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3 comments block

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 8 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 14:28:54 ago (+8/-0)

That is absolutely fucking infuriatingly disgusting.
Entire families were slaughtered in less than a second while huddling in the dark and praying for safety.
I don't give a fuck about a single Palestinian and this still boils my blood.
Who the fuck do these Zion kikes think they are?
This is the fire bombing of Dresden all over again. ((They)) will bomb and burn everything to the ground and our American empire will fund and supply the resources to do it.
This is how rebels are created, both foreign and domestic. ((They)) will call you terrorist. Give ((them)) the terror ((they)) deserve.

[ - ] deleteme1234 1 point 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 22:24:13 ago (+1/-0)

Another example of the kikemedia covering for kike crimes.

[ - ] LiberalsAreMental 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:01:38 ago (+0/-0)

Wow. I think you're right. Israelis / Khazarians and Palestinians are killing each other in Gaza.

If they will just finish the job, a few nukes can mop up the survivors and we'll all be better off.