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Where are all the men?

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 07:06:10 ago (+10/-2)     (Fatherhood)

What is going on? Everywhere I look people are so incredibly feminised. The church, the schools, the public, public and private corporations... women, women, niggers, and women. Where are the strong men.. on the shop floors, with their local nigger bitch giving them orders.

I think my local gun range is the ONLY place I can find actual men.

15 comments block

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 14 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 07:23:56 ago (+14/-0)

There's a lot of ways one could respond to your question, but most of it's been addressed ad nauseum on the internet already, which sort of makes your apparent shock or surprise surprising in and of itself.

So instead of repeating the normal things, I'm going to state something that more normies are starting to realize, and that is the horrifying effect of the hormonal birth control pill on the female brain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpoUl1MzTq4

In short, it both makes them stupid and less attracted to more masculine men. Which to me sort of explains everything. I've known for a long time that "the jew" is pushing the feminism narrative, but I couldn't wrap my mind around why it worked so well with women, since it so clearly makes women utterly miserable. And also because I've personally experienced how happy women are when they finally embrace spending time with a masculine man. They simply are happy. It makes common fucking sense.

Anyways, you have a small group of people who are literally foreigners (jews...) who have both invaded our nations themselves, while simultaneously opening the gates for millions of other invaders, and in both cases it's easy to understand why they wouldn't want masculine men to get in their way. So they gave women a pill that damaged their brains and made them less attracted to real men, they then told women there's a war between the sexes, women went "Ok!", and quite naturally men went..."Fuck this shit."

The reason men defend their nation is to protect their women and children. Ultimately, it's that simple...and we don't have women, nor do we have children, and in fact, women have said they hate men, and that they don't want children.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 09:31:57 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] BoozyB 4 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 07:48:13 ago (+4/-0)

Best post of the month, and it's only the second day.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 1 point 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 09:15:19 ago (+1/-0)

It’s a contender for post of the year as well.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 09:25:46 ago (+0/-0)

I thought you were going to say 'of the year'

[ - ] BoozyB 0 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 10:29:16 ago (+0/-0)

I thought about it, but it's a long time until 12/31/24 and we have many great commenters here. Probably the winner, surely a top contender.

[ - ] ChuckysBack 3 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 07:26:48 ago (+3/-0)

Well said dude.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 2 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 09:16:19 ago (+2/-0)

Fucking good post. Thanks for taking the time and thought to type that out. It is gold.

[ - ] Thatguy 2 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 10:54:31 ago (+2/-0)

The real damage becomes apparent when they go off the pill. They decide they now want a baby. Something happens to a woman when the baby blocker stops. The chemical damage is permanent and they go nuts. Your divorce probably happened after she went off birth control pills.

[ - ] namefagsrgay 1 point 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 16:15:31 ago (+1/-0)

The mother of my children refused to take the pill. Hasn't been on it in a decade. Still totally insane. I don't think she's salvageable even if domestic re-education was acceptable in our society.

So for the last few years I just kept my mouth shut out of desperation so I can be a part of my daughters life. Being a man has been outlawed essentially.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 0 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 20:20:58 ago (+0/-0)

Excellent red pill. There's nothing natural about birth control. Natural family planning is the only correct option.

[ - ] namefagsrgay 1 point 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 16:11:02 ago (+1/-0)

Either I cucked to the endless insanity of women and their enablers, tolerating all kinds of filth and scum like lawyers and ex cops and shitskin lovers, or I had my daughter taken away from me.

I chose option B. When my daughter sees me, it will be on my terms. I won't watch what I say to appease faggots I don't care about. I won't go to their family gatherings, or listen to their smalltalk. When Im not with her the only emotions I feel anymore are regret, and shame, and extreme hatred. Every person on earth looks like collateral.

Fuck normies. Fuck society. These fucking pieces of shit made their choice.

[ - ] stillmostlyfriendly 1 point 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 12:29:37 ago (+1/-0)

I have 3 nephews between the ages of 20-25. None are dating. All 3 are from relatively healthy homes (parents all still married, good relationships with family and friends.)

- Nephew #1 - $90K salary in a low cost of living area, solid dude. Dating isn't worth the effort. He splits his time and money between: work / self improvement (training and learning skills) / video games.
- Nephew #2 - >$100K income from self employment in a low cost of living area. Deep introvert who would rater work than chase women.
- Nephew #3 - Student but will take over VERY successful family business in the next 5-10 years. Money not a concern. Tall, gregarious, extrovert, can bang any girl he wants. Did that for a few years and realized one of those girls are girls he would marry. Has decided to focus on developing male friends, hobbies, and finishing school.

By all accounts, all 3 of these guys are solid husband material.

Ayn Rand might have gotten it a bit wrong ... it wasn't the older successful men who would 'go Galt' first. It's the young men who while still being part of the economic system have rejected the social system.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 09:24:53 ago (+0/-0)

in the mines, under the ground, search them there

[ - ] Anus_Expander -1 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 11:19:29 ago (+0/-1)

Go to hardware stores, esp at opening time