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Hard to be a God

submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 monthsAug 25, 2023 02:27:46 ago (+0/-4)     (files.catbox.moe)


To the atheist and abraham,

If there were to be a God worthy of your devotion what kind of God would it be? Would be a God of creations or of nothing? Would it be a God that values his creations or one that does not care for them? Would it wish its creations to achieve glory as it has or would it squander them for self gain? Would it be a God like a Father or one Fatherless? Would it be a God for the White Race? Would it position ourselves as dominant on this realm or see us fall into genocide? Would it view other races equal or superior to ourselves?

Etho-spiritualism is the only belief system that makes sense for me as an Ethno-nationalist. I do not understand how anyone could possibly worship a God who is not a WHITE GOD for the WHITE RACE. The moment you allow yourself to view other races as spiritually equal or even on the same soul stream as another you tread the pitfall of civic nationalism.

For me, if there is a God he is one of the White Race alone. He would see fit to enable us to one day enjoy the life that he possesses. Glorying in our ability to act as the Gods ourselves, to govern and rule this realm. Of no compelling force yet all seeing. It would be like a Father watching his children fight the battles that they must themselves overcome. Every turn of the cycle another lesson learned. It would be Natural Law.

I have admonished in the past about the dangers of a belief who's end goal is some grand destination beyond the present. A great escapism masqueraded as divine ascension. I feel this to be a great trap to remove ourselves from the responsibility of this realm. After all if there is this great other than how important would it be to solve puzzle presently before us, if all you have to do is abandon domain. We are eternal beings of this I am certain, This realm is a battle for all time.

Worship an ideal to strive toward.

1 comments block

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 9 monthsAug 25, 2023 10:45:22 ago (+1/-1)

Jesus was right about the jews.