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39 comments block

[ - ] In_Cog_Nito 17 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 23:14:27 ago (+17/-0)

When you apply for a new job check the box next to "Mixed Race." In my case I'm mixed German and Irish.

[ - ] NoRefunds 9 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 23:46:40 ago (+9/-0)

I check nigger faggot and get hired constantly

[ - ] NukeAmerica 2 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 01:40:40 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah, i never put white or male down anymore. Got to play the clown worlds game.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 04:34:54 ago (+2/-0)

Have recently begun noting my own European mixed heritage in a similar fashion when given the opportunity.

I'm one of the few people who does not fall to Elizabeth Warren for fighting back against the unfair treatment of white people and who was smart enough to claim some Indian heritage.

I'm sure somebody's great-great-grandfather screwed in Indian. And remember. Even if it never actually happened and you really aren't that if you feel you are you can say you are and they can't say you aren't.

[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 08:32:37 ago (+1/-0)

Maybe I should start checking "Hispanic," I can get away with it because of my last name. It shouldn't matter that I don't sound like a wetback at all, but you can easily hear the Brooklyn accent when I get pissed off.

[ - ] Hoobeejoo 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 09:22:37 ago (+1/-0)

That's actually not a bad idea.

What I found interesting g when I was job hunting was, if check the box for White male, I never got called back. But if checked "decline to answer" for some reason, that was the only time I got called for an interview

[ - ] xmasskull 16 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 19:59:17 ago (+16/-0)

No wonder quality & satisfaction is way down in all phases of business.

[ - ] Clubberlang 7 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 21:44:29 ago (+7/-0)

Desk shitting and caste based promotions are way up!

[ - ] Belfuro 7 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 00:21:26 ago (+7/-0)

Us navy cannot maintain its submarine fleet. Lcs ships fell apart and the F35 has incredibly low operational readiness.

I'm sure diversity hire has nothing to do with it

[ - ] Bigdeal 15 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 20:33:21 ago (+15/-0)

So companies in the S&P 100 are run by AntiWhite racists, got it.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 14 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 23:02:40 ago (+14/-0)


[ - ] 2Drunk 13 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 21:16:18 ago (+13/-0)

Full throttle to societal collapse it is!

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 08:34:45 ago (+0/-0)

Hiiiighway to the danger zone!!

[ - ] Love240 10 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 20:24:55 ago (+10/-0)

This is exactly why the last 2 jobs I had couldn't update their applications at all, because the 'programmers' they hired were completely useless.

NGL, it's part of the reason I have been studying software development.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 08:36:33 ago (+0/-0)

It shouldn't even be that difficult. You can make the outline for basic websites on Microsoft Word, with drop down menus and radio buttons and stuff. It's not even software development, it's already there, it's just knowing how to do it.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 10:09:13 ago (+0/-0)

They were not web apps. They ran natively on a Windows tablet and an Apple tablet respectively. Web apps are entirely undesirable for the type of field work they were intended for.

[ - ] NiggerNiggerZooPals 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 10:39:55 ago (+0/-0)

Not that I recommend it, but there’s frameworks out there like React Native and Electron that allow you to basically bundle a web app and have it run natively. I also believe there’s something similar with the Microsoft ecosystem, but I can’t remember off the top of my head.

Obviously writing native code for an application will be more performant, but sometimes it makes sense to just bundle an application as a web app inside a stripped down web browser.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 11:09:45 ago (+0/-0)

Not that I don't agree with that possibility, but the apps, being already written, would have made for an even more monumental task in rewriting them considering their lack of competence.

[ - ] Bottled_Tears 10 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 20:10:00 ago (+10/-0)

We have a map at my tech job for people to mark which country they came from. Middle east is hot, it's scratched out. It doesn't make sense. Why the fuck would we hire these people. We always have issues with them because they claim everything is racist but they're also rapists.

[ - ] Grospoliner 3 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 09:12:24 ago (+3/-0)

Become the lynchpin in all operations. Build up everything the shitskins can't. Then walk out the door and watch the company implode.

[ - ] NukeAmerica 4 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 01:38:57 ago (+4/-0)

Death to The Great Satan

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 2 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 13:02:54 ago (+2/-0)

If this was the other way round criminal investigations would be happening!

But since its anti white racism its encouraged.

[ - ] mannerbund 2 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 09:57:14 ago (+2/-0)

This aligns with my current job posting. 90% shit skins, 5% sand niggers, and 5% Whites.

All the Whites have interviews, and I started getting shit on Indeed about the others, so I have a few interviews with them to throw the site off my trail.

It's an ongoing process, so we'll see how it goes.

[ - ] Niggly_Puff 2 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 01:45:43 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 08:17:59 ago (+1/-0)

I fucking hate all of them and wish them all dead.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 04:33:18 ago (+1/-0)

Are things are going to more things are going to continue to fall apart. You're going to be able to get less and less intelligent people on the line to solve any problem you have. They'll be more circular and endless voice response systems. Many of these jobs like the former Twitter jobs will continue to exist on the backs of the stockholders who will not be getting a return they should be getting but instead all the stock holder value will be going to tons and tons of unnecessary jobs held by people who don't want to lose their job or get rid of the people that aren't doing any work alongside them and don't want to lose their jobs either. That was the case with Twitter before Elon took it over and cut something like 70% of the workforce and the company works better than it did. It's going to be the stockholders that bear the financial burden of this. It's going to be the rest of us there the burden of not being able to find companies that actually provide what they say they can provide and what we're used to getting. they'll always be a good front on these companies that will look like they'll be able to do something but when you call on them for the actual service or product that you were told you're going to get you're going to just face endless frustration. That is how it will all fail.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 04:10:30 ago (+1/-0)

corporate america is so going along with those in power in washington

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 21:43:45 ago (+1/-0)

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy yerrah nawt beeink replaysst! Stawp noticink!! Kvetch!

[ - ] Hoobeejoo 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 09:20:29 ago (+0/-0)

...added more than 300,000 jobs

Translation: We made up 300,000 make-work "jobs" and brought in a bunch of niggers to do nothing. See how DiVeRsE we is!!!

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus -1 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 21:08:51 ago (+1/-2)*

This is a weird way to put this statistic, though I think there's some relevance to it.

First off, we're looking at a relatively tiny increase in employment of 300k (out of like 350 million souls in the country) people total. Of that, after subtracting out any jobs that were lost (including whites retiring but also all other races and situations), they are left with 94% of the net new jobs being shitskins.

This makes it sound like 94% of all new hires themselves were nonwhite, which is not true. You're allowing a subtraction turning this into a net value where 94% is a proportion. Which sounds like it should come out of a total of something; not a net.

Also the implication that the S&P 100 would account for a large fraction of the hiring. I don't think that's true. They're the biggest businesses, but there are far more sole proprietorships and small businesses -- too many to count, and people can have more than one.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 21:46:39 ago (+1/-0)

Yo mafz iz raycis!!

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 21:54:30 ago (+1/-0)

Always. It's the only kind of math I'm willing to do.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 26, 2023 23:08:52 ago (+0/-0)

2+2 enna nigga too!

[ - ] CHIRO 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 02:33:19 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, and these stats pertained to what were called "less-senior job cateogries". If you go to the methods section at the bottom of the article, you realize this includes all of the jobs that don't require a bachelors degree. The rate of increase for non-whites in all roles above this, from professional to executive, was about 2%. All "more senior" roles were still dominated by whites. Don't get me wrong, the S&P 100 has committed to some pretty outrageous diversity quotas in the last few years. I think these trends will get worse.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 03:31:47 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 07:08:43 ago (+0/-0)

we're looking at a relatively tiny increase in employment of 300k

At the wealthiest companies on the planet. “Small number” is meaningless when they’re the ones doing all the paying.

(out of like 350 million souls in the country)

Aww, you think they have souls.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 15:13:09 ago (+1/-0)

My comment isn't about what they're doing; it's about what "we" are writing. Deceiving onesself with weir statistics does no good. There are better ways to understand white replacement.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 1 point 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 19:04:26 ago (+1/-0)

Deceiving onesself with weir statistics does no good. There are better ways to understand white replacement.

Okay, I’m in agreement with that, at least.