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I was stationed in Egypt for over a year. I get it. The Muslim culture that stems from the Islam religion is absolutely disgusting. I could go on for pages about how little they value life. Including their own, or even their children's. They will GLADLY have their own child murdered to either get a

submitted by anon to AnonTalk 11 monthsNov 9, 2023 23:14:22 ago (+41/-3)     (AnonTalk)

I was stationed in Egypt for over a year. I get it. The Muslim culture that stems from the Islam religion is absolutely disgusting.

I could go on for pages about how little they value life. Including their own, or even their children's. They will GLADLY have their own child murdered to either get a massive payout or to make THEMSELVES a martyr.

We literally had to take training on how to drive in Egypt. Specifically, if you saw a parent with a young child at the side of the road, slow down, and give them a wide berth, because it wasn't unusual for them to throw their child under the wheels of expensive looking vehicles. Egyptian law required the person who ran over the child to pay the family "reparations" for any income the child MAY have earned for the rest of its life. We were taught that if it happened, we were to make a bee-line for the embassy to be shipped out of country immediately.

They literally had a contingency for parents purposely murdering their children.

28 comments block

we don't have to travel to a muslim country to know that. There are millions of those worthless fuckers in europe now. We know how they are: less than stupid animals