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Now is the perfect time for China to attack Taiwan. Then the USA can kick off its civil war while the Jews are wasting the US's military effort elsewhere

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 16:46:28 ago (+5/-2)     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)

(((USA))) will win zero of those wars.

Carrier Strike Group 1 led by the 'USS Carl Vinson' is moving West towards the Middle East, abandoning its mission in the Phillipine & South China Seas

7 comments block

[ - ] TheGreatWar 0 points 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 22:31:26 ago (+0/-0)

Why did the UN expel Chiang Kai Shek and admit communist rule of China, and why did Henry Kissinger visit the communists in Beijing, and why did all this happen while Americans were still dying fighting communism in Vietnam and Cambodia was being bombed into the stone age? Why is the West so buddy buddy with the PRC?

[ - ] BitterVeteran 0 points 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 20:01:53 ago (+0/-0)

Capitalizes 'jew'.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 19:28:05 ago (+0/-0)

You act like China can just up and invade overnight.


It would have to be the largest amphibious operation in history to even have a chance of succeeding, and even then the second the Chinese do that there is literally zero reason for everyone to not dogpile on China and fucking annihilate chinky winky and co. back to the Rice Age.

Taiwan is small enough that they know they can't act like big shit on the world stage, which is good for us, but also so valuable that they know the world will defend them if China fucks around.

Chip fabs, guy. Chip fabs and a lot of other manufacturing.

[ - ] iThinkiShitYourself [op] 0 points 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 19:31:55 ago (+0/-0)

You act like China can just up and invade overnight.

they just need to launch a few missiles. and you agree with me here

even then the second the Chinese do that

(even though the way you phrased it you make it sound like you disagree)

there is literally zero reason for everyone to not dogpile on China and fucking annihilate chinky winky and co. back to the Rice Age.

This is exactly what I said.

[ - ] paul_neri -1 points 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 17:26:02 ago (+0/-1)

感谢您的建议,先生 - 我们会仔细考虑。

[ - ] iThinkiShitYourself [op] 1 point 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 17:27:19 ago (+1/-0)

i will not be translating that

[ - ] Misi96 0 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 08:18:18 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck your slant eyed country, and learn to speak English chink