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The Lasers that PROVED Flat Earth [4:10] - Flat Earth Sun, Moon App

submitted by Love240 to EarthIsAFlatPlane 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 02:53:37 ago (+3/-11)     (www.youtube.com)


Awaiting Crimony and Observation to make their predictable appearances to complain about FE while not having watched the 4 minute video and comment with 0 critical thought.

32 comments block

[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 10:42:19 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] McNasty 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 10:51:16 ago (+3/-1)

It definitely is.


NASA is kike. The moon landing is a kike lie. Give me evidence the earth is a globe that doesn't come from a source that believes NASA went to the moon.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 11:01:59 ago (+2/-1)

I used to think that too, I was wrong.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 11:25:13 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Love240 [op] 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 18:13:36 ago (+1/-0)

I'd really rather you not be. Stop and correct.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 18:15:17 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] chrimony 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 09:03:03 ago (+2/-1)

0 critical thought

That's what it takes to be a flattard. I've offered countless explanations to flattards to their flattard phenomena, the flattard can't refute it, and then he either slinks away or just resorts to flattard NPC talking points like you ("sHow mE teh cUrv3!!11").

Then they come back some time later with some new flattard challenge, and claim they never receive answers. Meanwhile, they can't explain something as basic as the night sky -- the southern star trails over Australia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56ZMZtq0qfY -- Two poles on a spherical Earth, one pole in Flattard Land.

You can get an accurate prediction for the location of the sun, moon, planets, and stars overhead for any location and time on Earth, all based on a simple spherical Earth model, light, and F=ma. Where's the flattard equivalent?

Flattards are lying scum, throwing feces at the zookeepers. Like McTurd and BushMonkey, you are another flattard I will not be spending any more time on.

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 0 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 14:19:09 ago (+1/-1)

You may be a pedophile regime supporter, but you're right about the flatters.

What's funny is how a reddit douche like Professor Dave Explains debunks their claims so thoroughly that they foam at the mouth when he's mentioned. They simply refuse to address anything he says because 'Dave' makes them look retarded.

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 15:01:14 ago (+0/-1)

You may be a pedophile regime supporter, but you're right about the flatters.

I'm also right about the Russtards.

[ - ] Love240 [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 09:20:09 ago (+2/-3)

There he is! NASA man himself! hahahaha.

I've offered countless explanations

The only thing you've done is parroting the globe narrative with bonus ad homs.

You would fancy yourself one of the NASA kikes, or 'zookeepers' as you put it.

Well, thanks for stopping by to let us all know you're still committed to being completely retarded!

[ - ] observation1 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 04:21:38 ago (+4/-2)

From a mini experiment with my hand, I witness placing my finger in the field of view, I can see how the light bends around my finger distorting the image behind it, which should not technically be seen with my finger in the way.

If flat earthers were consistent with their beliefs they would be forced to reckon with the fact that their eye can catch light that bends around an object.

If not, we must wonder when a flat earther looks into a spoon, and sees his own reflection upside-down, does the flat earther believe, in that breif moment, he is standing on his own head?

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 03:34:46 ago (+4/-2)

[ - ] McNasty -1 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 09:01:25 ago (+3/-4)

Lol. You're dumb dumb. That meme completely misses the point. Curvature is a physical obstruction. If there was a curve, It would physically obstruct your view.

Refraction works just like a pencil and a glass of water. Since the light is passing through a denser medium, It faces more resistance. This will make light bend outward and create a magnifying effect. And just like viewing something through a magnifying lens, the edge of your field of view is cut off. The horizon is that edge on Flat Earth. So objects that are refracted are being magnified. Objects that would appear at the bottom of your lens will be cut off.

What you don't understand is that on a flat earth, this explains why the horizon is apparent and changes from day to day.

On a globe, the curve is a physical obstruction that should be a constant. The only effect refraction would have would be to magnify objects in the distance which would shorten where the horizon appears to the viewer. It would never extend it.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 03:05:25 ago (+3/-2)

At least it was 4 minutes and not 4 hours.

[ - ] Love240 [op] -3 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 03:30:45 ago (+2/-5)

Congrats, you read the description!

[ - ] observation1 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 03:31:24 ago (+3/-2)

The author of this video seems quite pleased with himself for being able to see what should be behind the curvature of the earth across the water.
Assuming a perfect marble planet, with no irregularities, of course, this is peculiar.

I've admitted this in the past. The phenomenon deserves a closer look.

Perhaps. Equally interesting, however, is the author of this video, purposefully does not continue to back up further and further away until the lights do drop out of view.

Is the author of this experiment, not at least somewhat curious at what point the lights start disappearing 1 by 1?

In the past, flattards have insisted the air is too thick.

But we know for only a fraction of effort, the video author could have killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Namely, just how "thick" the air is to where the light becomes invisible.

Alas, the flat earthers who grasp on to this as "proof" will always defend this major shortsightedness, pun intended.

But is it simply a matter of accident? Or is it malice? The video creator, I accuse , actually does know precisely how far back he must stand where the lights do disappear behind the horizon - yet he denies his viewers this information. A flat earther scratches his head and won't ever wonder why.

[ - ] Love240 [op] -3 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 03:39:33 ago (+2/-5)

8+ miles is supposed to be 30 feet out of view according to the globe-earth model's math. There is 0 observable drop at that distance. 0.

Are you really not understanding the implication?

You really, with a dead serious face, cannot accept what this means and demand that he instead had to drive another 'however many' miles until the light itself is no longer visible?

Do you not understand that is a completely different test?

Do you not understand that is a classic example of what we call, 'moving the goalposts'?

We know how that works too, it's called the inverse square law and it applies to light as well. You know I've submitted videos on it also...

You will forget this absolute proof that there is zero curve just the same as the rest.
You people are implacable.

[ - ] observation1 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 03:49:35 ago (+4/-2)

The point being: Flat earthers really, with a dead serious face, will never dare question the elephant in the room: that their "leaders" (who they put on a pedestal) are constantly obfuscating critical information such as this. The incredulity is so thick, thicker than the air they imagine makes things vanish; that they can't ever escape this blaring truth. All arrows point to the prisoners are the warden in their own jail. Read it again. The prisoners are the warden in their own jail. Big neon lights. Bzz. Bzzzzzzt. Thats the sound of "implacable."

[ - ] Love240 [op] -2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 05:03:49 ago (+2/-4)

Rich, coming from someone who believes the NASA lies in the face of direct contradictory evidence (not to mention those of your own eyes that you don't believe).

[ - ] McNasty 0 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 08:55:27 ago (+3/-3)

Dude let's the YouTube search algorithm do his critical thinking for him.

[ - ] observation1 -1 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 12:44:58 ago (+1/-2)*

Heres my 4 minute video for you to study


(Fast foward to 8 mins and watch next 4 mins)

[ - ] McNasty 1 point 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 14:20:03 ago (+3/-2)

If it's a 4 minute video from a person that believes NASA went to the moon, they are too stupid to be credible.

[ - ] observation1 -2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 15:43:23 ago (+0/-2)

Rich from the one who suffers from the inability to experience visualizations. I think there's a word for it your condition.

It's called aphantasia — sometimes called "blindness of the mind's eye."

Seek group therapy, NPC.

[ - ] McNasty 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 15:56:29 ago (+3/-1)

Seek group therapy, NPC.

You are pushing a narrative that is openly censored by the US government. You do this with sources that support the claim that NASA put a man on the moon in 1969. You are an absolute retard.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 18:07:18 ago (+1/-1)

"Okay, so I filled my vacuum chamber up with a very specific material."

LOL, go ahead and explain again how you create a vacuum in the atmos and then fill it up with this gas.

Gas capable of electrical conductivity yet remaining non-reactive allows the internal area to distribute electrical charges, this creates a plasma.
The bottom of the vessel is biased to hold a ground charge because it is the only thing in the vessel grounded. This bias causes the light to bow downward toward the ground biased plate.

This is the same principal as a cathode-ray tube, you know, tube TVs. We've known how this works since the late 1800's. This is not new or novel and does not explain what we see in the normal atmos of the earth.

As light moves through a different medium, we would expect it to behave differently. As it passes through the atmos, like usual, we see that it behaves in the usual manner.

Your video does not explain anything. It's an experiment to visually see the deflection of light based on a charged, sealed, "non-atmos controlled gas containing" vessel.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 18:36:42 ago (+1/-1)*

So you didn't watch the required 4 mins when he revealed the joke that the "special material" was not so special.

[ - ] Love240 [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 18:40:42 ago (+0/-0)

So you didn't watch the required 4 munurlted when he revealed the joke that the "special material" was not so special.

What? English.