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The purpose of society is...

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 11:56:07 ago (+3/-0)     (whatever)

to sustain one another.

I have always been a believer in free speech, above all else.

It has taken me time to realize that if you engage in some activities, willfully with others, you essentially remove yourself from being able engage in society. Some choices self-select us out of interacting with others by virtue of our decisions. You can't make onlyfans and be a middle school teacher. You'll lose your job. Maybe your teaching license. You won't be able to interact with minors. Your spouse may divorce you. You won't have a future, a family, children - you'll lose it all, or never have it.

If a person is removed from society (polite society), they are also removed from the ability to sustain themselves. Their choices will deny them families, children, and pretty much everything necessary to move society forward.

So one of our main duties is to stop people from making choices that will destroy their ability to function in polite society. I think this is our common clarion call. Freedom to do anything can be nice, but the freedom to inform people around us of the consequences of their actions is nicer. We must be relentless.

7 comments block

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 1 point 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:42:32 ago (+1/-0)

stop people from making choices

This is exactly what the left does.

I think there is a fine line to be trod here, as it is very easy to slip into tyranny and/or mob rule. When American society was driven by the Christian faith, then there was a common governing factor that allowed for the freedoms enshrined in our constitution. Now that many/most reject Christianity and accept whatever they feel at the moment, there is no common thread to bind everything together. I am not saying we should force Christianity on anyone, but we need some common bond so we don't have just some "select" few at the top deciding what should be stopped or allowed.

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:24:19 ago (+0/-0)

freedom to inform people around us of the consequences of their actions is nicer

What's your top five "choices" that you'd want to explain the concequences?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:19:43 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:20:57 ago (+0/-0)

You can't make onlyfans and be a middle school teacher. You'll lose your job

Maybe now, but not in my day. Middle school geography teacher was a Playmate in the 60s...granted she wasn't much to look at decades later.

[ - ] prototype 0 points 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:09:40 ago (+0/-0)*

The ideologue who does not spread their ideology will, as a punishment, suffer the presence of another's ideology however foreign, destructive, and intolerable it may be.

Its a law of the universe: compete or die.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:16:54 ago (+0/-0)

The enemy ideology is destroying its tolerators and supporters, so there's little I need to do.

[ - ] Sector2 -3 points 6 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:04:20 ago (+0/-3)

The purpose of society is to support and promote jewish supremacy.