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submitted by oppressed to OurMedia 4 monthsJan 20, 2024 12:07:51 ago (+4/-2)     (www.bitchute.com)


this two-hour video covers the activism of tom metzger and his white aryan resistance (war) of the 1980's and 90's.

they tried to save california from white genocide and they almost succeeded. im not sure how white nationalists all failed so badly, looking back now from the year 2024. they had a strong movement back then. metzger had national public access television with his race and reason show. but it wasnt very good imo. more wn media was needed.

at one point in the 70's metzger and david duke went to the border with many klansmen to patrol it and report illegal immigrants to cops.

then metzger won a government seat in california, but the cops denied him his use of power and they removed tom.

this video also covers some of the violence of war, the order, anti-whites, and the nazis of the time.

war was mainly defensive, but they were often in skirmishes with anti-whites.

the order was a criminal org that tried to rob places to fund a resistance to take over the government. they got life in prison.

war encouraged people to write white nationalist prisoners, and run for office.

this video covers war's various types of activism and trying to reach and wake up whites. we could use another war-type group.

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