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Trump: "Take the guns first, go through due process second"

submitted by MuricaPersonified to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 1 yearMay 1, 2023 02:12:27 ago (+44/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)



I believe you were looking for this clip?

35 comments block

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers -1 points 5 monthsDec 16, 2023 00:19:52 ago (+0/-1)

Just linked to this thread in cucked baby boomer @con77's thread. @con77 fuck you you retarded jew baby boomer!!! we're not supporting the zion don or that genocide in occupied palestine by US-backed Israeli terrorists sponsored by the state of Israel.

tell me where you're at i'll come knock your old ass out and break those fingers so we don't have to hear anymore of this zion don jew worship.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 1 point 1 yearMay 4, 2023 15:07:30 ago (+1/-0)

Remember that time the Zion Don intentionally limited the ammo supply and made guns harder and more expensive to get because he thought no one would believe a higher price meant a ban on guns and ammo, thus creating the biggest infringement on the second amendment in US history?

you are incorrect if you disagree with anything in the above statement to any degree.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 4, 2023 17:57:30 ago (+0/-0)

Not to mention the Russian ban. Ridiculous. I remember when 7.62x39 an 9x18 were dirt cheap and everywhere.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 0 points 1 yearMay 18, 2023 10:44:29 ago (+0/-0)

How much?

[ - ] MuricaPersonified [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 18, 2023 16:35:43 ago (+0/-0)

Well, not much. Just ten years ago I was buying the former for as low as $0.15/rd and 9x18 was at least available (closer to 9x19 prices). 7.62x39 is about on par with 5.56 now, and I'm seeing weird brands that I'd never seen before. 9x18 now has to be ordered, and the only stuff worth a damn has either been cut off, discontinued, or is perpetually out of stock.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers -1 points 1 yearMay 27, 2023 23:50:55 ago (+0/-1)

do you remember how much the 762 was?

[ - ] MuricaPersonified [op] 1 point 1 yearMay 28, 2023 13:48:42 ago (+1/-0)

Not much more than $3/20rd in 2010, usually between $.15 to $.20/rd.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 10 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 04:46:07 ago (+10/-0)

Truly, the American champion we need.

[ - ] YamicaInTheBackPocket 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 07:46:50 ago (+0/-0)

Nice sarcasm.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 10:57:55 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Niggly_Puff 7 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 04:39:24 ago (+7/-0)

To the people who vote GOP: They are laughing at you. They are laughing at you and they think you're stupid. Are they right? Sure as hell seems so! Left foot bad! Right foot good! DUrrRRRRRRRR

[ - ] JustALover 5 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 03:43:19 ago (+5/-0)

Tells you everything you need to know about him. You know why he said he? It's not because he cares about the victims of shootings or whatever.

It's because he's thinking like a politician: "what looks good in the (((media)))? Will it get me more (((votes))), like my owners told me? I'll do that. What my supporters think is nonconsequential, since they'll forgive me or use their cognitive dissonance to explain away what they just saw and heard me say."

[ - ] Inward 4 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 07:19:20 ago (+4/-0)

He thinks like someone who has never had to consider freedom.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 3 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 13:13:43 ago (+3/-0)

you mean a NY billionaire jew dick licker wants to take our guns?? I just don't believe it oy vey

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 3 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 08:55:04 ago (+4/-1)

He's surrounded by Jews and 24x7 under their influence. He's not our guy, but still the lesser evil in current politics.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 5 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 11:08:03 ago (+5/-0)

We need the greater evil to wake more up. Trump pacifies the normie. Biden gets the normie to fly the swastika in retaliation.

[ - ] NukeAmerica 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 15:46:39 ago (+0/-0)

THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 17:37:58 ago (+1/-0)

There is no lesser evil.
Lesser evil is what you call the pacification of the citizen.
They do nothing because the lesser evil is their goy.
This is boomer thinking.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 18:03:48 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 15:09:08 ago (+2/-0)

I also remember Trump was having a meeting of sheriff's and he was discussing things with him and they said that he should be for or support the idea that they get to stop a vehicle and just seize cash and other things out of the vehicle without any warrant or even any plausible reason to do it based on the fact that it might stop some drug money or something like that. And Trump was all for it. I just couldn't believe it. I think that was maybe the first thing that really made me question him

[ - ] MuricaPersonified [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 16:31:40 ago (+0/-0)

Asset forfeiture really grinds my gears. I can understand house arrest and monitoring of the accused, but never theft of belongings. It wouldn't be hard if LE weren't corrupt traitors and would actually do their jobs.

@Indoctrinated_USA this response is also relevant to your reply to @texasblood.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 16:42:40 ago (+0/-0)

I was shit posting.
Fuck Trump.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified [op] 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 16:45:27 ago (+1/-0)

Lol I know you were being facetious. Thought it was relevant to whatever TB thought the "context" would be; there is no justifiable context. Hard stop.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 11:35:56 ago (+1/-0)

Anyone with a brain k ows Trump is just as much a jew shill as all the rest.

First act in office, increase free American money to jews from 3T to 4T.

Veterans first.

Fucking disgusting.

[ - ] rabidR04CH 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 11:12:02 ago (+1/-0)

He's right that it's more effective, but it's also a complete disregard for people's rights. He clearly didn't consider how this would end up being abused by the "honourable" American government.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 23:27:00 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 09:04:56 ago (+2/-2)

He’s better than the alternative and if theres a chance he could win Im voting for him. He’s not our guy but hitler isnt running.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 2 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 11:06:06 ago (+3/-1)

I just might vote for the retard biden. So many people have woken up to the shit show he brought, and it will get us to critical mass. If the orange faggot wins, people will "breathe a sigh of relief" and the subtle slide into shit will continue with people saying, "well, he is better than biden". Gnome sayin? I hate biden more, and so does the rest of the country. You want actual Hitler to run at some point? Biden gets us there more quickly.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 09:58:38 ago (+1/-0)

I’m voting for him because when they steal the election again, he will raise holy hell about it and then it will be undeniable. If they steal it from anyone else, nothing will be said.

[ - ] Sector7 3 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 13:07:15 ago (+3/-0)

They're not going to "steal" it again. They'll put Trump back in for a little more of the old 'in and out' at your expense.

Remember you're watching a show. Trump is one of the leading actors.

The script for his last show called for mass home detention, coerced injections of poisons, millions of criminal 'immigrants', and flooding the swamp 10 feet deeper every day.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 14:16:49 ago (+1/-0)

Well if he is a better president then voting does work at least partially.

You want to take the position that accelerationism is the way and we should crash everythin asap? Ok I will entertain that viewpoint. But the accelerationists arent making much progress.

Remember you're watching a show. Trump is one of the leading actors.
You are trying to imply that Trump is somehow an actor collaborating with the people that stole his presidency. That is false. I dont agree with that.

The script for his last show called for mass home detention, coerced injections of poisons, millions of criminal 'immigrants', and flooding the swamp 10 feet deeper every day.

He would have shut down immigration if he could have. 90% of it anyway. They didnt make him king. Kikes were still controlling the government and preventing the implementation of his policies.

People that claim Trump is just as bad as democrats and kikes have an unrealistic expectation of politicians. Angry that Trump didnt turn out to be a superhuman saint, they now hate him. But these are the actions of a child.

Voting is not useless. Its part of grabbing power. Jews are better at manipulating the process, so you want to give up entirely on it. We need to get better at the game of voting. You’re like Cartman: “ fuck you guys Im going home”. We cant afford to act like that imo.

Oh if you vote, you might encourage boomers to think voting is a legitimate and fair process

I mean, I dont fucking care if someone is so stupid as to think that. I try to wake people up to the corruption apevery day. I also feel that every fucking tool we can use is on the table. Cuz Im practical. You guys are gay if you think your own political apathy will wake boomers up. Thats your naivity

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 12:43:35 ago (+0/-0)

You are trying to imply that Trump is somehow an actor collaborating with the people that stole his presidency.

Remember the video of Trump the day after the 2016 election? "No one is getting arrested. Hillary is my good friend, and the Clintons are wonderful people." Lies? (since we're back there, did you watch him 'apparently' rub Ivanka to orgasm during that handsy hug the night before, right on stage before his speech? Watch her face.)

I get the feeling you've avoided any videos or articles about Trump's life over the years. Or are you just willing to accept anything, as long as it's the least dislikable of the two choices you're offered?

Voting is not useless. Its part of grabbing power.

Of course it's useful. Just look at the complacency of the people who vote. "We have the power to do as we're told!" The Ranchers already hold the power, and basically just let the cattle choose the color of the decorations. Mostly, except they wanted Biden in for this phase of the plan.

You’re like Cartman: “ fuck you guys Im going home”.

From that cartoon? Okay, sure. I'm not playing with this society, and I'm not helping destroy it either. Not my job, and I'm not doing their job for them. If you're really willing to use every tool, then have at it. Let's shoot for a target population of 5 per square mile. But we'll be back here again unless the impulse to massively over breed is cured.


Note the cancerous growth.

I don't need to wake myself up any more than I already am. Remember when there were fewer than 3 billion humans on the surface of this planet? I do.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 12:47:20 ago (+0/-0)

Trump is the worst possible choice, because retarded millions still literally think he's a good guy. "See voting still works, and everything is fine."

[ - ] texasblood -1 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 12:51:38 ago (+0/-1)

Edited for agenda position.
Where is the other part of the conversation?

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 2 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 14:25:53 ago (+2/-0)

There was context there that makes the 'fuck their rights, take the guns THEN get the court order' all better.
It's all about the framing.