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Wipe Out Israel from the River to the Sea

submitted by UncleDoug to TheEternalJew 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 03:56:20 ago (+27/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Free Palestine

The jewish state should be wiped completely out of the map, from the river to the sea.

Little Benny getting BTFO at Cambridge.

"From the river to the sea" (Arabic: من النهر إلى البحر, romanized: min an-nahr ’ilā l-baḥr) is a political slogan associated with Palestinian nationalism. The slogan refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories: the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

25 comments block

[ - ] herbert_west 18 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 04:18:01 ago (+18/-0)

Please move the Jews to Israel before doing any wiping out. Thanks.

[ - ] Lordbananafist 5 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 08:39:19 ago (+5/-0)

Wipe them out where you fucking find them, pussy

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 8 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 04:46:37 ago (+8/-0)*

I've no use for Palestinians or the kikes, I've pretty much got no use for arabs, kurds,turks or anyone else in the middle east, I actually don't mind Iranians or Syrians or the Northern Turks, they claim to be true Aryans, 3 guys I work with, 1 Syrian, 1 Iranian, 1 from Northern Turkey, are good guys and they're smart as fuck and well informed...and they're White and they have a sticker on the back window of their vehicles with one word on it, the base color of the sticker is black, the sole word "ARYAN" is in gold 5" font and it sticks right out....people should hear these guys speak of the jew, they spit first and then froth at the mouth with their hate for the jew...shapiro is unravelling and he's evil, that fucking kike is looking more evil every day and it's clearly visible in his face and behavioral patterns...every time I see his ugly mug I want to smash it...just thought I'd share that here.

[ - ] GrayDragon 11 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 08:01:25 ago (+11/-0)

Doesn't matter. Kikes are the primary enemy. Any one against the kikes is at least a temporary ally to me.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 11:20:33 ago (+1/-1)

"doesn't matter"

Race mixing is a kike promoted narrative, friends is one thing, breeding is another

[ - ] Lordbananafist 2 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 08:40:41 ago (+2/-0)

It’s 8800 square miles.

You can support Palestinians inside the 8800 square miles.

[ - ] KDs_Other_Burner 4 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 04:06:22 ago (+4/-0)

Uncle Adolf wouldn't have stopped at the sea. Burn them from history itself.

[ - ] NoRefunds 9 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 07:32:23 ago (+9/-0)*

Adolf was too soft. If he was as hard as you think, he would have shot all the kikes in the streets like the kikes in Russia did to the white Russians.

[ - ] I_am_baal 7 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 04:36:47 ago (+7/-0)

Erase them from the timeline completely, yes. Only myths and legends of their jewery and our glorious victory should remain.

[ - ] Lordbananafist 2 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 08:41:05 ago (+2/-0)

Safety camps huh? Great idea!

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 10:53:09 ago (+1/-0)

With swimming pools and theaters too!

[ - ] Lordbananafist 1 point 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 11:06:06 ago (+1/-0)

It’s the only only only civilized way to get it done

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 11:47:51 ago (+1/-0)

Once you get to the sea, switch to lithium.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 3 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 10:47:36 ago (+3/-0)

israel slit their own throat this time. They will never recover from this genocide. we have a bad jewish infestation that cannot be ignored any longer. Most of joe bidens cabinet are dual citizen jews. This israel shit has made a lot of people open their eyes.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 3 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 10:43:35 ago (+3/-0)

make Jerusalem Christian White again.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 14:17:39 ago (+2/-0)

I dont think jerusalem was ever white.

[ - ] Name 1 point 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 18:53:38 ago (+1/-0)

One of the things that messed my head up and took some adjusting to was realizing how many different parts of the world were white at one time or another. We think of ourselves as tied to soil but we are perhaps the most nomadic of any of the creatures that walk upright on this earth. We have occupied and lost the majority of the Earth at one time or another. Such an ebb and flow.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 0 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 14:26:56 ago (+0/-0)

woah, Hel! Long time no see! how you doing? glad youre back! but yes, Jerusalem once was inhabited by christians who looked much like Jesus, with fair hair and shimmering eyes. those groups of people are still around the place, albeit a small minority.


[ - ] NukeAmerica 0 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 14:30:01 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 3 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 08:49:16 ago (+3/-0)

She is 100 percent wrong!

The correct reply would be wipe the jews completely off the planet

[ - ] ItsBacon 2 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 08:55:33 ago (+2/-0)

Make Palestine desolate again.

[ - ] TheWhiteWolf 1 point 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 15:29:02 ago (+1/-0)

What about all the jews in...well everywhere else in the world?

[ - ] o0shad0o 0 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 11:10:36 ago (+0/-0)

At some point it likely will be, though it'll be too radioactive for people to resettle for a long while. Along with many other areas of the Middle East. Along with many other areas around the globe. It's going to be a mess.

[ - ] AryanPrime -3 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 11:19:26 ago (+0/-3)

suddenly the kike refers to "kikes" as "Israel" because it's his little word play

WHy didn't you say "Wipe out jews from the river to the sea?"

Maybe it's because they aren't actually "jews" and you are having too much trouble controlling the narrative.

And then he promotes "climate change" you say nothing refutting that, which means you probably support it as well

You are so outed kike filth, there is no "climate change" there is no "jewish state"

Just stfu already

No one here supports sand niggers past the point of using them to wage war on kikes, like kikes and arabs have done to Whites

There is no such thing as a "jewish state" you filthy kike, how can you "wipe" something off the map if it doesn't exist in the first place, it's entirely illegal and every person in israel is a war criminal.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 6, 2023 03:15:45 ago (+0/-0)

Make me kebab jewboi