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'I saw no gas chambers'

submitted by didyouknow to HolocaustWasFaked 9 monthsAug 17, 2023 18:19:45 ago (+47/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


9 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 9 monthsAug 17, 2023 18:38:39 ago (+5/-0)

Those fucking insane cunts built a religion and a way of life around kvetching of over some people who were slaves in Egypt thousands of years ago. Whites are going to hear "Holocaust, you owe me" very day all day forever and ever until there's no more jews. And peace shall ring out over the land.

They're intolerable abusers.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 3 points 9 monthsAug 17, 2023 19:24:14 ago (+3/-0)

The story about them being slaves in Egypt was also a bunch of bullshit. These fuckers have never been victims, only the victimizers.

[ - ] Rawrination 2 points 9 monthsAug 17, 2023 22:47:23 ago (+2/-0)

If some of them did become slaves it was after they had ruled with an iron grip for generations and eventually people got tired of their shit. The Egyptians talk about chasing out an evil group around the time

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 1 point 9 monthsAug 18, 2023 03:18:44 ago (+1/-0)

You're talking about the proto-Israelites, the Hyksos?

[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 9 monthsAug 18, 2023 09:54:56 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah it's a cult, they worship Satan in all but name.

[ - ] Rawrination 2 points 9 monthsAug 17, 2023 22:45:19 ago (+2/-0)

I have to use a vpn to access catbox because my isp is blocking it. This is obviously why.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 3 points 9 monthsAug 18, 2023 06:00:47 ago (+3/-0)

The whole notion of the Holocaust started with a 1970s TV mini series movie called Holocaust starring Meryl streep. No one ever ever heard of anything called a holocaust relating to people dying before that time. It was completely constructed. I know this because I was alive then and we never heard of anything called the Holocaust or the mass murderer of millions of Jews before that fictitious movie came out. The movie Roots which was also a televised mini-series that stretched over three or four or five nights had been extremely successful in trumpeting the myth of a black family story that was later proven to be fake. But it did for black people something that Jews realized they needed to do for themselves so they quickly came out with this TV mini-series called Holocaust which portrayed them as bigger victims than blacks had been portrayed during roots.

What people actually knew during World War II and after World War II was that yes Hitler had blamed much of Germany's trouble correctly I might add on jews. And that they segregated Jews so Jews couldn't continue to plunder Germany like they had been doing for the previous 15 to 20 years since the end of world war i. But the idea that Jews were sent off to a camp full of houses and food till later kill them is just the most ridiculous notion in the world. No books written by any of the leaders who wrote extensively about World War II ever mentioned the Holocaust because there was no such thing.

It is a complete myth started by a TV movie called Holocaust starting Meryl Streep and oddly enough James woods and several other people. Look it up on imdb. Then do an engram search on Google for the use of the word holocaust and you see the word shows up after this TV movie mini series came out. It's not in any encyclopedia written in the 1960s which was just 15 years after the end of world war ii. You would have thought they would have written all about it if it was that big a deal immediately after it happened! They didn't because it didn't happen.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 1 point 9 monthsAug 18, 2023 08:07:12 ago (+1/-0)

Great comment. I was aware of that mini series. I discovered its role in starting up the big lie that was the Holohoax when I was looking into James Woods when I had my suspicion about that scumbag. He's a major jew ass kisser and has always been one, so it's not surprising to have seen him play a role in that propaganda flick.

But that's quite fitting how the big lie was introduced to the masses through Talmud Vision in the form of a jew scripted TV series when the whole Holohoax is itself nothing but fiction and also a study into a jews sick and twisted imaginations.

It really gives great value to this quote by Feeney;
''Having a television in your home is like having a Jew in your living room''

And this is why ZOG made sure that every household, no matter how poor its occupants were, could afford having a Talmud Vision at home.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 9 monthsAug 18, 2023 09:54:14 ago (+0/-0)

Oy vey!