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Transgender Prostitute Invited By Paris Mayor For Queer Youth Event Films Sex Acts in City Hall Toilets

submitted by Steelerfish to killallpedophiles 1.2 yearsMar 16, 2023 20:05:16 ago (+7/-0)     (www.breitbart.com)


This event was aimed at children in the LBGTQP community. Can’t have the P without the kids.
The event’s organisers boast that the event “…allows queer youth to take over the City Hall with programming that resembles us and highlights the queer and LGBT+ community

The mayor blames the right for smearing the event. (Not what happened during the event)
Hidalgo, meanwhile, accused those posting the pictures of being linked to far-right elements, and claimed the campaign to point out how dirty Paris was getting was “orchestrated.”

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