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jewish mistreatment of gentiles on tape: jew jazz musician Buddy Rich Cursing His Band

submitted by oppressed to JAZZ 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 05:47:23 ago (+2/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


Buddy Rich, American jazz drummer and bandleader, billed as "the world's greatest drummer", heard here in his later days, castigating his band, the majority of whom are, apparently, much younger then him.

This jew is sadly probably in eternal Hell now for rejecting Jesus Christ, and for mistreating and hating people.

Rich was notoriously short-tempered. Singer Dusty Springfield slapped him after several days of "putting up with Rich's insults and show-biz sabotage".[32] He held a rivalry with Frank Sinatra which sometimes ended in brawls when both were members of Tommy Dorsey's band. Nevertheless, they remained lifelong friends, and Sinatra delivered a eulogy at Rich's funeral in 1987.[33] In 1983, Rich underwent quadruple bypass surgery, and was often visited by Sinatra in the hospital.[34] Billy Cobham said that he met Rich in a club as a youth asking him to sign his snare drum, but Rich "dropped it down the stairs".[35]

Rich's temper was documented in a series of secret recordings made on tour buses and in dressing rooms by pianist Lee Musiker, who concealed a compact tape recorder in his clothing while on tour with Rich in the early 1980s.[38] On one recording, Rich threatens to fire trombonist Dave Panichi for having a beard.

Rich's technique, including speed, smooth execution and precision, is one of the most coveted in drumming and has become a common standard. Gene Krupa described him as "the greatest drummer ever to have drawn breath".[33] Roger Taylor, drummer of Queen, acknowledged Rich as the best drummer he ever saw for sheer technique.[47] Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker has credited Rich as the greatest drummer of all time.[48]

1 comments block

[ - ] 1point21jiggawatts 1 point 10 monthsJul 30, 2023 01:22:12 ago (+1/-0)

This jew is sadly probably in eternal Hell now for rejecting Jesus Christ, and for mistreating and hating people.

So refreshing seeing non-clueless people talk about "normal" topics from a perspective of understanding actual reality.