answer, run into a brick wall at top speed and see how you feel afterwards, if you survive.

[ - ] texasblood -3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 21:17:43 ago (+0/-3)

Clearly you are speculative.
Ask any first responder how it shakes out.
Then ask your self.
How many DECADES without belts verses Latched Kids decades.
Shut the fuck up dumbass, belts don't save shit according to the decades without belts.
Fucking millennial cancer is more real

[ - ] MaryXmas 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 21:41:50 ago (+3/-0)

There weren't seat belts but cars only went 60. Some frosted hair Karen wasn't blowin down the freeway going 92 in her suburban trying to get to a nail appointment. Go get a 67 Buick up to 90 mph and report back on how safe you feel.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 23:10:08 ago (+1/-0)

The entire thing will be rattling and shaking. It will be very loud. Tyres desperate for grip, even in a straight line.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 23:11:35 ago (+0/-0)

Survivorship bias. Show the statistics. Just show them.

[ - ] texasblood -3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 21:19:37 ago (+0/-3)

Another war on drugs fuck stick chimes in

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 20, 2023 01:03:14 ago (+1/-0)

People who don't wear seatbelts make the best airborne ejected driver videos.

[ - ] prototype 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 28, 2023 22:31:13 ago (+1/-0)

make the best airborne ejected driver videos.

Pretty cool way to go though. Are you not entertained!?

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.3 yearsMar 1, 2023 13:13:21 ago (+0/-0)

Quite, and it's a great demonstration of various aspects of physics.

[ - ] texasblood -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 20, 2023 15:46:20 ago (+0/-1)

Another millennial life expert.....

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 20, 2023 17:17:45 ago (+1/-0)

That IS a fail, lol. Peak boomer here.