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There is a no such thing as "muh based nigger". You're a nigger lover. Nothing more

submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 18:16:47 ago (+30/-6)     (files.catbox.moe)


The other day i saw a nigger begging for money on the street. I'm in a part of the nation where there are hardly any niggers at all so seeing one is not common. It fills me with rage anytime I see one. Filthy sub human trash. Serves no purpose other than to cause mayhem and chaos on this Earth. Stepping foot on this mountain is worthy of death and i am both it's judge and executioner.

The truck in front of me stopped to give the nigger money, my first thought was to kill the bastard for giving the nigger gibs. It was more infuriating than the nigger itself to see a Fake White man reduce himself to such a lowly move on his moral high chair. It completely disgusts me. Fills me with the rage of my ancestors.

Many of you are "far right" or at least jew/ holocaust pilled. Some may even identify as a White Nationalist. But very few of you are truly White Supremacist. I am a White Supremacist. I believe that this Earth is our dominion to rule over as the rightful Gods, that it lay decedent in decay and squalor due to our refusal to take up the throne. Removed from our Natural State as its caretakers and guardians to hold stewardship of. I have no interests in diplomacy, I have no desire to hear the words of a nigger. I only wish to annihilate them. To rule and subjugate them to White will, to put them back in their place as vermin landlocked far away from my people if not complete extinction.

* We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

This will not be accomplished by civic spiritualists or civic nationalists. nigger lovers get the rope first.
Worship your own people or be destroyed in the coming age for Our Natural State is one of dominance, one of God Hood and divine matters. There is no savior, there is no messiah to come for our people. There is simply us who's soul stream has survived to this day from a time now lost spare only the memory of soil and blood.

There is no other God. No other King from which to decree, no other name before your own. Our purpose here is beyond comprehension. Our Natural State beckons from something greater, a hidden yearning that only the memory of soil abides. It speaks to our soul from a primeval sense of familiar fate that we can not fully elucidate, yet still the call remains. Reclaim the Throne.

38 comments block

[ - ] Peleg 5 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 18:55:49 ago (+5/-0)

"The truck in front of me stopped to give the nigger money"

If the roles had been reversed the damn nigger would have ran the guy over! And never thought another thing about it!
If there had been a troop of niggers there, instead of just the one, and the tard had stopped, they would have drug him out of his truck and beat him to death.

Giving them Anything is one of the dumbest things a human can do.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 4 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:18:08 ago (+4/-0)

White men must become dangerous again.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:58:47 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:09:39 ago (+2/-0)

when they come to my window I scream FUCK OFF nnnnnnnnigger!

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 20:36:16 ago (+1/-0)

Worship my own people? Maybe 100 years ago. Half of today's Whites are niggerloving liberal screen addicts that do what the TV tells them to.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 01:35:01 ago (+0/-0)

Give them an ideal to strive towards. The rest will burn.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 18:57:52 ago (+2/-1)*

I dont mind high IQ blacks. I prefer them, in fact, over low IQ marxists or high IQ marxists, who are more dangerous to the white race. For security of race I dont see the value of hating all blacks. Theres value in pattern recognition but saying all X is Y is dysfunctional.

Ask yourself - What are you trying to acheive? If you want to get into conflict with blacks then hating all of them achieves that marvelously. On the other hand, if you want security for your people, then dissecting the root cause of race insecurity is of paramount importance. Its not violent blacks that are causing population changes, as we know.

Agree that violent blacks are a symptom of larger problem being that theyre so easily steered to hate and become violent. But how about the youth, of any race? Theyre so susceptible to todays 5th gen warfare hailstorm; with no observation skills, it is incomprehensible.

Ranking the order of things that concern me: high IQ blacks are probably the least of my worries, especially if they recognize the same exact plot that is befuddling whites has been hatched against blacks - the knowing of which, we become natural allies.


[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 20:16:57 ago (+3/-1)

High Iq blacks are very dangerous. First of all, high IQ is not based. I do think there are some based blacks and if any blacks should survive it should be the based ones. But that does not coincide with high IQ at all. Blacks, even smart ones, have impulse control issues and morals that that their high IQ scores belie. If it was only a matter of IQ, blacks wouldnt be much of a problem. But successful blacks like Bill Cosby usually have major behavioral problems. Even the ones with good politics are likely to have violence or muh dick issues. They are not like us. And if we continue to live with them they will deteriorate oru society and overrun us. They are more aggressive. Period. In every aspect of life. Regardless of IQ.

We are in a genetic war. Accepting them will be our annihilation.

I prioritized the jews as the most important problem to address. But all blacks are a threat, maybe especially the half blood “intelligent” blacks who are weaponized with our intellect but will never act according to our rules. Its the hybrids that are the greatest threat.

[ - ] observation1 3 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 21:29:05 ago (+4/-1)*

Christ, Helena. With the Cosby trial again?

Speaking of which, you're a perfect example of a based chick who is running low on the smart meter. Easily tricked into marxist lawfare that indicted Bill Cosby for "rape" aka "buyers remorse" because, no offense: You're emotionally driven. The Cosby trial, which Im glad you brought up, is a perfect example of how marxists feed on the easily manipulated. Bill Cosby wanted to buy CNN. That was his Qadaffi moment. Did you pay attention to the trial transcripts? You did not. I know this because I did. You shouldn't speak of things you know little about. Rape is a common occurrence with blacks but getting high, making advances, and ultimately fucking Bill Cosby in hopes of advancing career is not rape. (That trial, by the way, foreshadowed and became the cornerstone and draft 1 of ensnaring all future political prisoners. Without even looking it up we know, now, what levers got pulled by which DAs, which prosecuters, and which spin room script writers got tasked with the con job. but at the time, nobody noticed until other political prisoners started getting taken hostage and we learned about soros and deep state Jack Smiths, which was not once so well understood.)

I never met a high IQ black that became any more dangerous than a white. Malcom X advocated to separate whites and blacks. Then Farakan had him killed, (not to imply for that reason.)
I don't see the folly in separating whites and blacks. The rest usually figure out that whites are not enemies. And those black that believe we're sworn enemies, aren't really planning a mass genocide...
like some people we know. You couldn't name an intelligent black that hates whites. It's like flat earthers. You can't find a flat earther with integrity. That characteristic is completely incompatible with having the ability to hang on to flat eartherism.

Anything other than striking at the root is a waste of time and energy.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 19:10:53 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] prototype 1 point 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 20:28:25 ago (+2/-1)

OP probably couldn't tie a noose w/o looking it up on a fucking tranny-authored wiki.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:58:35 ago (+0/-0)

40%+ (Probably higher, i haven't bothered to dig) of all tranny authored wiki's proved that they were successful at tying a noose. Thats decent stats.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 10:45:46 ago (+0/-0)

You will now be attacked and shilled. Hating blacks is like hating down syndrome kids. It's the jews and white usefull idiot liberals who turned blacks from farm equipment into what we see today.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 11:10:17 ago (+1/-0)*

Reminds me, once I was a freshman in high school and this guy walked by and looked at me wrong, and tried to act tough. I got angry and asked my friends. Did you see that guy? What the fuck was that all about? Two days later I seen him again.

Oh, hes retarded. Like mentally retarded. He wasnt trying to punk me, he was a confusing retard that I didnt get a good read on.

I got mad at a retard.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 18:38:42 ago (+2/-1)

What about appealing to niggers to create a coalition against jews and then getting rid of them after we eliminate jews? Are there some scenarios in which it makes sense to ally with them?

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 19:49:39 ago (+1/-0)*

appealing to

Change this to "directing" and the answer is yes.

What I got from OP is we need to be masters of ourselves and our territory. Where we decide what will happen and we manifest it. So it's not appealing to niggers but rather deciding how they can help us and ensuring that they do.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:53:35 ago (+0/-0)

The problem is that a coalition would require a state of common grounds diplomacy which I do not believe could exist, giving you that it would only further the metaphysical decay of our souls. Acceleration of course awakens the sleeper however we are not on the winning side against time.

The "even if":

niggers can not be tamed. Mass rape and crime within any military structure, civil structure, and public presence. IQ always reduced to population standard.

niggers are not very good at combat compared to White Gods for reasons like above

niggers are genetically distinct from all other hominids. There is something evil about a talking mimic that doesn't even have the mental capacity to embrace its desire for chaos. Mindless filth. Incapable of acting against its own natural state.

Shit skins are varying degrees of these issues.

* Bonus: They smell


The only scenario by which it would ever make sense to use skinskins and niggers as a coalition over jews is if we already returned to our Natural State (as an inherently superior race that has claimed by Natural Law the rights to the throne) and had separated the races entirely, long secured our position of dominance and right to nationhood. Given now this new Man to be presented the same scenario, it is possible to conceive of such cannon fodder.

I believe it is a biological weapon. I wish to eradicate.

Given the desire of some to isolate the problem, I do believe that the party of eradication would reign supreme regardless. The greater willpower to secure the existence of our people will rise above all others. We are on the low end of a loop, the kali yuga hits bottom and the Black Sun soon rises after. During the interim I'm sure someone would come up with a creative use before the solution is permanent.

There are multiple issues facing us. Multiple fatal issues. The situation is dire and many of us who are aware have given up. There exists still those who wish to live and will fight to live. Given the lack of time and severity of the consequences of failure, triage will be made. Limbs will be severed. Hearts broken. Yet the Soul will remain.

The path is a recognition of the depth to our enslavement. The realization that our present circumstances is a fallen state. The revelation of our Divine Nature. Destroy. Rebuild. Live Again.

[ - ] Niggly_Puff 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 10:54:31 ago (+0/-0)

Whites these days are cucks. Half of them ignore me when I say "Good morning!" or "Hello!". And they are the ones who cheer and support their racial replacement. They worship jews. They are the reason we are in current situation. Till shit changes, fuck them as well.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 10:50:36 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 01:50:32 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 19:22:51 ago (+0/-0)

Its as if you read what i wrote but only understood half of it.

The coming age will not be ruled by Man as we now know him. Did you not read any of that? Natural State and all that? Went over the head?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 29, 2023 01:54:08 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] recon_johnny 0 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:22:17 ago (+1/-1)

I have no issue with any of this.


You fail to mention the problem, instead just the effect that it has wrought.

Neck the jew…every single last one, first…and save none in the roundup and cleansing. Then go after the nigger. All non-Whites are next.

Until this happens, our White children can never be free nor saved.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] -1 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 23:18:50 ago (+0/-1)

It isn't jews demographically replacing White nations (Before some low IQ nigger points out jews are behind demographic replacement, consider who you are addressing first. I know more than you and you probably learned what you know from me to begin with.) Remove the jew and the venom remains in the system, we already lost the war of stopping jews from sending their bio weapons over. A new front is on the horizon, one of numbers and basic mathematics. White birth rates don't solve this. Negative numbers of niggers is the only way to solve this. Stopping the jew wont prevent whats already invaded from multiplying and preventing the next wave is a lost cause for a long lost front. Triage. Cut off your losses. Fight the closest blade to your neck less you lose it.

This distinction is important because of the clear presence of weak civic spiritualists and civic nationalists among our movement. There is no allying with lesser peoples, we have no need for them to exist at all. Those are delays, not deviations from our genocide. Until we return to a position of unapologetic superiority in both mind and spirit nothing else is of value.

White identity > Dead non whites > the complete destruction of every kike on earth > profit

The coming age of Man will not be ruled as we know him. He must return to his Natural State and reclaim the throne or perish.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:17:52 ago (+0/-0)

Removing the venom while the snake's head remains is foolish. We must do both.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 01:09:06 ago (+0/-0)

Of course you would want to do both. Given population replacement by immigration and foreign birth rates overpowers any white growth battle, the war of attrition has long been lost. That its rather a matter of negative numbers. In order to achieve this we would have to return to our Natural State.

The distinction was that removing the jew does not automatically solve civic spiritualism or civic nationalism. Both paths of which will only end in our complete destruction. By asserting dominance over other races (jews included) only then would the Natural Man step forth once more in all his daring grandeur.

Closest blade first are the niggers in our homeland. Logistically alone it will be the niggers first. Jews are not personally enmass in our lands. Its the hordes, which guard the way to their handler. The leaders of which are guilty in equally participating in our genocide. Its not just the jews. All those that play along with them knowingly and enthusiastically take part.

Therefore it will be by both logistical and spiritual that the niggers and skitskin invaders would have to be driven from our ancestral lands prior to any permanent solution willpower to manifest as dominant.

I just replied to the house women about why its a bad idea to ally with them.

* https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=64c2eccde8fd4&commentid=64c349cfee889

Both at the same time would be ideal. It is possible that a sufficient number (hundred monkey effect) would enable the sea change towards complete racial consciousness. The majority of the population subjugates themselves to the present dominant will power. The will power to preserve our people will reign supreme, all will submit to its rule or perish.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 13:47:42 ago (+0/-0)

In order to achieve this we would have to return to our Natural State.

While I don't think we can go full old-school Natural, I do believe we need to replace much of modernity with the lessons of our ancestors. They knew what they were doing from long experience of the life/death world they lived in daily.

Both at the same time would be ideal. It is possible that a sufficient number (hundred monkey effect) would enable the sea change towards complete racial consciousness. The majority of the population subjugates themselves to the present dominant will power. The will power to preserve our people will reign supreme, all will submit to its rule or perish.

Something Academic Agent and others have been getting at has been that it takes a (relatively) small, dedicated core of highly-collaborative, highly-capable people to make big changes like what we are talking about. From there will come the groupies, the hangers-on, the dedicated and mediocre-skilled, etc, from which a movement can be made. All of this takes resources of course though.

[ - ] recon_johnny -2 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 02:31:49 ago (+0/-2)

Ok, boomer

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 19:06:41 ago (+1/-1)*


[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 19:53:14 ago (+2/-0)

I came in here ready to say the same thing, but if you ignore the antagonistic headline this was actually an excellent post. A reminder of what's really important and the uncomfortable and uncompromising mindset that's needed to achieve it.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 20:03:22 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] prototype -1 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 20:26:28 ago (+0/-1)

Lol jewsmad some of us wrote "based nigger" tongue-in-cheek on another thread.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile -1 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 18:56:19 ago (+0/-1)

fitting username, degenerate.

greetings from germany

it is our duty to prevent the shitskins from spreading to the stars.

[ - ] CasualObserver -2 points 10 monthsJul 27, 2023 21:59:15 ago (+0/-2)

Imagine being so angry about something you have zero control over. Niggers living rent free in your head op. Maybe having some white babies is a better expenditure of your time.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 02:32:52 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] CasualObserver 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:32:38 ago (+0/-0)

This is nigger tier logic or disingenuous.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 09:03:33 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] CasualObserver 0 points 10 monthsJul 28, 2023 10:56:46 ago (+0/-0)

So larping about something you will never do is better than manning up and creating more white babies?
Good luck with that.