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10 Strategies to Set and Uphold Boundaries

submitted by carnold03 to MGTOW 7 monthsOct 29, 2023 10:20:00 ago (+1/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


#10 Strategies to Set and Uphold Boundaries

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses 10 factors to consider when establishing other boundaries with others. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.


1. Prove your worth (to yourself)
2. Examine your values
3. Discard the outcome
4. Grow your balls (have some courage)
5. Be firm but FAIR
6. Build your sovereignty
7. Add weight to your words
8. Don’t give an inch, they will take a mile
9. Enlist reinforcements
10. Respect other people’s boundaries

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.orderofman.com/how-a-man-builds-boundaries-friday-field-notes/

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