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Challenge: Name An Actual White Supremacist/Nationalist Group?

submitted by FreeinTX to AskUpgoat 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 11:45:48 ago (+0/-2)     (AskUpgoat)


1. Exist in real life, not just on the interwebs.
2. Have video of confirmed members saying or doing something that's clearly Nationalist or Supremacist.

I have 2 examples.

1. The GDL. HT has been filmed at Aushwitz giving the jews shit. He's gone out and done flier drops exposing the jew. And, he's clearly a part of GDL.

2. Patriot Front. Several members are documented as part of the group and on video tagging things with pro-white rhetoric. Several members have been video'd at events pushing a white nationalist narrative.

Can you give me other examples?

32 comments block

[ - ] Terminalelektroshock 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:03:41 ago (+1/-1)

GradeAPatriot, TrueAmerican; BestVeteran- they're all white racist groups. They need to be arrested asap...

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] -1 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:29:53 ago (+0/-1)

They are only online. Don't count.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:57:33 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:03:39 ago (+0/-0)

Lemme guess, muh matching clothes, box trucks, and shields, right?

You're a fucking idiot and should lurk moar.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:23:45 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:30:23 ago (+0/-0)

PF is legit, and you couldn't even begin to show otherwise. You're a dim witted fucking idiot and you don't know shit.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:48:15 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 09:08:25 ago (+0/-0)

You're simply full of shit.

Lurk moar faggot.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 09:24:04 ago (+0/-0)

Also odd that you think it's a bad thing to have boots with swastikas on them. I think that's actually fairly cool. Do you have issues with the swastika? Does it frighten you? Upset you? Remind you of the 109th time?

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 17:08:34 ago (+0/-0)

They don't exist, unless you count a handful of guys that drink beer in the basement on weekends, and tell each other how much they love Hitler.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 09:09:22 ago (+0/-0)

Yet, they are the greatest threat to national security in America, today, according to the FBI.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 18:11:05 ago (+0/-0)

Not true.

Patriot Front was out at E. Palestine handing out food and water while spreading their anti-zionist message. But they focus on being healthy and fit, not drunk and degenerate.

This is why the eCelebs hate them. And, call them feds.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:10:21 ago (+2/-0)

Woah, we have a regular that is still retarded on the existence of false flags. Or maybe you are just a stupid kid…

What you are asking for is court admissible proof to help destroy white national movements. You can’t be this stupid - surely, you aren’t a low IQ kike!

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:22:32 ago (+1/-0)

Nigger, you are allowed to be a white nationalist group. You are allowed to be a white supremacist group. Did you forget that the ACLU used to defend the right of Neo-Nazi groups and KKK groups to protest and parade on the streets of the USA? Did you forget that the Lawyer's Guild and the ACLU aided in getting the permits for Neo-Nazi groups to parade in the jewish areas of New York City or for the KKK to march in Wilmington?

I have clearly pointed out that the FBI has 15,000 paid informants that are looking for "terror cells" to infiltrate and bust. The FBI has a budget of over $2 Billion a year to aid in this effort. And, I've posted about the 10 years following 9-11, where the FBI created and then busted 150 groups or individuals for plotting or attempting to carry out terrorist acts. I've highlighted the FBI's involvement in the Whitmer kidnapping and murder plot. The Hootari militia. Hal Turner. Etc. FFS, I'm a 9-11 'truther".

My issue, here, is that the FBI director has stated that the greatest threat to national security is white supremacy and white nationalism, but no one seems to be able to name any ACTUAL white supremacist or white nationalist group that exists anywhere but online behind anonymity.

Seriously? Not 1 actual group? Instead, they name groups that have absolutely nothing to do with white nationalist or white supremacy, and the media paints these groups with broad brushes and insinuate that these groups are white nationalist or white supremacist without any real evidence of any such thing.

Can any of you name an actual group?

[ - ] Ex_hack 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:30:15 ago (+1/-0)

Hal Turner was a FBI CI

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:02:22 ago (+0/-0)

Yup. And proof that the government will let you burn rather than admit it.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 16:34:28 ago (+0/-0)

you are allowed to be a white nationalist group

You seem more stupid than I remember.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 09:15:18 ago (+0/-0)

You don't seem to get what I'm saying.

Take Proud Boys, for example. They are a group. They exist in the real world and not just online. They are painted by the media as a white nationalist and white supremacist group. Despite this label, they have meetings, have members, do things, make and attend events. No one gives a shit. Now, they aren't actually white nationalist or white supremacist, but the media makes them out to be. Yet, they are allowed to do things just like any other group.

So, if a group that isn't actually white nationalist or white supremacist but called one by virtually every main stream media outlet on the planet, and called one by every left leaning politician, every anti-Trumper group, and the FBI, is allowed to exist and operate, then where are the ACTUAL white nationalist and white supremacist groups?

No one can seem to name a single one.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 17:13:13 ago (+0/-0)

Take Proud Boys, for example.

Federal agents, yes. That’s why they’re allowed to exist. Actual groups are illegal.

Now, they aren't actually white nationalist or white supremacist

Thank you for utterly destroying your own claims.

where are the ACTUAL white nationalist and white supremacist groups?

They don’t exist. They’re illegal. Like I said.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 26, 2023 17:45:07 ago (+0/-0)

Show me the law that says they are illegal. As far as I know, it isn't illegal to be racist.

And I've been pointing out that the Proud Boys are feds for years. How in the fuck does that "destroy my own argument", ya fuckin' ninny? Maybe, you're just too fuckin' stupid to wrap your head around my point.

If actual white supremacist and white nationalist groups are illegal and therfore "don't exist", then they why are they our greatest national security threat. And, if that's the case, then why aren't every "right wing" or "alt right" talking head eCeleb pointing this out? Or, lemme guess, all the eCelebs are feds, too?

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 28, 2023 21:07:55 ago (+0/-0)

Show me the law that says they are illegal. As far as I know, it isn't illegal to be racist.

Then you know fucking nothing, because the goddamned *Civil Rights Act is literally the foundation of this. You are not allowed to have white-only anything, anywhere, at any level.

How in the fuck does that "destroy my own argument", ya fuckin' ninny?

Okay, so name a “real” white nationalist organization, then.

If actual white supremacist and white nationalist groups are illegal and therfore "don't exist", then they why are they our greatest national security threat.

1. They’re not.
2. Why are you incapable of comprehending that the ZOG would lie.
3. Learn what a fucking boogeyman is and the purpose of one in political rhetoric.

And, if that's the case, then why aren't every "right wing" or "alt right" talking head eCeleb pointing this out?

Sorry, pointing what out? I don’t want to misrepresent due to pronoun ambiguity.

Or, lemme guess, all the eCelebs are feds, too?

Wow, hmm, let’s think. People who are
allowed to remain on jewish media platforms and be paid to continue to talk*… are they federal agents? I fucking


EDIT: Huh, does text formatting no longer work?

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 07:03:50 ago (+0/-0)

Okay, so name a “real” white nationalist organization, then.

I said group, not organization, but Patriot Front is a white nationalist group that operates here in the US.

The CRA doesn't make it illegal to be an all white group.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:01:37 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:07:04 ago (+0/-0)

You're only suggestion that Trump is controlled is that Nutandyahoo said good things about him when he was President and that his son in law is prominent in Israel.

But I did notice you haven't named a white supremacist or white nationalist group. Do you know any? Mr. MoarDeadJews? Can you name a single group that exists in the real world that share this same kind of sentiment?

Fuckin' faggot.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:20:57 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:27:43 ago (+0/-0)

Is it true that everyone, no matter the religion, is obliged to wear a kippah while visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem?

However, it IS a strong CUSTOM, and while women often get a pass (because a lot of women wear wigs, which count as ‘head coverings’ even if you can’t TELL), men are often stopped and offered a kippah to wear when they approach the areas where men pray. It’s an offer. There is no particular ‘religious’ connotation. All sorts of people pray at the Wall - diplomats, visiting dignitaries including presidents, tourists - and Jews wear head coverings, Muslims wear head coverings, and some varieties of Christians wear headcoverings as a religious ‘thing’ anyway.

You fucking doubled down on pure fucking idiocy and total fucking faggotry. There are literally thousands of examples of Christians wearing the little hat at the western wall. Thousands and thousands of examples.

Now, to the point of the thread, ya theiving douche, can you name a single white nationalist or white supremacist group that exists in real life?

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:11:12 ago (+2/-0)

Pretty sure the Backstreet Boys were a white supremacist group.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:11:58 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:25:42 ago (+2/-0)

The FBI. Charlottesville.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:29:08 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] deleted 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 12:12:28 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 13:11:25 ago (+0/-0)

Didn't they do a show at Stubb's here in Austin a while back?