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It was real in my mind

submitted by Fascinus to Holohoax_Tales 9 monthsAug 12, 2023 19:31:24 ago (+60/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


10 comments block

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 2 points 9 monthsAug 12, 2023 21:48:34 ago (+3/-1)

Every living person needs to see this.

Edit: Six million times.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 9 monthsAug 12, 2023 23:43:50 ago (+2/-0)

Has he given the money back

[ - ] soupnazi 2 points 9 monthsAug 13, 2023 12:37:19 ago (+2/-0)

That one dude basically just said, "There are so many lies about the holocaust that it can't really do any harm to tell one more. It doesn't matter if holocaust deniers use our story, because they already have infinite ammunition."

[ - ] observation1 3 points 9 monthsAug 13, 2023 02:29:30 ago (+3/-0)

Always disgusts me to see how good news once was, able to maintain a critical angle. Today that same reporter would get fired and sued. His producer would be flogged. The network debanked and have to write a million shekel check to ADL to access to their funds back.

[ - ] gaperglory 5 points 9 monthsAug 13, 2023 00:14:50 ago (+5/-0)

What an unrepentant kike piece of shit.
Kike protector :"If we say it's a lie, people that know it's a lie will use it to point out other lies!!! Oi vey!!!"

This is exactly why these people deserve every but of hate and punishment possible. Via voat, I am now a bona-fide baby curbstomp believer. These people will NEVER stop. If there's a universal balance, god, or karma, we will see our strongman soon. He will lead us to destroy the cancer that is Judaism.

[ - ] Prairie 5 points 9 monthsAug 13, 2023 06:24:27 ago (+5/-0)

It's hard to believe that this is a real recording. ABC, "Holocaust hoax". Times have changed/the ADL has advanced.

[ - ] Clubberlang 6 points 9 monthsAug 12, 2023 22:28:12 ago (+6/-0)

Did Anne Frank write their story with her pen?

[ - ] deleted 6 points 9 monthsAug 13, 2023 04:04:33 ago (+6/-0)


[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 8 points 9 monthsAug 12, 2023 20:10:10 ago (+8/-0)

I'm sure he didn't at all collect many shekels for his fake story. just like the headlines that there are "more holocaust survivors" than ever before.

[ - ] lord_nougat 11 points 9 monthsAug 12, 2023 20:00:56 ago (+11/-0)

Well, in his support, his bullshit DID help me start to actually understand the 'holocaust'!