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3 comments block

[ - ] Oldguynewname 2 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 22:20:25 ago (+3/-1)

I ain't against these, but I ask what exactly it is ment to accomplish by doing this?

First of all the roads in that and out of that area are not going to handle the weigh of those trucks, leaving road repairs to the 20k residents there.

Second of all, I doubt they have adequate parking for them, unless their intent is to disrupt the residents and fuck up their way of living.

Added that each time they say they will do this, it is a big nothing burger.

The DC truckers thing during Obama was bullshit. I was there! 2 trucks going in circles around the capitol belt way.

The Canadian one yeah....but it was just today that what their prime minister did 2 fucking years ago was unconstitutional, they seized millions.

You think any of them will get that back? Will get reimbursed for thir expenses? A semi burns 3 gallons a mile on average, maybe 5.

Idle I don't know fuel consumption, but I can guess it ain't good, and that town I don't belive has enough fuel to accommodate them.

[ - ] iSnark [op] 3 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 22:59:51 ago (+3/-0)

I ain't against these, but I ask what exactly it is ment to accomplish by doing this?

What would you propose as an alternative? At-least SOMEONE is drawing some attention to the problems at the "border", making sure that this doesn't go on unanswered.

unless their intent is to disrupt the residents and fuck up their way of living.

I think the residents way of living is already pretty fucked up. I bet they'd rather have trucks trying to stop the invasion of illegal aliens, instead of having the damn illegals running amok through their property bringing their diseases & crime with them.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -1 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 23:15:33 ago (+1/-2)

What would you propose as an alternative? At-least SOMEONE is drawing some attention to the problems at the "border", making sure that this doesn't go on unanswered.

Citizens to stop paying federal taxes. Fule exempt, stop playing the game.

What do you think they can do? Legally they cannot force everyone to pay their taxes.

I am talking active duty to file exempt, firemen, cops, you, me, but we need a fucking lot of participants.

Pay your state taxes, or don't. I don't know what your feelings are upon that.

Look at it this way....them driving there, staying, then driving back...that is all fuel tax. Fucking 100s of 1000s of dollars.

Stop playing the goddamn game by their rules.

I think the residents way of living is already pretty fucked up. I bet they'd rather have trucks trying to stop the invasion of illegal aliens, instead of having the damn illegals running amok through their property bringing their diseases & crime with them

You been down there? I just was beginning of the month, can show you my Google history data if you doubt me.

All of these towns, fucking all of them have zero taxable base for infrastructure as all the properties are rentals.

Added the amount of trailer parks that just rent the dirt the structures sit on.

Their roads, dude their roads are all fucked, bridges, and to top it all off.

Aint no white people. It is crime infested, the hotels I was at....all had fences and armed security. NOT THE COPS.

Your taxes are going to these migrants. Remove the percived incentive and let's see what fucking happens.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 4 monthsJan 24, 2024 08:59:37 ago (+0/-0)
