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ConPro user claims to join Patriot Front and gives a debrief report

submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnConPro 1 yearMay 22, 2023 11:12:20 ago (+3/-0)     (communities.win)


Patriot Front is painted in the best possible light. Obviously this is propaganda and recruitment material but it seems like it was written by someone who is a true believer, a true 'useful idiot'. A wise man one said to me 'If you meet a white supremacist and they do a Nazi salute or say 'Heil Hitler' then it is sure sign they are either an idiot or a Fed.' The fact that this ConPro user is just like 'lol, yeah every group has at least one idiot yelling 'Heil Hitler' and does not even consider that they are Fed plants is very telling. He seems to have high faith in 'the process' and the recruitment protocol for weeding out the undesirables. I'm sure the group does have a lot of good folks trying to make a difference but such unwavering faith is misguided. I honestly cannot tell if this was written by a useful idiot or a fed.

6 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1 yearMay 22, 2023 11:18:14 ago (+3/-2)

31 people with PF were arrested in Idaho on their way to a tranny for kids show to protest. At one point in the show a tranny exposed his dick to children. A groyper group was jelly that a non-Christian PF was going to protest, so they called the cops on PF. PF was stopped, the members pulled out of their van, they all got arrested, and got doxxed.

Not 1 of them has been connected to any fed group or fed agent. Not 1. While many lost their jobs, some lost their place of residence and many lost friends and family relationships after being painted as "Nazis".

One of the PF members showed up to a city council meeting to ridicule the mayor for stopping a protest of the pedophile event and to call out the Sheriff for catering to jews and their agenda.

PF are not feds. Simple as.

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 2 points 1 yearMay 22, 2023 11:23:26 ago (+3/-1)

Take a moment to reread my comments and the linked post. I did not say they were all Feds. I said that believing that there are NO feds is foolish. Placing absolute faith in the recruitment process is idiotic. The close coordination PF has with LE is more than slightly suspicious.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1 yearMay 22, 2023 11:55:45 ago (+2/-2)

There hasn't been any "close coordination" with law enforcement. The video of the cops around PF was the result of getting a permit to do a March that would block an easement. Any time you get a permit to do a protest March of that size, you'll get LE on standby for the event.

No one suggested anything about putting faith in recruitment. Simple fact is that they aren't feds. They aren't doing work for the Feds. And if there is a fed in the group, they are under cover and wasting their time.

[ - ] 9000timesempty -1 points 1 yearMay 22, 2023 14:56:44 ago (+0/-1)

Looks like FreeinTX is a fed.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1 yearMay 22, 2023 15:36:06 ago (+1/-1)

It looks more like you're just a fag.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearMay 22, 2023 16:55:09 ago (+0/-0)

Thomas is the smartest man I have ever met. I expected him to be smart and he surpassed my expectations; I couldn't ask for a better leader and judging how popular our last march was his results speak for him. Thomas is a great man to talk to and we are always allowed to message him despite him being incredibly busy.

It's a normie popularity cult, and they probably literally pay income taxes to the ZOG they're supporting.

"we are always allowed to message him"

You have permission, eh?