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Notorious J.E.W.

submitted by lord_nougat to Comics 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 23:33:57 ago (+30/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


8 comments block

[ - ] ZombieNation 5 points 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 05:26:07 ago (+5/-0)*

It was all a scheme, purchased TV magazine
Salt-n-Pepa shakers in the shape of a limousine
Hangin' propaganda on the wall
Every Saturday in synagouge with Mr. Magic n Rabbi Marl

I let my cock rock 'til the minor popped
Censoring memes, pushing public stocks
Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack
With a small hat to match

Remember David' Duke? Duh-ha, duh-ha
You never thought that Adolf would take us this far
Now we're in the limelight 'cause we're not right
Time to get paid, we blew up the World Trade

Born sinners, the opposite of winners
Remember when we used to eat babies for dinner

Peace to Joe B, Bader G, Trump D
Ron Jeremy Zelenski
USA blowin' up like we thought it would
Call the 'gogue, same number, gated hood, it's all good
And if you don't know, now you know, goy

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 3 points 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 02:42:52 ago (+3/-0)

“Jewie Smalls is the shrillist.”

[ - ] Prairie 2 points 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 06:01:53 ago (+2/-0)

If I had to guess I'd say that looks like Ben Shapiro 100%.

[ - ] drhitler 1 point 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 07:14:48 ago (+1/-0)

they really captured that sense of unrelenting hatred for white people in his eyes

[ - ] Gigglestick 0 points 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 08:30:08 ago (+0/-0)

He just put out a song with Tom Macdonald.

[ - ] Prairie 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 02:43:13 ago (+0/-0)

I guess I don't watch Talmud Vision enough.

[ - ] NoRefunds 1 point 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 09:27:51 ago (+1/-0)

Sorry for saving your kike asses from a paid vacation

[ - ] MartinTimothy -2 points 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 00:32:32 ago (+0/-2)*

The J's are fond of telling sob stories about how the wicked Nazi's led by wicked Adolf Hitler did a job on the Jews, except AH and the Nazi's were Jews who perped the Holocaust then went on to establish the illegal modern state of Israel.

It was a Zionist plot to kill those Jews who remain true to the Divine Covenant by which Allah assures Jews the Messiah will appear, whose purpose will be to restore the fortunes of the Jewish people and to establish the nation state of Israel, it exhorts them to patience until that time comes.

Anne Frank Hoax.
Anne Frank Hoax Exposed.
Anne Frank's Diary a Hoax pdf.
Anne Frank's Diary is a Fraud.
Anne Frank Diary Hoax Exposed.
Anne Frank Diaries, Fraud by Otto Frank.

There was no Anne Frank if there had been the Zionists who took out the rest of the non Z Jews would have gassed her too, the Pharisees caused their own people to be gassed in the millions during WW2, the gassings were selective only some Jews were gassed!

Witness Moshe Dyan Kaplan’s claim to be a Pharisee and his contempt for the Jews who were gassed, Cheesies he called them .. Kaplan was a RAAF bomber pilot in WW2 who had flown in the 1945 air raid on Dresden, who says his Amsterdam family emerged unscathed.

After the war he flew Lockheed Electra’s for KLM in Holland and for Lufthansa .. he was the son of a well established Jewish family with antecedents in Johannesburg South Africa, in Amsterdam and in Western Australia, later he was a pilot in New Guinea and dabbled in pawnbroking.

He was the image of the actor who played Emmanuel Goldstein in Michael Radford’s great 1984 movie 1984 starring John Hurt and Richard Burton, when I asked him how Radford obtained the footage and under what circumstances it had been shot, he remained unforthcoming and seemed amused!

After the war he returned to Amsterdam .. I said it must have been heart rending to go back to empty rooms and deserted halls since Hitler’s men had their way!
He said it was good, I said sure but what about all his friends and rellies, he said they were fine, I said that they could not have been fine since Hitler had the whole lot rounded up and sent to Auschwitz.

Indeed - despite it was bs see above - The Diary of Anne Frank a tale of oppression of Jews by the Nazi’s was set in Amsterdam, as well Stanley Kramer’s great movie Ship of Fools, based on the true story of Jews fleeing the Nazi’s had its culmination in that city where the ship finally docked.

After having been turned away from Havana Cuba and from New York, the passengers themselves speedily transported to Auschwitz gas and death. Moshe nodded sagely he told me he was indeed a Pharisee, that the Jews of Amsterdam as depicted in The Diary of Anne Frank were certainly Jews, they were however not in the same category as him.. they were he told me called "Cheesies" since their diet consisted largely of that product.

That they were missing from the community was because they had indeed been gassed, as well he gave to understand that as far as he was concerned they were neither missed nor mourned.

The relationship with Moshe Kaplan had run its course by the mid 1980's, it was in many ways similar to the relationship between Rod Steiger in the title role and Jaime Sanchez as Jesus Ortega in Sydney Lumet's great 1964 film The Pawnbroker, thus does life imitate art. He visited me in hospital after antisocial scab elements had driven a dockyard crane at me while I was union delegate at Cairncross Dock in Brisbane in 1984 severing four toes on my right foot, and was kind toward my sister and her infant child when they stayed with me in 1985.

I left that address in 1986 in subsequent inquiries those that knew him were uncertain and given his at least moderately advanced years one supposed the worst, until the television news one evening in 1993 had a report from Israel, of a violation by Israel of deal extensively negotiated by Scandinavian peacemakers, that was to guarantee the at least limited withdrawal of Israeli forces from the city of Hebron, Moshe Kaplan was visible in a group of similarly attired Jews who were to their credit witnesses of Israeli treachery.

View the Holocaust as a collaboration of high ranking Pharisee Jews, who provided the finance, the uniforms and the Marching Songs, and the Nazi’s who would do the dirty work to reduce the number of those Jews who might if they had the numbers, declare the day of the Pharisee at an end.

And to clean up any racial minority or dissident group who were perceived as a threat or were seen as capable of becoming a threat at some time in the future, so the commos, pamphleteers, whacko’s, crazies and the lunatic fringe were all bundled in with the Cheesies, Gypsies, Russians and Poles and in Hitler’s words exterminated.

After each phase of dirty work proceeded in a master plan devised by the Pharisees, the thugs had carried out the dirty deeds were themselves murdered, Ernst Röhm leader of the thug SA movement murdered with numerous of his thug mates in the Night of the Long Knives massacres that began in June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.

The bully boys who did the hands on jobs of thuggery, the scabs of their day, witness the 1929 murder of numerous members of the Gas Fitters Union in Germany. Deeds that were done to empower the Nazis after they had emerged as a political force, with Hitler at their helm in the late 1920’s, murdering, bashing, extorting, and thugging their way along, until the Nazi’s gained absolute power in 1933.

Then witness the testimony of Katherine Schweitzer a Jewish lady from Budapest, the only survivor if a family of fourteen arrested in 1944 by a Jew member of Horsha the Hungarian thug police, and deported to Auschwitz, who told Australian 60 Minutes reporter Richard CarletonJPG, the Jew who arrested her was living a few doors up on the same street in Sydney Australia.

Her murdered body was discovered in a wheely bin inside her high security Sydney apartment, December 28, 2006, four weeks after we put her story onto a union email went to around four thousand e addresses world wide, including to all members of the Israeli Knesset, and every member of both houses of the Australian Federal Parliament!

According to Alex Jones George Soros then in his teen years, "cataloged" the possessions of Jews deported from Budapest at that time .. we say he was "hands on" in her case!

The Holocaust debate will be incomplete until ppl take it onboard that Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, that Jews incensed by the license granted in the Talmud perpetrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States.

Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. 18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.

See the current conflict as a struggle between US and Talmudic Law, thus true patriots will continue to demand millions of Jews be brought to arrest, trial and execution as 911 traitors under US Law, while they will carry on doing whatever they will under the aegis of the Talmud .. we are gonna see who wins out.

Edit: Before Hitler Came, by Dietrich Bronder - This tract which was banned in Germany as soon as it appeared, is the main source for the claim Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, scroll to page 207.

Hitler a Jew.