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The Dread Earthquake Machine - Near Tower 1 of the Great Wall in Gansu Province, China a mysterious glyph with strange crosses and zigzags, betrays the location of buried antennas and ground planes connected to the uranium mine and nuclear power station further west - Squiggly Lines

submitted by RexYehudi to WorldNews 1.3 yearsFeb 21, 2023 21:12:25 ago (+0/-3)     (flingup.com)



The most westerly part of the Great Wall is a 17 kilometer section that blocks Jiayuguan Pass from the Toalai River in the south to Fort Jiayuguan and the Hei Shan Mountains in the north, the traditional Mongol invasion route into China.


When "they" want to make an earthquake they switch off the power going into the cities and divert the power station's entire output into the EM.


Brings us to the "Squiggly Lines" and odd shapes that are appearing all over, on buildings in Brisbane, Australia no less than on the ground in Far Cathay ..


Surmise the same force that combined to place squiggly lines on Brisbane buildings and on the ground in China, organized the Olympic architecture and is similarly responsible for the HAARP earthquakes!

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