I am visiting the Eagle's Nest today and thinking of when the Germans saved Europe from Bolshevism, as least for a time. I am not a German National Socialist but I understand there were many lies told of them and can respect at least some of the work they did.
My grandfathers were tricked into WW2, same as WW1, same as the Iraq wars, and many of the others. I am glad to see many strong German people still living here. I hope for some way to make it right for future generations.
[ + ] ilikeskittles
[ - ] ilikeskittles 2 points 1.3 yearsJun 28, 2023 08:27:19 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] Crackinjokes
[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 1.3 yearsJun 28, 2023 08:11:04 ago (+2/-0)