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Thanks Trump for ruining America, "Our actions have destroyed the country. But we did it because we hate Trump, so Trump is to blame for our actions."

submitted by x0x7 to RedditCringe 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 21:27:56 ago (+6/-1)     (www.reddit.com)


I'm not a fan of Trump but this shit is ridiculous. I just want this country to be less retarded.

I'm ready to make my own at this point.

11 comments block

[ - ] Fascinus 7 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 21:35:40 ago (+7/-0)

Not a Trump supporter and there was a time when I respected him.

That being said, I would not feel a shred of remorse over killing any of those communist faggots.

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 2 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 23:42:31 ago (+2/-0)

Really enjoyed upvoting that!

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 5 monthsDec 24, 2023 00:57:55 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, but are they posting from China, Israel or Qatar?

[ - ] FacelessOne -2 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 22:48:44 ago (+0/-2)

When he was a pyramid scheme mail order steak salesmen you respected him? Wtf is wrong with you.

[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 23:00:58 ago (+3/-0)

That wasn't the time :)

[ - ] FacelessOne -2 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 23:04:27 ago (+0/-2)

Oh so when he was a reality TV star you respected him? (HINT: There's no point in time he was respectable)

[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 23:15:16 ago (+3/-0)


I hear you :)

I never watched any of his reality TV stuff either.

There was a brief window of time where I didn't feel completely disenfranchised by a system that hated me.

Around that time I had read "The Art of the Deal", which I later learned was ghost written.

What I took from that book at the time was that Trump seemed to thrive on making tough deals and resolving situations in a manner that everyone felt good walking away from, which seemed to me at the time as a man who had something to give offering his service to his fellow man.

That resonated with me.

There were a few other things here and there, such as an acquaintance relating to me that her husband was saved by Trump allowing veterans to seek care outside of the VA system, etc.

As awesome as things seemed to be going, he managed to disappoint me in many ways prior to the current pretendisent coming to power, such as marrying most of his kids off to kikes.

So, yeah... as naïvely optimistic as I tend to be, the feeling didn't last very long.

[ - ] FacelessOne -2 points 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 23:23:18 ago (+0/-2)

So you've learned to think beyond people and focus on ideas like a good white man.

[ - ] purityspiral 1 point 5 monthsDec 24, 2023 07:41:28 ago (+1/-0)

I am inclined to agree.
When I heard the right words at the right time, I consciously decided to buy-in to the idea.

I still like "America First" as a thing. Trump, however, definitely let me down. If everyone else wasn't knee deep in chinese spies, he'd need to be "fired" already. I'd see him have another go, but he would have to generate pretty amazing results, which seems unlikely.

So the only thing I ever liked about him was when he said "America First" was important. I liked that, it did not pan out well.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 1 point 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 22:08:22 ago (+1/-0)

Just Trump? Why not include Obama, who did incalculable damage to the US? Or Bush, whose regime was a hundred times worse? Or Clinton, who laid the foundation for degrading this country to the level it is? They're all despicable and traitorous, and the elite overlords who put them in power are ultimately responsible. All presidents are merely puppets.

[ - ] osomperne -1 points 5 monthsDec 24, 2023 03:53:24 ago (+1/-2)

Remember that time Donald Trump was president?

Notice the time stamps on these posts. They're old.

Remember that time the Zion Don never locked up Hillary?

Remember that time Zion Don granted 400k visas for white collar foreigners instead of employing Americans at those jobs thus further marginalizing the ethnic American master race?

Remember that time the Zion Don complied with Jewish protocol and offered niggers a half trillion of ethnic Americans' money to purchase votes instead of student loan forgiveness because (((banksters)))

Remember that time Zion Don threatened to kill any whites in America who wanted to kill Jews?

Remember that time Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to carry out terrorist attacks in America and Europe if they didn't assist in the genocide of Palestinians?

Member that time the Zion Don said "Israel literally owned congress, and it was so powerful, and today it's almost the opposite ... Israel had such power, and rightfully, over congress" in an attempt to invoke white guilt to give Israel more power yet?

Remember that time the Zion Don tried using taxpayer money to purchase negro votes?

Remember that time Trump flew half way across the world to save 3 thieving niggers from justice?

Remember that time the Zion Don pretended he was drowning in the pussy by pretending to be his agent and saying all the women call him and he has 4 girlfriends?

Remember that time The Zion Don turned down money for our brethren in Poland until they gave Jews Polish land?

Remember that time the Zion Don tried proving he loves nigger by fucking a nigger?

Remember that time Zion Don got raided by the FBI and didn't even bring up his dear friend Jeffery Epstein's client list that the FBI has been ignoring?

Remember that time the Zion Don registered as a democrat for 30+ years?

Remember that time the Zion Don told the the January 6th people that "they will pay" for fighting back against the fraudulent election and threw them in prison?

Remember that time the Zion Don was dear friends with (((Jeffrey Epstein))) his entire life and aware of his pedophilic activity and didn't say anything even as Epstein was in prison on trial for it?

Remember that time Zion Don gave Israel $38 billion dollars of taxpayer money instead of investing in America?

Member that time the Zion Don said to "take the guns first, due process second"

Remember that time the Zion Don pretended to have a problem with Jewish owners of big tech for 4 years then did nothing, and then (((they))) defrauded the presidential election of the United States in a high profile manner?

Pepe Farm remembers.